Matt Parrott – Guy Who Got Cucked By Matt Heimbach – Admits He’s a Duginist

Matt Parrot is a strange Nazbol (or wignat, as some call them) who got cucked and humiliated by Matt Heimbach, a reformed “Nazi” (actually, he was always a Nazbol and not a Nazi) who recently declared himself to be a Marxist universalist. Heimbach had sex with Parrott’s wife in a trailer park and then beat Parrott’s ass after getting caught in the act.


Matthew Heimbach, one of the more prominent figures in America’s white nationalist movement, was arrested at an Indiana trailer park back in March for a violent outburst stemming from his involvement in what has to be among the most incestuous—not to mention confusing—love triangles of all time. According to police, the 27-year-old allegedly attacked his wife, Brooke Heimbach, and her stepfather, Matthew Parrott, after an amateur sleuthing operation in which the duo apparently caught Heimbach while he was busy rekindling an extramarital affair with Parrott’s wife.

Besides causing Heimbach to lose the respect of his racist followers, the altercation also essentially imploded the Traditionalist Worker Party. Heimbach and Parrott were the far-right group’s co-leaders, and the latter vowed to delete the group’s member database and website as a final fuck-you to the guy who had cucked him.

All of this cuckoldry and love triangle drama appears to be par for the course for kooky Duginist satanists.

Despite being cucked by Heimbach, Parrott continues to pursue the politics of Nazbol and Dugin because he is either mentally ill or on drugs.

Does Parrot believe that if the US loses some of its military bases around the world that this will magically lead to a white nationalist revolution at home? And why does he believe this?

He doesn’t have any reason to believe this and it appears that he just says this to trick white nationalists into supporting the satanic gender fluid ideology of Duginism.

Another tattooed, likely alcoholic and drug addicted Duginist got in on the fun.

The mounting pressure on these subversive fools is bearing fruit. More and more people are becoming aware of the perilous subversion that Duginism represents in our movement thanks to websites like mine. The increasingly bizarre China-loving, pro- Dindu and pro-feminist takes of these Duginist chaos magicians will take them to their political graves within our cause.

These are not white nationalists – they are Marxist Trotskyite entryists aiming to derail people into harebrained dindu-worship and black-pilled nihilism clamoring for the End Times.

Parrott will forever be known as the guy who got cucked by an obese alcoholic.

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