Man Who Featured in Five Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse

I remember writing about these freaks.

Summit News:

A man who featured as one of the four male partners in a polyamorous relationship with a pregnant woman that received media attention in December has been charged with aggravated child abuse after the 5-week-old baby suffered multiple severe injuries.

22-year-old Ethan Baucom was one of the individuals shown in a Barcroft TV production which told the story of 20-year-old Tory Ojeda sharing her Jacksonville, Fla. with three of her four partners, including Baucom.

Ojeda revealed that she was marrying one of the men in the house, Travis, but that the father of her baby was another partner called Christopher.

“We’re all raising the baby together — so everyone’s Dad,” Ojeda said. “We’re all very, very excited to be raising a baby together.”

Christopher said he was looking forward to sharing father responsibilities with the other men in the house, commenting, “There is a lot of support between all of us dads and it’s something we can tag team.”

It has now been revealed that one of those men, Ethan Baucom, admitted to physically abusing the 5-week-old baby while babysitting the infant.

According to reports, the baby suffered a “broken leg, arm, ribs and skull fractures.”

The police report also reveals that Baucom, who told officers he needed to tell the truth,” heard a “pop” during the incident, which occurred on March 12th.

Did anyone expect anything different?

A polyamorous relationship with four men and one bulldyke will inevitably lead to something tragic, probably a mass murder-suicide situation.

Just look at these defective subhumans.

When hellish evil like this is hailed in our society as hip and progressive, you know we’ve fallen deep down into the pits of hell.

A family is one man, one woman, and however many children they have. Any other configuration is an abominable sin that dangerous Marxist Jews concocted to subvert our society.

2 thoughts on “Man Who Featured in Five Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse

  1. I’ve got to give 20-year-old Tory Ojeda credit; shes managed to get 4 dudes to tend to her every wish, pay for her needs, etc. an all she does is provide her pussy.

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