Jew CNN Uses Chinese Virus to Promote Female Political Supremacy

You can always count on CNN to use a disaster to promote global female supremacy.


In Taiwan, early intervention measures have controlled the coronavirus pandemic so successfully that it is now exporting millions of face masks to help the European Union and others. Germany has overseen the largest-scale coronavirus testing program in Europe, conducting 350,000 tests each week, detecting the virus early enough to isolate and treat patients effectively. In New Zealand, the prime minister took early action to shut down tourism and impose a month-long lockdown on the entire country, limiting coronavirus casualties to just nine deaths.

All three places have received accolades for their impressive handling of the coronavirus pandemic. They are scattered across the globe: one is in the heart of Europe, one is in Asia and the other is in the South Pacific. But they have one thing in common: they’re all led by women.The success of these and other women-led governments in dealing with a global pandemic is all the more noteworthy, given that women make up less than 7% of world leaders.

These countries — all multi-party democracies with high levels of public trust in their governments — have contained the pandemic through early, scientific intervention. They have implemented widespread testing, easy access to quality medical treatment, aggressive contact tracing and tough restrictions on social gatherings.

The same CNN attacked Trump for his ban on travel from China and use of the term Chinese Virus. And here they’re praising other countries for imposing travel restrictions early on… because the politicians who took those decisions were women.

So we understand the MO of CNN: praise any decisive action taken by a female politician, but criticize male politicians who did the same.

These same liberals were initially telling people not to worry about the virus, to go hug the nearest Chinese person, and that closing the borders to travel and immigration was racist.

But here they’re praising other countries who did that because their leaders are women.

In the eyes of CNN and liberal satanists, whatever women do is right and praiseworthy, but whatever men do is bad and condemnable.

That’s because most of the people who work at CNN are white-hating Jewish hobgoblins and homosexuals committed to delivering the world into Satan’s arms.

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