The Leftist Guardian Declares Women Genetically Superior to Men

That’s right, subhumans, leftists have gone Full Fash on the woman question, declaring females genetically superior to men.


Let’s hear it for the female of the species and (more guardedly) for her second X-chromosome! Female superiority in colour vision, immune response, longevity, even basic survival from birth to death are illustrated in Sharon Moalem’s The Better Half. After decades, if not centuries, of bad press for women and their vulnerable biology, this book argues that in fact “almost everything that is biologically difficult to do in life … is done better by females”.

Moalem, a Canadian-born physician, is a research geneticist who has identified two new rare genetic conditions. He has worked across the world in paediatric medicine, including clinics for HIV-infected infants and is also a biotechnology entrepreneur and bestselling author. The Better Half is his latest foray into the field of popular science, and presents a general argument for the superiority of women’s biology to men’s.
In most circumstances, a human female has two X-chromosomes, one from her father and one from her mother; a male has just one, inherited from his mother, which is paired with a Y-chromosome, inherited from his father. Moalem believes that the X-chromosome has always received a poor press, and that it is time this negative view is counteracted. He draws on swathes of medical and historical data to show that, in many instances, the superiority of women’s biology is explicitly linked to their possession of the second X-chromosome. The greater complexity of women’s biology, he claims, is the secret of their success – it is more difficult to make a female but, once made, she trumps the male in her lifelong survival skills, for instance in her hyperefficient immune system shrugging off infection and maximising the benefits of vaccination – which means that females can avoid the consequences of a wide range of life threatening events ranging from starvation and cancer to, Moalem has cautiously concluded, Covid-19.

Now a new spin on the X-inactivation story is emerging in genetics. Via a process called “escape from X-inactivation”, it turns out that the silenced X-chromosome is not so silent after all – there are escapees which may continue to offer back-up services, for instance providing extra cellular recovery options in the face of traumatic injury. It is to the benefits offered by this flexible availability within different cells that Moalem attributes the secrets of women’s biological superiority.

Statistics going back as far as 1662 show women living longer than men, and today’s figures show that 95% of people who have reached the age of 110 and over are female. In sport, women’s success in races such as ultra-marathons offer a different perspective on what it means to be physically superior. In the spirit of Angela Saini’s book Inferior, Moalem notes that this superiority has largely been ignored by medical science. And he discusses the medical trial data whose absence is observed by Caroline Criado-Perez in Invisible Women, her exploration of how the world is designed for men. Medicine needs to stop ignoring the secrets of women’s biological successes, Moalem argues, and find ways of harnessing them to improve the survival chances of the whole of the human race.

Imagine you live in a world where most individuals can see 1m colours. But in one group of these people (let’s call them males), about 8% cannot tell the difference between colours such as red and green, and a smaller number are totally colour blind. In a second group in this population (let’s call them females), almost all can see the standard 1m colours, but some (perhaps as many as 15%) can see 100m colours. Would you excitedly rave about the amazing talent of this latter group? Or would you just describe them as “not usually colour blind”? This same group has an immune system that has a profound talent to fight off many forms of infection and reap major benefits from vaccinations – with the down side that sometimes such hyperefficiency can lead to autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Would you celebrate the former or emphasise the latter? For years, it is the drawbacks that have been underlined.

Biological superiority. Physically superior. These are words that the far-left Guardian is using to describe women in relation to men.

They talk about some vague concept of backup X-chromosomes. They talk about color blindness in some men. Oh wow, what superiority.

How about the fact that men are taller and stronger than women on average? How about the fact that men are more rational? They talk about survival skills from a genetic basis, ignoring the physical skills that all women lack or are incapable of physically implementing due to their physical and emotional weakness.

The reason women live longer than men could partially be due to women’s genetics being more efficient at fighting off disease and infection, but a large part is because they are pampered by others from cradle to grave. They are looked after and protected, usually by men. All of the things that keep them alive: shelter, food, water, heat… are procured by men. The society in which they live exists and thrives because of the labour and ingenuity of men. Without men, women perish. Women cannot survive on their own because they are weak and inept. Men are the key to women’s survival.

Just look at this TV show where two teams, one all male and the other all female, are forced to survive on an island. Within a few hours the women’s team gives up trying to build shelter and goes to mooch off the men.

Moreover, leftist gynocentric governments around the world prioritize women’s safety and women’s health care. They pour billions into investigating illnesses that affect women and put men’s health research and care on the back burner. That’s because we live in a gynocentric society that privileges women and discards men as trash.

Women take for granted all that men do to keep them alive and spit back in our faces, demand that we submit to them and their evil whims.

Leftists usually deny the influence of genetics on human behaviour, except when they want to put down men and fluff up the hoax of female superiority. All of the sudden genetics matter if it serves their agenda to tear down men. But even then they fail hard and grasp at straws to find something that women are better than men at. They’re left with seeing fancy colors that some men can’t see.

Epic fail.

3 thoughts on “The Leftist Guardian Declares Women Genetically Superior to Men

  1. They are very good at pole dancing. I always get amazed every time I watch a pole dance show. Women not particulary muscly (I rember one excellent poledancer was a fatty), with no magnesium at hands, in high heels, in a noisy atmosphere… they can climb that poles very high and perform unbelievable acrobatics, following the music…

  2. They are definitely genetically superior at producing annoying screeching noises and they are also very good at laying lifeless on their backs with their goo holes spread open. Other than that I can’t think of much else the modern Western woman is genetically superior at. Oh wait! They do have the supernatural ability to stare at their phones for hours every day.

  3. The Guardian is ground zero for Marxism. Braindead political dogma spruiking socialism-full of gas lighting, dishonesty, bias, far-left post-modernist, woke identity politics, the Guardian hates anything right of Stalin. They are smug, liberal lefty wankers who live in their flash inner city totally ignorant. They could not fight their way out of a paper bag.

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