New Essay Utterly Desolates Duginism & Leaves Duginists Humiliated With Tails Between Legs

I was recently made aware of the existence of a brilliant article by a based blogger called Thuletide meticulously breaking down the anti-white and satanic nature of Duginism.

This is utter desolation, an exhaustive takedown and TKO of the kooks in our movement who push Dugin’s Eurasian ideology of Russophilia and Dindu-worship. As the article demonstrates, Dugin’s philosophy is a bizarre cocktail of neo-Sovietism, Islamophilia, Judeophilia, anti-whiteism, New Age occultism and satanism. Some of the people in our movement who align with Dugin don’t adhere to a few of those categories, like anti-whiteness and judeophilia, but advance the other aspects of Dugin’s agenda and cheer for the conquest of the West by China, Russia and Islam.

I will republish part of one section and let you go to the source to read the rest.

This has to be made crystal clear: Dugin despises the White race.

Combined with his prominent anti-Racist and anti-Nationalist stances, this is the most vitally important aspect of Duginism, as far as we should be concerned. Though Dugin claims to simply oppose “Atlanticism” and “Liberalism,” he clearly regards the terms ‘White,’ or ‘European,’ “Liberal,” and “Atlanticist” to be interchangeable. It must be noted that Dugin is simply continuing the Bolshevik tradition of anti-racism that was pioneered by Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, etc. (find the relevant quotations here).

“Marxism puts forward internationalism to replace all forms of nationalism, the fusion of all nations into a highest unity…” – Lenin, 1913

USSR’s anti-racism campaigns:

This section will demonstrate:

1. Dugin’s personal opposition to racism.
2. That Fourth Political Theory (4PT) is 100% anti-racist.
3. Dugin’s belief that all Europeans are racist.
4. Dugin’s endorsement of anti-racist Cultural Marxist and Liberal ultra-globalists.
5. Dugin’s flat-out denial that races and ethnic groups exist on a biological level.

In short, this section will conclusively demonstrate that Dugin’s schizophrenic views on race are identical to those of the anti-White System, its purple-haired SJW drones, Cultural Marxists, Neo-Liberals, and every other wretch of the ‘modern world’ that Dugin claims to oppose.

Dugin’s stances on race are longstanding, when he and Limonov revived “National” Bolshevism in Russia in the 1980s/90s, their party had a staunchly anti-racist program, borrowed directly from the old Bolsheviks’ stances:

• Dugin, National Bolshevik Must Know, NBP – FAQ
Any form of xenophobia, anti-Semitism, racial intolerance is alien to the National Bolsheviks. […] the NBP has nothing to do with neo-Nazis and all kinds of narrow-minded Hitlerists. […] National Bolsheviks are nationalists of the soil, not nationalists of the blood. This means that for us the ethnic origin of a person does not matter Soil nationalism, imperial nationalism – this is a true manifestation of the Russian idea, in contrast to racist ideas fashionable in certain circles, borrowed from the West and foreign to our national mentality. Unlike ethno-nationalists (neo-Nazis), we do not want to separate the Russians from other peoples who have lived with us for centuries. […] we consider the Soviet period of our history as a historical stage in which Russia reached the highest point of its power. The October Revolution, the Great Triumph of 1945 – these are the unconditional victories of Russian civilization. Our Bolshevism, the hammer and sickle on the flag means that the National Bolsheviks see themselves as the continuers of these achievements.”

He also wrote the following about National Bolshevism (NazBol is basically just another name that Dugin uses for Neo-Eurasianism, as he views NazBol and Neo-Eurasianism as a continuation of Old Bolshevism and the USSR):

• Dugin, EITHER US – OR NOTHING, 1998
National-Bolshevism does not mean the pragmatic ways of Bolsheviks and European Nationalists, conditioned by Realpolitik. Nor does it mean the identical aspects of both “projects”. It is something deeper that could appear only after the fall of the historical incarnation of one of the ideologies – the Soviet Union. […] National-Bolshevism is by far the most interesting phenomenon of the 20th century. The sole alternative for the modern world […] is NATIONAL-BOLSHEVISM. Either it, or nothing. No compromise will change anything.”

Fourth Political Theory and Dugin are explicitly anti-racist:

• Dugin, Putin vs Putin: Vladimir Putin Viewed from the Right, 2014
Fourth political theory expands the critique of racism to not only biological racism and nationalism, but into all forms of the acceptance of inequality in human societies, whether based on cultural, religious, technological, or economic grounds. The Fourth Political Theory rejects all forms of racism and refuses to consider “race” […] as the subject of history.”

• As above
The dividing line between the European 4PT and the third way [Fascism, Nationalism, etc.]: the refusal of any kind of nationalism, chauvinism, Eurocentirsm, universalism, racism, or xenophobic attitude.”

• As above 
“One must learn to build an international system on the basis of broad and thoughtful social and cultural anthropology and not on the basis of Western-style American-European cultural racism

• As above
“Thus, modern Gramscianism calls for a counter-hegemonic bloc, a Global Revolutionary Alliance, that brings together all […] those who oppose the hegemony of Euro-centrism and racism

Antonio Gramsci: a Communist who invented the ‘Long March through the institutions of power’ form of political entryism favored by the Frankfurt School and utilized by Communists in the West from the 1950s onward. This strategy is an origin of Western (“Cultural”) Marxism. See: and

• Dugin, Vladimir Posner Interviews Alexander Dugin, 2014
“I think that racism is a form of the pathological development of the person and I am categorically opposed to racism in all its forms, but there are many kinds of racism besides biological racism […] Racism as such is in my opinion one of the most revolting pathologies.”

