Polish Leaders Cuck Out to Jewish Hobgoblins Wanting to Seize Heirless Property

Jews are always trying to get their hands on free shit, whether that be property, jewels, or cash.


Poland’s ruling party took a stand on Wednesday against a far-right push to stop the restitution of property owned by Jews and others before the Holocaust.Far-right activists had gathered enough signatures to present a draft resolution to the Sejm, the lower house of Polish parliament, that would prohibit the redistribution of “heirless property”— property that belonged to private individuals, many of them Jews, who were killed in the Holocaust and whose heirs, if they exist, never filed for restitution.

“It is forbidden to take any actions aimed at satisfying claims regarding heirless property, including negotiations, entering into settlements, recognizing claims and actions relating to heirless property, consenting to mediation, directing parties to mediation or payment of cash benefits,” the draft states.

It also states that Nazi Germany, not Poland, is responsible for what happened in Poland when it was occupied by Germany.Speaking for the right-wing ruling Law and Justice party, lawmaker Arkadiusz Mularczyk said the draft resolution was unnecessary, as “the problem of landless land in Poland does not really exist.”Maciej Konieczny, a lawmaker for Left Together, called the draft anti-Semitic, adding it was “a scare campaign about Jews who are supposedly going to rob Poland.

Why it matters: The draft underlined the significance that many from the Polish right-wing, including members of Law and Justice’s base, attach to resisting restitution.Law and Justice has faced harsh condemnations by Israel, the United States and international Jewish groups over its passing in 2018 of a law that makes it illegal to blame Poland for Nazi crimes.

These Heebs are the kings and queens of hucksterism. Many of these “Holocaust survivors” are total phonies just looking to get their hands on reparations cash and other assets from various guilt-tripped countries.

These hoaxers try to justify their lies by saying that they only did so to “keep the truth alive”:

“I was wrong. I ask forgiveness,” he added. “I determined at that moment to do everything in my power to prevent the loss of the truth about wartime life (and death) at Auschwitz.”

“Truth” to Jews is anything that serves the global interests of the Jewish race. This was an important feature of all the cross-examined Holohoaxers at the Ernst Zundel trial in the 80s. Many of them admitted to fabricating entire portions of their memoirs so as to make the fake ‘memories’ more vivid and appealing to audiences.

The lesson to be learned from all of this is that everything Jews say is most likely a gargantuan lie to further the agenda of Jewish world dominion.

7 thoughts on “Polish Leaders Cuck Out to Jewish Hobgoblins Wanting to Seize Heirless Property

        1. Yeah, but I am saying this because in so-called “alt-right” circles, a lot of people think of Poo-land/Poland as based, while the reality is miles away from that. Before I actually learned to trust alt-media as much as I trust lame-stream media, namely not trust any sort of media at all, I used to think that way too, but then, I met Polacks, and realized that Polacks are just a dumb piece of shit people, far from being “based” and all that. Also, I read about some seemingly secret history, even to most alt-right people, about Poo-land, namely that they started the aggression which would transpire to be WWII. It’s funny though that I clearly remember that about 4 years ago, when I woke up to the fact that Poo-land drew the first blood against Germany, and not the other way around as we have been brainwashed in school to believe, it was also Red Ice who made an episode about this. I don’t think I’ve watched it, but it must have been about this, because the title suggested that and the YouTube thumbnail for that video showed this man in it, Edward Rydz-Śmigły, who actually is the most guilty party for making WWII possible. But then, they (Red Ice) made other episodes inviting Polacks to talk on their show, allegedly to keep on selling this idea that Poo-land is based. Seriously Red Ice, what is your stance on this?

  1. These hoaxers try to justify their lies by saying that they only did so to “keep the truth alive”:
    correction: so that they can “keep the LIE alive”:

  2. Oh, This is not ower! So Trump in 2018 on May 9 signed this document that will basically push countries like Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc to pay a lot of money to Jews otherwise there are probably going to be economic sanctions or something from the US!
    Imagine if one Spanish person owned some property in Poland, for example, before ww2 and now Spain would say give it back to us, Spain! This would be ridiculed! Jews have no shame…

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