SEND THEM BACK! Oriental Dindus Bring Their Clannish Rivalries to the West

These dindus do not drop their ethnic clan identities when they arrive in the West. They simply carry on with their clan rivalries in Europe and try to drag white people into their squabbles.

Just look at these Palestinians in Germany.

These stupid Palestinians obviously care more about Palestine than Germany. Why don’t they go back to their country if they care about it so much? They won’t do that because they are financial leeches exploiting Germany for their own racial gain.

Kurds and Turks have also brought their age-old rivalry to the streets of Germany.

What the hell is going on here? This is a kick in the balls to all Germans who have to watch wily dindus rage about completely alien political struggles and clog up their streets.

You can find this phenomenon across the West. In Canada, Iranians protest about random dindu shit that has nothing to do with Canada.

Palestinians, Iranians, Kurds, Turks and other Middle Eastern swine are constantly trying to suck us into their petty dogfights. They’ve moved themselves to our beautiful white countries to exploit our economic systems which are better than their own, and they still care more about the political turmoil going on in their countries of origin. You’d never see something like this in reverse, with pockets of Germans, Brits, or French doing political protests in foreign countries.

Indeed, these are interlopers, temporary guests who hold no affinity for our civilization or culture. They are here to take advantage of welfare and other handouts that liberals have institutionalized for these parasites. They are a disloyal trojan horse who have no right to be here.

I’m glad these dindus are doing this, actually, because it shows ordinary white people that these are outsiders among us. These are racial aliens that form an invasive species in our lands. They care nothing for white people, our culture, our history and only exist among us to plunder what they can from an economy they had no part in creating.

So why should a white nationalist have any sympathy for these invaders and their causes abroad? It is utterly absurd to dispense any energy advancing their stupid dindu narratives and causes while they shit on ours in our own countries.

All these good-for-nothing dindus must be repatriated back to their countries of origin immediately.

4 thoughts on “SEND THEM BACK! Oriental Dindus Bring Their Clannish Rivalries to the West

  1. I agree 100%.

    These middle eastern groups are so inbred and clannish it’s insane. I don’t give a fuck about Palestine or any of these places.

    Even the Christian ones will try and drag you into this nonsense as well , beyond annoying.

    1. Why must we partisan on one side or the other? Don’t people understand got the Syrians, Iranians and Palestinians will be at best apathetic to our cause, or at worst will stab us in the back? The Arab nationalists join our cause do so because of ulterior motives, benefiting themselves and their kindred, but not us.

      1. Because they think that “we all can work together.” When it comes to clannish or tribal people of any race , you’re not going to get that. These Semitic people are not for “working together.” , they are for dominating and taking over. They aren’t used to hearing criticism of their pathetic groups so that’s why they support things like “anti-racist hate speech” in white countries etc.

        Also Palestinians and all these other groups hate the west and our culture, so why bother being on their side. They for the most part offer nothing at all. Then they team up with Jews and other non whites in our countries then scream about their own little causes.

  2. The Arab nationalists who join our cause do so because of ulterior motives, to benefit themselves and their brethren, but not us.

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