Beijing Biden is China’s Pick for President

The crypto-gook leader of the Nazbols is saying that “the libs hate China”.

Everything Nazbols say is a hoax.

Liberals and globalists love China, or are at least sympathetic to it in many ways and helped facilitate its rise.

Despite one ad from Biden trying to make Trump look more pro-Chinese than him, China heavily favors Biden in the coming election due to his conciliatory stance and financial ties to the country.

Biden’s latest ad, actually, caused other liberals and Democrats to condemn him for it.


Joe Biden’s effort to outflank President Donald Trump on China is leading to blowback from within his own political base. 

Some worry the rhetoric in a new Biden campaign ad could spur anti-Asian bias already on the rise because of the coronavirus pandemic. Others argue that Biden’s effort to sound tougher on China than Trump could backfire diplomatically in the long run.

The rifts on the left are far from a serious fracture, but they nonetheless illustrate the challenge the former vice president faces in trying to lay out a U.S.-China policy that has become even more complicated thanks to the might of a tiny virus. 

The criticism on the left emerged after the Biden team released a digital ad that ripped the president as too willing to accept Chinese government explanations in the early days of the virus. Trump “rolled over for the Chinese,” the ad says, while Biden takes a tougher line, the message delivered over footage including what appear to be Chinese security forces. 

“I would be on the phone with China and making it clear: ‘We are going to need to be in your country. You have to be open. You have to be clear. We have to know what’s going on,’” Biden says in the ad. 

Democrats have criticized the Trump team’s efforts as xenophobic. One Trump ad, for instance, implies Biden is cozy with Chinese leaders by picturing him alongside former U.S. ambassador to China Gary Locke, an American of Asian descent. But Trump himself has piled on. In a recent tweet, Trump claimed: “China wants Sleepy Joe sooo badly … Joe is an easy mark, their DREAM CANDIDATE!” 

Trump repeatedly praised Chinese leader Xi Jinping as the virus spread across the world, though his aides have more recently stepped up criticism of the Chinese government’s lack of transparency about the outbreak. Trump also cites his late January decision to restrict entry to people traveling from China as proof of his prescience about the deadly pandemic striking the U.S., despite his copious comments dismissing the possibility. (The Biden ad says the ban wasn’t as airtight as Trump claims.) 

Asian-American activists were among those most appalled by the Biden ad’s language, tone and visuals, and some have called him out for it. 

“Wow ⁦@JoeBiden. Already trying to out-Trump Trump,” tweeted Cecillia Wang, a deputy legal director at the national ACLU. “This kind of fearmongering is causing violent attacks on Asian Americans.”

Funny how when Trump praises China and goes soft on it, as he has done in the past, these Nazbols never give him a pat on the back. They continue to attack him. That’s because Nazbols are secret Democrats who will always find fault with whatever Trump does.

New York Post:

Xi Jinping and his Communist cronies should celebrate Joe Biden’s recent turnaround at the ballot box, maybe with a (masked) ball. Joe and Hunter Biden embody the globalism that empowered a China bent on surpassing the United States.

Start with Hunter’s shenanigans. In 2017, the illustrious vice-presidential son was granted what Chinese commentators described as a Xianchai, a sinecure reserved for offspring of important officials, at BHR Partners. BHR is a $20 billion fund with shareholders that include China Life, China Development Bank and other state-owned entities. China’s State Council calls on BHR to find deals abroad by hiring foreigners with political connections.

Hunter may have been the wrong choice, though, considering his knack for attracting publicity and his dealings with Ye Jianming, a former energy CEO now jailed by Beijing for corruption. Jianming presented Hunter a large diamond — and the president of Chad a $2 million bribe.

Under media scrutiny, young Biden announced his resignation from BHR in October 2019, though the Chinese public records still list him as an officer. This all happened, he explains, after his father left office. In China, though, there is a widespread belief that officials are even more influential in retirement.

Not that Papa Biden hasn’t been helpful to Junior in office. In 2013, Hunter’s business partner Jonathan Li and his father sat down for a meeting. Hunter calls such encounters “social visits,” but business in China happens over dinner and boozy karaoke fests.

