Tucker Exposes World Health Organization as China Puppet

Tucker does a great job in this clip, proving that the WHO is nothing more than a mouthpiece for China.

The WHO has been praising the Chinese government for “swift response” to the Wuhan Flu outbreak, yet the opposite is true. For months they actively sought to cover up outbreak, downplay it, and silence Chinese doctors who were warning the public about it. Many of those doctors ended up dead or disappeared.

Now China is using its puppets in the WHO to praise its putrid response and to call anyone who refers to the virus’ Chinese origins a “racist”.

The current head of the WHO is a literal Marxist Dindu from Ethiopia.

The only reason I can think of that the WHO pro-communist Dindu downplayed the virus was because he wanted it to spread to the West and start killing white people.

The Chinese and their African Dindu puppets clearly want white people to die. They want to deplete our populations and continue the immigration flood to totally wipe out our race. Then they can complete the colonization of our lands for Sino-African hegemony.

Jews, leftists, liberals and Nazbols are compliant with this Chink-Dindu conspiracy against our race.

7 thoughts on “Tucker Exposes World Health Organization as China Puppet

  1. Not sure. It seems when it first got out, the Chinese were doing the “it’s nothing” stuff as well then boom!!!!

  2. Not transmissable – 5G however is though and it is very harmful.
    Also, newly discovered current scientific thinking on viruses is that they are not externally introduced to the body and cannot be transmitted as was originally thought.
    They are excreted from ‘stressed’ cells, one reason is to rid the cells of toxins.
    Wuhan was the first city to have a rollout of 5G – a live test on a real population.
    Around the same time it was also the place where people started getting sick (so called covid-19) with flu like symptoms.
    Just a coincidence eh?
    Contagion is a myth.
    I can provide links to all of this.
    For example Dollar Vigilante youtubes and of course David Icke and also others.
    start at 32m:30s to see the 5G explanation.
    You should all be looking into this.

    1. The 5G ‘theory’ is a meme and a distraction. 5G is virtually the same frequency range as WiFi and the transmitter output power / the amount radiated energy is specified. I for one also like electromagnetic radiation in the several hundreds of GHz range, a.k.a. infrared, a.k.a. heat from the Sun to radiate through me.

      Now for the epidemic. You can now find mainstream reports and officials on record confirming that they’re counting e.g. 80 y/o people with cancer as ‘Covid-19 deaths’, that is the current ongoing practice with the death counts.
      The WHO now admits that up to 90% of the cases under 50 y/o are on the spectrum of having mild symptoms at worst to even having no symptoms.

      Yet what is being pushed all the time is only the sheer number of positive test results. (Btw. the WHO tests are based on a gene sequence that were provided by the Chinese. Has the correctness of the been double-checked? )
      So what is reported the whole time is cases = test positives, without the disclaimer that under 50 y/o up to 90% of that number have mild to no symptoms, severe symptoms are heavily skewed towards elderly, and on the top of that you have the death numbers inflated by as mentioned above. Games are being played with how the numbers are communicated and it is used to argue for keeping Western economies shut down.

      1. Yep.

        Statistics Speak For Themselves

        NO they speak for whoever compiled them.
        I disagree about the 5G being harmless . . . thousands of engineers and scientists say otherwise.
        Some telecoms / radio engineers who got sick resigned or left the profession to campaign against cellphone technology and 5G.
        Going to your local authority public meetings is mostly fruitless as they intend to roll out the technology regardless, the meetings are just for show.
        Although some towns across europe have put a hold on the roll out (temporarily banned it).
        Seriously I am electrosensitve and have taken measures to minimize my exposure.
        I am glad in a way that the fields cause me to have splitting headaches after excess exposure, as that is a natural warning signal, I also have an EMFields (200MHz to 8GHz) Acousticom 2 meter and meters for lower frequencies.
        People who have not become alarmed by the RF hazards around everywhere may get sick and not realize the real reason and then go to their doctor for pharmaceuticals, well good luck with that sheeple.
        I know more than I’m saying here.

  3. Tucker does a great job in this clip,

    He does and he says we need to stop this.
    When unemployment is soaring cheap labor foreigners are brought in to take the few jobs available from the workforce at home.
    I don’t buy the ‘special skills’ excuse.
    Get that wall built Donald.

  4. That’s right and we need to end the quarantine on April 10th right before the beginning of the Easter holiday.

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