Trump Makes Move to Scrap Obama-Era Tranny Protections

Trump has always been good on this tranny issue. I remember when he first got in office the tranny lobby was wailing about how he banned cross-dressers from the military.


The Trump administration is moving to scrap an Obama-era policy that protected LGBTQ patients from discrimination, alarming health experts who warn that the regulatory rollback could harm vulnerable people during a pandemic.

The health department is close to finalizing its long-developing rewrite of Obamacare’s Section 1557 provision, which barred health care discrimination based on sex and gender identity. The administration’s final rule on Thursday was circulated at the Justice Department, a step toward publicly releasing the regulation in the coming days, said two people with knowledge of the pending rule. The White House on Friday morning also updated a regulatory dashboard to indicate that the rule was under review. Advocates fear that it would allow hospitals and health workers to more easily discriminate against patients based on their gender or sexual orientation.

The Obama administration moved to create its non-discrimination protections in response to advocates and health care experts who said that LGBTQ patients were being turned away from necessary care or intimidated from seeking it out. The broad rule also offered specific protections for transgender patients for the first time and extended protections for women who had abortions. But a federal judge in 2016 blocked those protections following a lawsuit from religious groups, and the Trump administration has steadily worked to weaken the rule before it could take full effect.

In last year’s proposal, the health department also proposed changes that went further than simply rolling back the new Obama protections, moving to eliminate similar nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ patients that were contained in other regulations.

The reason that Obama was so pro-tranny was because his “wife”, Michelle, is a man with a penis.

That explains it, doesn’t it?

Trump knows that transphobia plays well with his conservative Christian base. But he needs to go further than just not giving them special protections and banning them from the military. He needs to publicly call out transsexuals as mentally ill deviants who belong in mental institutions where they can be treated for severe delusions and schizophrenia.

A society that tolerates transsexuals is a society that will collectively die of AIDS.

3 thoughts on “Trump Makes Move to Scrap Obama-Era Tranny Protections

  1. Trans is a global cult. It is akin to declaring war on yourself, your biology and innate purposes. It is mass delusion made into a societal juggernaut. The trans industrial complex. A sane society would not celebrate and parade them as warriors. A sane society would have them undergo psychiatric treatment. But we no longer live in a sane society. We thrust children into the arms of predators and freaks them call it progressive.

  2. This will make America more healthy. I am not surprised that a nigger mussie would give protection to such verminous filth. Obumma is such an awful nigger parasite.

  3. This will make America more healthy. I am not surprised that a mussie would give protection to such verminous filth. Obumma is such an awful parasite.

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