• Dugin, The Magic Disillusion Of A Nationalist Intellectual, 1995
“I am completely against the Antisemite racist ideals”

• Dugin, Fourth Political Theory, 2012
We should strongly oppose any kind of confrontation between the various religious beliefs — Muslims against Christians, the Jews against Muslims, the Muslims against the Hindus and so on.”

All Europeans are explicitly racist:

• Dugin via Der Spiegel, Every Westerner is a Racist, 2014,
Every westerner is a racist… Western civilization is a racist, ethnocentric civilization… the civilizations of the West and the East are very different. The eastern one is superior in that it fights against the racism of the western one. […] The ethnocentrism of Western Europe is a constant. You don’t have to be surprised about the concentration camps. […] All European philosophers are racists.

>Every European is racist and thus personally responsible for the Holocaust.

• Dugin, Fundamental Racism Of The West, 2013
It is necessary to discard this racist model of the division of different societies (both biological racism and cultural), to affirm that civilizations are different, and that the criterion of Western civilization is not universal. […] we first need to develop a theory of a multipolar world, a theory of the equality of civilizations, and in the most brutal way to overthrow the West-centric racism

• Dugin, Horizons of our Revolution. From Crimea to Lisbon, 2014
“If in Ukraine energy in the Maidan was Russophobia of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, without which Maidan would not acquired such a radical form of staging a coup, in Europe the same fuel of hatred will become the hatred of nationalists towards immigrants, to Islam and to LGBT.”

• Dugin via 4PT, Vladimir Posner Interviews Alexander Dugin, 2014
“Liberalism, incidentally, liberals, were the first to create, the English, the most thoroughgoing racist theories for the justification of their colonial domination.”

The idea that Liberals, of all people, created racism, is absolutely schizophrenic — but that’s Dugin all over.

• Dugin via 4PT, Vladimir Posner Interviews Alexander Dugin, 2014
human rights is a classic racist theory, because in this theory of human rights, the Western concept of the human is taken as a norm.”

Libtards who believe in giving brown people “human rights?” Classic racists, according to Dugin.

I also particularly liked this in the addendum:

This article caused a degree of butthurt and people are now talking about Duginism, which is good. Predictably, the people who regurgitate Dugin’s rhetoric almost word-for-word are using the “deny everything and call accusers mentally deranged” defense.

Their other main defense is to claim that they couldn’t possibly be Duginists or espouse Duginist rhetoric because they disagree with Dugin’s political stance on X, Y or Z, or his personal belief on A, B, or C.

I shouldn’t have to explain why this is flaccid and ridiculous, but I will.

Do Marxists agree with all of Marx’s personal beliefs? Probably not considering that he called someone a n*gger and said that Africans were too undeveloped to adopt Communism. Do open Marxists even agree with all of Marx’s theories? Of course not, just look at the ideological stances of the Marxist-Leninists and Western/Cultural Marxists. Are they fake Marxists? No. I’m sure that the National Socialists, including leading members of the NSDAP, didn’t agree with 100% of Hitler’s personal beliefs or even 100% of his policies and ideological stances. Were they fake National Socialists? No.

The common line of defense and deflection of these alt-media Duginists is that they disagree with some of what Dugin says and therefore they are not Duginists. When you dig into it, their disagreements with Dugin are pedantic and minute at best and they’re probably only saying that to deceive people. Duginists try really hard to deny that’s what they are. Almost everything they promote coincides with Duginism and the push for Eurasia to take over the world and establish planetary domination. Don’t fall for their denials.

The truth is that most of the ills plaguing the West today sprung up first in Soviet Russia. Feminism, anti-racialism and hate speech laws especially. Communism is egalitarianism in its most extreme form. It calls for the total equalization of society along class, race, gender and other dividing lines. The fag and tranny movements were not explicitly a creature of Soviet Russia, but liberal social attitudes were an indelible feature of Marxist Communism wherever it went. Antifa was certainly an explicit export of Soviet Russia. Communism was always about empowering various “underdogs” in society, like women, fags and racial minorities. It remains this way today. The fag and tranny movements were largely kickstarted by Marxist Jews in Weimar Germany during the 1930s, which Hitler put an end to. The liberalizations of the West came even later than those that took place first in Soviet Russia.

Communism and marxism were never “based”. There were some commie leaders who held social conservative views on things like homosex, but those views were not the product of marxism itself but rather the personal cultural views of those people. Liars will attempt to use the personal views of Che Guevara and Stalin against homosex to claim that communism and marxism were themselves based ideologies. This is intellectually dishonest tripe that you can expect from Tankies and Duginists.

Duginists BTFO’d!

3 thoughts on “New Essay Utterly Desolates Duginism & Leaves Duginists Humiliated With Tails Between Legs

    1. @Trajano – correction, he is a metaphysical Mason (and/or Gnostic) that aggressively desires to wear Russian Orthodoxy as a skin suit Trojan Horse to trick disaffected young men in the West into subscribing to his ideology – which is just Communist Internationalism in it’s necessary manifestation to control the white Western male subsect, cloaked in the vague term of “medievalism.” Look up the YouTube videos on the channel Insitum Verbum to see numerous Jewish self-proclaimed Gnostics/Freemasons/Mystics/Qabbalists all suddenly pretending to a conversion to Russian Orthodoxy. Yet they’re also connected to one Jonathan Pageau (French Canadian trickster with connections to Jordan Peterson, also a likely Russian agent) and Rachel Fulton Brown (whose inexplicably “free” education materials from U of Chicago, a top 10 university in the world, keep inexplicably popping up on all the alt-right sites, though I’m assuming she’s more likely in cahoots with American influence campaigns rather than Russian, though listening to her talk about her pretended Catholicism reeks of the ideology of “Pachamama” Gaia worship cloaked as Mariology, so she could just as easily be an insufferable Comintern influencer as well).

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