Hungary: Orban Government Proposes Bill to Ban Official Recognition of Trannies

Orban continues making the right moves to help his country overcome demographic decline.


A draft law proposed by the Hungarian government would end legal gender recognition for transgender people.

The bill, submitted on Tuesday as attention was focused on the introduction of a controversial set of measures ostensibly aimed at fighting coronavirus, stipulates that gender should be defined as “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes”.


There are only two biological genders. There are also hermaphrodites who have deformed genitalia because of a birth defect. The rest of these people who claim something outside of the two biological genders are just perverted homosexual cross-dressers looking to trick straight people into having sex with them.

It would record people’s “sex at birth” in the Hungarian civil registry and thus make it impossible to change anyone’s legally recognised gender.

On Monday, the Hungarian parliament passed a law that allows the prime minister, Viktor Orbán, to rule by decree for as long as the coronavirus crisis is deemed to be continuing. It also mandates jail time for intentionally spreading disinformation that hampers the coronavirus response, measures that were roundly criticised by the opposition at home and politicians abroad.

The gender regulation, part of a larger bill on a number of issues not related to coronavirus, will still be considered by parliament in the normal way. It shows that even as Orbán requested special measures for fighting coronavirus, his government had not forgotten its other battles. Trans rights and so-called “gender ideology” are frequent bugbears of alt-right and conservative politicians, and Orbán’s government has previously introduced a measure that in effect banned universities from teaching gender studies.

Orban was correct to ban gender studies from universities. Gender studies is nothing more than radical indoctrination of females, thrusting them into nihilistic man-hatred and lesbianism. All sane white countries must ban these “studies” and expel from the country any sinister “professors” attempting to teach this satanic tripe.

Trans people have had trouble legally changing their documents since 2018, Reuters reported, a situation that is currently subject to several legal challenges. The proposed bill would enshrine this denial of changes in law.

The Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, called on Hungary’s parliament not to adopt the law, and said the measure was in contravention of human rights standards and the case law of the European court of human rights.

“Transgender persons have the right to legal recognition of their gender based on self-determination. This is an essential step to ensure respect for their human rights in all areas of life. Legal gender recognition is a matter of human dignity,” she said in a statement on Thursday.

And in steps the homosexual-dominated Council of Europe trying to impose their own radical fag agenda on Hungary.


Are these homosexuals not the most aggressive totalitarian psychopaths you’ve ever seen? These demented people are endeavoring to establish a global progressive dictatorship that will mandate all human heteros to open up their anuses for the whimsical pleasure of deviant fags.

But not on Viktor Orban’s watch!

7 thoughts on “Hungary: Orban Government Proposes Bill to Ban Official Recognition of Trannies

  1. Unfortunately, Orban will probably be assassinated by (((them))) if he goes too far. But I admit, it’s very lifefuel content lately.

  2. As soon as the Jew is in possession of political power, he drops the last few veils which have hitherto helped to conceal his features. Out of the democratic Jew, the Jew of the People, arises the Jew of the Blood, the tyrant of the peoples. In the course of a few years he endeavors to exterminate all those who represent the national intelligence. And by thus depriving the peoples of their natural intellectual leaders he fits them for their fate as slaves under a lasting despotism.” -Hitler

    The Jewish international struggle… always end in bloody Bolshevization… the destruction of the intellectual upper classes associated with the various peoples, so that he himself will be able to rise to mastery over the now leaderless humanity.” -Hitler

  3. At least there is one sane leader out there in the West. Gender studies, feminism, cultural studies and all the other useless fluff at universities must go. Trans should be banned outright and any surgeon out for quick bucks out of deranged individuals should be arrested and de-registered. Parents who take their children to Frankenstein surgeons and change their sex need to be mentally evaluated. The floodgates opened when faggots were removed from DSM in 73 by militants. The degeneracy since proved it should never have been removed.

  4. I don’t think he is as based as appears. He supports Israel and Budapest has a huge synogauge. He also is working on a holocaust museum. Maybe the Jew wants one other place to go besides Israel when the SHTF. Who knows.

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