Russia: Filthy Tranny Appears on Major Magazine Cover

Looks like the tranny virus is making its way to the East.

Moscow Times:

Tatler has become Russia’s first magazine to feature a transgender woman on its cover, the society magazine announced as its April issue hit newsstands Wednesday.

The Kazakh-born, Paris- and Moscow-based socialite Natalia Maximova came out to her Instagram followers in December. In the interview with Tatler’s chief editor, Maximova said she “never had the need to come out” until she witnessed and intervened in a confrontational scene in Belgium.

“I understood then that I have no right not to defend others. I have no right to stay silent,” she said.

Tatler, a Condé Nast publication in Russian circulation since 2008, said it hoped Maximova’s interview “will give hope to those who need it.”

“I want to dedicate [the cover] to those who fight, to those who love and to those who made their choices or [are] on their way to [making] a decision,” Maximova wrote.

At least half a dozen major magazines around the world have featured transgender models on their covers, including Vanity Fair’s 2015 cover of Caitlyn Jenner, who was previously known as former Olympic champion Bruce Jenner.

Of course, our Nazbol friends will never highlight stories like these because they’re committed (or paid) to pushing the false narrative that Russia is a paradise for traditionalism.

It’s no paradise and its traditionalism is evidently cracking.

5 thoughts on “Russia: Filthy Tranny Appears on Major Magazine Cover

  1. But.. but.. I thought Putin attacked Ukraine in order to save it from falling into the hands of gay European Union.

  2. Russian trad tech will achieve russian trannies to get preggo, bear children and be good housewives. That woul be ok, but allowing them to be career bitches on the media is not a good idea,

  3. He was born in Kazakhstan which is a former Soviet colony and not in Russia.
    Him on a magazine cover doesn’t change the fact the LGBT movement is nowhere as potent in East Europe and Asia as it is in the States or West so YES they are still much more traditional in that sense.

  4. Surprise, surprise. Turns out that Jewtin isn’t so much of a traditionalist (although a better term would be “naturalist”, to be honest) as some people previously thought. What a profoundly shocking development…

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