Evil Spanish Bolshevik Irene Montero is Babbling Nonsense About the Need for More “Equality”

Can you believe that this Bolshevik harlot, Irene Montero, is currently the Minister for Equality in Spain?

Yes, Spain actually has an Orwellian “Ministro de Igualdad” and the most Bolshevik politician in the country is in that position.

El Espanol:

La ministra de Igualdad, Irene Montero, ha hecho un llamamiento a la Unión Europa par que tome cuanto antes una decisión “valiente” y dé respuesta así a la crisis social y económica que está provocando la pandemia del coronavirus en el bloque. 

Considera que esta decisión solamente tiene sentido si es “antifascista” y si es “en común”, después de que Holanda intentara bloquear un paquete de ayudas a los países más afectados, como España o Italia.

Así lo ha confirmado en una entrevista en la radio argentina La Pizarra, en la que también ha hablado sobre la autocrítica del Gobierno afirmando que en una situación como está decir que alguien no ha cometido un error “es directamente mentir”, si bien ha señalado que las únicas críticas que tienen sentido son las que “van acompañadas de una alternativa”.

Durante esta entrevista, la ministra de Igualdad ha puesto a Argentina como ejemplo para construir formas de organización social “que no dejen a nadie atrás” una vez superada la crisis provocada por esta pandemia.

A este respecto, Montero ha defendido que esta crisis sanitaria ha dejado “al descubierto” desigualdades estructurales que incluyen al género. Considera que existe una “feminización” de la pobreza que se ha acentuado durante el confinamiento en relación con la violencia machista.

El reto de reducir las desigualdades de género no está desconectado de los objetivos que todas las sociedades tenemos ahora que es lo que el feminismo lleva mucho rato diciendo: construir sociedades igualitarias, más democráticas y donde los derechos estén garantizados para todos”, ha subrayado.

Of course, she’s using the opportunity to pontificate more demagoguery about “equality” and how women are so oppressed. This is the perpetual clarion call of the Bolshevik Harlot.

So she is saying that the Chink Virus lockdown proves that there are “structural inequalities” affecting the poor, downtrodden women of Spain.

No, slut, the truth is that women by their own volition fill up all the service sector and tourism jobs that went belly up due to the lockdown that her own coalition leftist government imposed over Spaniards. She and her party did all of this and then she complains about “structural inequalities”? In other words, she’s just crying that women choose to go into precarious industries like tourism and the service sector which have been devastated by the lockdown imposed by her own party.

This same whore promoted the March 8 feminist march in Madrid, Barcelona and other cities which spread the virus rapidly across Spain. This monstrous cunt and her politics is to blame for the whole crisis. But instead of admitting responsibility for being so evil, so incompetent and wrongheaded, she doubles down on her own spiked kool-aid and petitions for “anti-fascism” and more women-pandering.

The only solution for Spain may be a new civil war. You cannot get through to low-IQ morons like Irene Montero and her Bolshevik coalition. They will carry Spain to its grave. The only way to solve this political problem is on the battlefield, it seems.

2 thoughts on “Evil Spanish Bolshevik Irene Montero is Babbling Nonsense About the Need for More “Equality”

  1. I guess she is very angry since commie hubby Pablo Iglesias left her for her new secretary, a 27 year old. Of course she will take their mansion, the children, alimony, child support, etc.
    This Iglesias guy always follows the same pattern it: he fucks his secretary, then he gives her some relevant official position, in the party first, then in the goverment. This is at least the third time he does it. And, of course, all these women whose only skill is to spread wide open thinking in England for Iglesias claim to be very feminist.

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