Pro-Abortion Satanists Shout Down Christians On College Campuses

I’d venture to say that the vast majority of college students in the US, Canada, Australia and Western Europe are abortion-loving satanists.

Just look at these freaks. They all look completely unhinged and mentally ill. All they can do is try to shut down any speech that doesn’t conform with their satanic values. They scream vulgarities, cry, spit, hiss and holler, call the police, and commit violence against the rational people opposing abortion.

They are resolutely committed to murdering any offspring that they may have so they can go on living a life of sin and harlotry.

They worship decadence, perversion, smut and death. These are practitioners of witchcraft and satanic animal sacrifice.

These people are satanic demons and it’s no surprise that they’re all college students.

Universities today program young people to be satanic, to love death, to hate life and to engage in every imaginable perversion, all in the pursuit of pleasure and dopamine release.

Notice how they’re all completely and utterly impervious to logic, reason and facts. They run away from debate because they lose every time. All they have is violence and intimiation.

They are death.

4 thoughts on “Pro-Abortion Satanists Shout Down Christians On College Campuses

  1. Why do they all look like parodies of themselves? Its like their mentally defective sub human behaviour manifests itself physically the same way in all of them. Pale, malnourished, terrible physiognomy, rainbow colored hair, and they all just raided waldo’s wardrobe.

  2. Good Lord! They have no logic, they can’t argue, they just shout and scream amd swear… not the sorts to take home to meet the old folks. The awful tranny in that last vid was hilarious! His brain melted! God bless these men for standing up to these satanic weirdos. I am so glad I chose not to go to looneyversity; how do normal people cope with having to be around all those degenerates all day? A baby is a person from the moment of conception.

  3. These videos are very interesting. first of, all, pro lifers behave very polite, not like Westboro maniacs. Then, it shows how stupid and ridiculous seem men when they debate pro life or pro choice on this topic, and how natural seem women when they dabete it. I think this is a 100% female debate. Woman claim they are so wise, ok, let them take charge of this issue.
    Then, one video shows many non white women being pro choice. That is not bad. They have to restrain their breeding.

  4. This has been going on for decades. Simply holding up a sign of dare I say it-a baby, will make these people explode. If abortion is such a right, instead of chastising them, wouldn’t they be thanking them for the free publicity? Apparently no one is to discuss mutually agreed killing. Only one person leaves the abortion mill. The other is hurled in the trash like chicken guts-because is simply unwanted. I decide when and my wishes come first. This thing is getting in the way of what I want. Next year though when they are ready, they will frame their sonograms and put it up on Facebook. But it is liberating according to them.

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