Jiggaboo Camwhore Sarvani Brags of Buying a House From OnlyFans Income

A filthy jiggaboo camwhore called Sarvani is bragging on Twitter that she was able to buy a house using her income from OnlyFans, a degenerate smut website where whores post pictures and video of their breasts and genitalia to subscribers.

Mark Dice had the correct response.


Her response to Dice was a gay meme of a harlot throwing money in the air.

Yes, this is how these low-IQ harlots think. As long as they’re raking in cash by being internet camwhores, they’ll gloat in their very temporary opulence.

This slut has no skills other than showing people her mediocre body and genitalia.


Tits, ass and pussy. El fin.

These women are shameless in their insatiable lust for cash, material possessions and attention. Their carnal desires to have people look at them and pay them to show off their genitalia have no limit, no conceivable end. They claim they don’t want to be objectified, yet make themselves into sexual props and mannequins exclusively to obtain the male gaze.

Is a rancid whore who signals that she loves to suck cock by sticking her tongue out marriage material?

The problem these putrid skanks will have is that men quickly get bored of looking at the same girl, the same pair of tits, the same ass and pussy, and will surely unsubscribe to whatever smut they’re putting out within a short period of time.

But it is partially men’s fault for allowing these evil, cum-guzzling whores to exploit them sexually with virtual smut. These men gain a very temporary dopamine release in the brain and that’s it. These are weak men with low self-esteem. They are desperate and they think that some live-action camwhoring is the closest they’ll get to seeing a real female naked. This female they’re looking at through a computer screen will never have sex with them; she will only suck their cash like a parasite. She will suck every last penny out of them until they’re completely destitute and she will laugh all the way to the bank.

The best defense against harlotry of this perverse nature is putting these broads on ignore. Don’t look at their grotesque smut and certainly don’t pay to see it. Also, slut-shaming them is essential to driving them back into the dirty holes that they crawled out of. So call them sluts, whores and filthy harlots as often as possible.

9 thoughts on “Jiggaboo Camwhore Sarvani Brags of Buying a House From OnlyFans Income

    1. 50€.
      Is she Indian?
      I do not get this thing. We have free porn. It is like strip clubs. I do not get it neither sin e we have many brothels here
      And, good for her. She is doing whatshe has to do, That slut shamer, Mark Dice, he is very wrong: she will have a nice place in milf camwhoring.

  1. whos the bigger fool, the people paying her, or the fact she bought a shitbox that will be falling down in 20 years with 200k pissed down the drain

  2. i’am okay with that.
    Better the money is off with her to buy serious investments like real estate than with betas who would otherwise just spend it on consumer trash like video games or anime figures.

  3. imagine sitting on ur ass and writing a whole think piece on a grown ass woman who doesn’t give a fuck. sounds like real incel behavior lmao

  4. Wow y’all can’t even be called wallets. This is some broke insufferable man baby content if I’ve ever seen it. All I see is a beautiful woman profiting off the sexualization of women put forth by men and the patriarchy who couldn’t be less bothered.

    1. But I thought the “patriarchy” tried to restrain women’s sexuality and control them, but now you say it’s the patriarchy that “sexualizes” them? Which is it, retard?

      You’re a moronic cuck.

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