Germany: Moslems Flaunt Quarantine to Attend Mosque & Pray to Demon God

If you didn’t already know, moslems live by different rules to native white people.

Summit News:

A video out of Berlin shows Muslim worshippers flagrantly violating Germany’s quarantine law and social distancing rules by congregating outside a mosque as police fail in attempting to disperse them.

The clip shows dozens of Muslims crowded outside the Dar-as-Salam mosque in Berlin’s immigrant-heavy Neukölln district as the Islamic call to prayer is broadcast on a loudspeaker.

The gathering is in total violation of Germany’s new lockdown law, which bans gatherings of more than two people and mandates social distancing.

At one point, a police officer tries to tell the crowd to disperse or at least stand further apart from each other, but he is totally ignored.

The reason that moslems disobey quarantine rules is because they don’t believe that anyone but their satanic deity Allah can make and enforce rule on them.

Moslems living in Western countries correctly consider themselves guests in these countries who are there merely to spread their religion and culture to the filthy infidels.

These rodents will continue to flaunt the infidels’ domestic laws and just do whatever they want because they think they’re the chosen people who live by different rules to the rest of us.

This is all proof-positive that moslems are a dangerous internal security threat for all Western countries. They present a security and now a viral threat. And yet evil she beasts like Angela Merkel continue to invite these pests into our lands on the sole basis that she fantasizes about being anally gang-raped by Mohammedans.

Merkel is a twisted old pervert who wishes to have sex with gangs of hairy moslem men from Afghanistan. That is literally the singular reason behind why she let in a million mud invaders in 2015.

6 thoughts on “Germany: Moslems Flaunt Quarantine to Attend Mosque & Pray to Demon God

  1. If you not willing to crack n***** he**s then you are going to have to put up with what you have allowed. You must be willing to change the system that has enslaved ,are you are always going to be servants of the non white.

  2. No one should self be incarcerating themselves or allowing this plandemic psyop.
    Virus is real, pandemic is fake.
    First time in my life witnessing cattle fencing themselves in.

  3. Demon God ? You sir are a Idiot. The same God Jesus worshiped is the same God as Allah which means God in arabic, islam is the truth and muslims will rule your lands and your kids will marry muslims no matter how much you hate it, islam is the only religion that spreads honest and truth to worship 1 God alone and not idol worship Jesus a Human being but instead worship the creator not the creation, Its funny How evil Supremacist like you people believe in Jesus a Middle Eastern Man? And potrait him to be a European with blue eyes Smh you people are delusional.

    1. Genesis 16:12: And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

      So spoke the Angel about Ishmael and his descendants.
      Islam and Christianity may be both Abrahamic religions, but Jesus was descended from the purest of the purest lines, from Shem and not Ham, rom Sarah and not Hagar, of all of Jacob’s sons, from Joseph- the first son born through Rachel- himself. Always the righteous patriarch, always the purest wife, never the slave, so yes, it is absolutely certain that he had the blondest hair and the bluest eyes.

      This you could have derived if you read The Holy Bible. And if you had read The Holy Quran, you would have known that
      1) Allah breathed his own light into Mary, so, no, Jesus was not a mortal, and
      2) Jesus is to return on the day of Judgement, unlike any other prophet, not even Mohammed, this is in the Quran itself.

      But a civilized discussion is not to be expected out of you, as you wrote above, you people have no intention of being civil at all (it’s against your nature) you proved what we’ve been trying to say by saying it yourself.

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