Meghan Markle Has Been a Bitchy Feminist Bull-Dyke Since Childhood

The racially ambiguous wife of submissive cuck Prince Harry has been a feminist bull-dyke since childhood.

This little ape-faced whore has been pushing “gender equality”, or in other words, “gender confusion” since she was a little girl.

Back then she was complaining about a commercial for a cleaning product that used the word “women” when referring to people who normally clean dishes. That’s because commercials were actually normal back then and correctly assumed gender roles.

Today, I bet the commercials for cleaning products depict men as the primary cleaners of the family home because the Jewish elite want society to reverse gender roles entirely. Modern society would have us believe that the man’s proper place is in the home washing dishes and looking after children and that the woman’s natural role is out at work earning the daily bread. Does modern society also want us to believe that women have penises and fuck men in the ass? Do they want men giving birth and breast feeding as well?

Modern society also teaches that gender is fluid and can be changed on a whim by virtue of believing yourself to be a different gender; biology be damned.

It’s only a matter of time before jiggaboo bull-dykes like Meghan Markle come out of the closest as transgender “males” with makeshift artificial cocks grafted onto their midsection by Frankenstein Jew doctors.

3 thoughts on “Meghan Markle Has Been a Bitchy Feminist Bull-Dyke Since Childhood

  1. Meghan Markle could not resist joining Hollywood elites in the woke club. Jet setting around the world rubbing her shoulders with Hollywood talking about her pet concerns.

  2. Markle grew up in Hollywood. She was always educated at private schools, beginning at age two at the Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse.

    Hmmm……so her and her classmates in that inside edition piece were NOT your average run of the mill classroom.
    WHO actuallty wrote that letter and fed her the line?

    Her mother, Doria Ragland, is a former social worker and yoga instructor.
    Markle has often been described as having a very close friendship with her mother.

    Markle’s parents divorced when she was six years old.

    She is estanged from her white father, Thomas Markle Sr., a retired television director of photography and lighting director whose profession resulted in his young daughter often visiting the set of Married with Children.

    Her older paternal whitw half-siblings are Samantha Markle and Thomas Markle Jr., from whom she is also estranged.

    So much for the predictable result of race mixing.

  3. I do not need any whore to clean my humble monk’s cell and to cook my simple dishes.
    When I need a whore I pay a reseanoble price. For instance, a pretty mulata like the lady above… lets us say 50€,

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