To many Americans, Hunter’s wheeling and dealing in China might look like another example of the powerful exploiting access — just like, well, Hunter in Ukraine. But this Xianchai is more sinister: It’s the apotheosis of the corrupt bond between US elites and China’s brutal regime.

Hunter is a winner in a globalist system that saw America hand to China its industrial base, good jobs, intellectual property and global standing in exchange for market access and flattery. China, Wall Street and the Bidens profited.

His son’s profiteering aside, Joe Biden defends this system — and has since meeting Deng Xiaoping in 1979, when he joined the first US congressional delegation to the People’s Republic.

As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the early 2000s and then as veep, Biden helped along China’s geopolitical rise. Bernie Sanders is thus right to criticize Biden for supporting the grant of Permanent Normal Trade Relations status to China in 2000.

National Review:

It should have been a warning on more fronts than one when President Obama recruited Biden to his ticket to buttress his credibility on foreign policy; unsurprisingly, there was no about-face on Beijing. As the Chinese Communist Party gained strength and Xi Jinping seized absolute power, Biden continued to push for closer ties and even more trade. As for American workers? In February 2012, in friendly remarks with Xi standing next to him, Biden praised Beijing as a “new partner” that would help to meet “global challenges,” and said Americans “welcome this competition. . . . It pushes our companies to develop better products and services and our government to craft better policies.” Millions of American jobs were disappearing as he spoke, and the militarization of the South China Sea was just around the corner.

While warmer ties with China were devastating American workers and threatening our national security, they have been very good for the Biden family. Reporters thought it unusual when Hunter Biden, Biden’s prodigal son, accompanied him on a trip to Beijing in 2013. That same year, Hunter joined the board of a Shanghai-based private equity firm. In 2017, a few months after his father left office, he invested a substantial chunk of his own money in the company. We don’t know what he’s made off the deal, but I expect Hunter is doing better than laid-off workers in Arkansas or Delaware. Must be nice.

Fox News:

As the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry into President Trump deepens, a spotlight has been cast on Hunter Biden ventures abroad not only in Ukraine but in China, where he set about investing while his dad served as vice president.

The questions come as Republicans are demanding that Hunter Biden – the 49-year-old son of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden – appear before Congress to testify on his work.

For almost six years, the firm connected to Hunter Biden in China has moved more than $2.5 billion into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors.

Analysts point to the plethora of “ethical challenges” of Hunter doing such deals in China while his father was in the White House.

“At a time when the Obama administration was trying to pivot to Asia, a policy that ultimately fell flat, one has to at least stop and think what connections between policy and personal interests were there,” said Harry Kazianis, senior director for the Center for the National Interest. “While chances are Hunter Biden was doing what a lot of family members of famous politicians do – cash in on their name – it looks dirty.”

Biden served as one of nine directors of the private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST – better known as BHR Partners – which is 80 percent mandated by shareholders in the Chinese government, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The firm was registered less than two weeks after Biden flew with his then-vice president father on Air Force Two for official business in China in December 2013, but his lawyer has previously stated that talks were in place months earlier.

The hilarious thing is that Nazbols will actually praise people like Biden for being amenable to China’s interests. They only attack him when he strays from full servility to Beijing. It is some kind of Chink shaming ritual. They will literally praise Democrats for being softer on these foreign dindu regimes than Republicans. They do it all the time and even encouraged people to vote for Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders on the exclusive basis that they’re not as hawkish towards foreign dindu regimes.

That’s because Nazbols are all non-whites themselves, and are most likely paid agents of the foreign countries they’re constantly writing propaganda for. Nazbols are a collection of crypto-gooks, Arabs and Amerindians. None of them are pure white. The ones who are white are usually Russians working for one of Dugin’s think tanks.

Don’t let these lying, non-white Nazbols fool you about China. China is a hostile enemy nation that is colonizing parts of the West through mass Chinese immigration and economic chicanery. Nazbols will condemn Western countries for practicing “capitalism,” but then praise China and Russia for practicing the most rapacious form of crony capitalism. It’s all about just knocking the West down so that China and Russia can fill the power void and rule the planet.

Typical Nazbol phenotype

The solitary political goal of the Nazbols is to deliver the entire world on a silver platter to the Gook race.

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