Russia: Putin Bans ‘Discussions’ of Coronavirus Information He Doesn’t Like


Moscow Times:

Russia’s Supreme Court has ruled it illegal to discuss “fake news” about the deadly coronavirus pandemic in public in addition to publishing it.

Facing public mistrust toward the country’s relatively low infection numbers at the time, Russia made spreading false information about Covid-19 punishable by up to five years in jail starting April 1.

In an explanatory note published Tuesday, the Supreme Court said the punishments extend to individuals who “not only use mass media and telecommunication networks, but also speak at meetings, rallies, distribute leaflets and hang posters.”

The law does not apply if the questionable information was published or discussed publicly before April 1, the court explained.

Russian prosecutors said they have uncovered more than 300 pieces of “fake news” about Covid-19 since February.

More than 260 websites were either blocked or have deleted the false information, the Prosecutor General’s Office was quoted as saying Wednesday. Authorities requested Russia’s media watchdog to block 80 websites for spreading “false information of public significance that threatened people’s health and lives.”

The legislation signed by President Vladimir Putin also punishes people for breaking coronavirus quarantine rules by up to seven years in prison.

Where are the schizo Nazbols condemning this? Nowhere.

And yet if any Western country did this, banning mere discussions of theories or information contrary to what the government is saying, these Nazbols would be crying a river.

That’s because Nazbols are subversive pieces of dogshit who exist only to spread chaos and disorder in the West while supporting the most heavy-handed communist control in countries like Russia and China.

Their agenda is all about weakening the West and making it ripe for Russian, Chinese and Islamic colonization.

2 thoughts on “Russia: Putin Bans ‘Discussions’ of Coronavirus Information He Doesn’t Like

  1. Until the very recent time Russia’s government denied the existence and a danger of coronavirus, until the very late date they refused to block air-travel for rich Russia’s elite from European resorts.

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