George Orwell’s 1984 Nightmare is Here

By Philippe Armstrong

George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived. The United Nations Agenda 2030 is gaining ground and could become a frightening reality. The left have captured all the institutions. Universities in the West are havens for useless social justice warriors, devilish feminism and Marxism. Universities are full of trigger warnings and safe spaces. If they cannot handle an alternate view, they try to ban it. University research papers are becoming more boring by the day. The papers are all groupthink, all left orthodoxy. Students who do not toe the line just keep their mouths shut.  

You will be called a hero if you are a trans individual at university, but you will be called evil if you are a conservative and believe in traditional families. If you are trans you will be on the front page of the university newspaper, but if you are a female who wants to have a child and you think motherhood is the greatest gift, you will be called an enemy of feminism. You belong in the past if you think that way. Traditional families are oppressive you see and the idea of a child having a mother and a father, well, that is backward primitive thinking. 

Abortion is now increasingly celebrated. The fact it always results in dead babies does not matter. It is healthcare, a right. Abortion clinics simply help a parent’s escape from parenting by aborting babies. But you are not to mention that. A doublespeak George Orwell society says society has no business discussing or decrying mutually planned killing. Using power to crush innocent life is considered liberating. The death camps of World War 2 did not end. It simply got rebranded and relocated. The unwanted and burdensome are taken to what are called reproductive health clinics. If abortion is not killing an innocent unborn life, then sonograms or images would clearly show that and no psychological damage would occur. But because it is obvious abortion is killing, it is best those things be covered up. 

The decimination of the family and the destruction of the sexual revolution-it is my wishes, my wants, my self-whims that are most important. Consequences do not matter. Increased debauchery and sexual permissiveness has led to a collapse of cultures-depraved drag queens reading to children, sadomasochism of homosexuals marching down the streets is the end result. Events with public whippings, public sex acts, nakedness and satanic worship you would think are signs a culture is collapsing. No. The progressives flaunt and praise these choices and the bigots are now the ones calling it out. No discussion allowed. In Canada, a teacher’s role is to endorse and teach everything the LGBTIQ says is right. No one can question or disagree with the transexual movement. 

The United Nations Agenda 2030 is George Orwell on steroids. The United Nations’ goals are to end poverty. Translation is centralized banks. Ensure healthy lives. Translation-mass vaccination. Ensure inclusive and equitable education. Translation-UN propaganda and social justice warriors. Achieve gender equality, empower women. Translation-abortion. Reduce inequality. Translation-more government bureaucracy. Sustainable consumption and production. Translation-forced austerity. 

George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived and it has come in the name of progress and socialism. It means open borders, global government tyranny and destruction of parental rights. It is to punish the rich, successful and innovators. It is to redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it. Banning all gun ownership will be another goal. The United Nations wants to teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides. 

The United Nations is socialist. Socialists in the end are quacks, snake oil salesmen, con-men, shysters. No socialist will practice what they preach. It is about forcing others to practice what they preach. 

6 thoughts on “George Orwell’s 1984 Nightmare is Here

  1. Very well written, sir. I agree with you entirely. The UN is pathetic, and Human Rights is an appalling made up jewish nonsense. Any good Christian must surely see that God does not condone Human Rights. Nor peace and love for all these depraved sickos and deranged commies, etc.

    The international jew beast smut system that they inflict on us day after day, represented as Mystery Babylon in the Bible, shall fall, but I fear, as Revelation warns, that it will only get alot worse before White Man turns back to God for salvation, and thus Jesus shall return.

  2. Agree. Thank you for your comment. Debauchery and smut, social liberals and extreme leftists are butchering the West. Feminism is rotten to the core. The UN is a dictatorship of unelected beuracrats. It is actually totally useless.

  3. George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived due to one reason and one reason only.
    Europeans have since the beginning of time been under intense eugenic pressure, by nature or by man. This lack of proper genetics has swallowed us up fast and now squats and pushes out lottsa crap.

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