Bolshevik Russia Removes Plaques Commemorating Victims of Katyn Forest Massacre

Russia doesn’t want people to know about the brutal history of Stalinism.


On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, Russian officials, acting on an order from the prosecutor’s office,  have removed plaques commemorating victims of the Terror and Polish officers executed by the NKVD in 1940, while the Soviet Union was still collaborating with Nazi Germany.  This may have been a regional initiative, but it is very much in line with Russia’s aggressive attempts under President Vladimir Putin to blur or rewrite the darkest pages of Soviet history. 

Two memorial plaques, erected in 1991, were removed from the former NKVD building in Tver on 7 May.  One read: “In memory of the tortured. In the 1930s-1950s this was the Central NKVD – MGB for the Kalinin oblast and its internal prison”, the second: “In remembrance of the Poles from the Ostashkov Camp, murdered by the NKVD in Kalinin.  As a warning to the world”.

The 6,300 Poles killed at the Ostashkov Camp were from the 22 thousand Polish military and police officers and members of the intelligentsia taken prisoner after the Soviet Union invaded Poland on 17 September 1939 and murdered in cold blood in April and May 1940.  This heinous crime is known as the Katyń Massacre, after the executions carried out in the forest at Katyn, near Smolensk, however the Polish officers were also executed in prison camps at Kozelsk, Starobyelsk, near Kharkiv in Ukraine and in Belarus.   

The Nazis first reported finding a mass grave at Katyn in April 1943, with the Soviet authorities trying then and for decades later to claim that the graves were of victims of Nazi Germany.  It was only in 1990 that Soviet culpability was finally admitted. 

If, when it came to Soviet victims of Stalin’s Terror,  there was mounting openness until Putin’s regime, the same cannot be said for Russia’s attitude to the Katyń Massacre, which has always been much too secretive.

Under Putin and the FSB, whose power he reinstated, there has been a pronounced move away from historical honesty and towards the ‘rehabilitation’ of Stalin and of the Cheka, or first Soviet secret police and all its successors.  Two historians of the Terror, Yuri Dmitriev and the late Sergei Koltyrin, who died on 2 April in prison, have been imprisoned on politically motivated charges, and the renowned Memorial Society is under constant attack. 

Eat, goyim!

Massacring Poles was justified because Stalin was trying to save Europe from fascism, ok filthy goyim!

Russia is our friend, filthy goyim!



Putin will save the white race by empowering Islam, China and Chabad Jews!

3 thoughts on “Bolshevik Russia Removes Plaques Commemorating Victims of Katyn Forest Massacre

  1. I’m becoming more and more disenchanted with Putin, but let’s not vilify Russia itself.

      1. Yeah, Putin is a rabid soviet revisionist, those who try to document soviet massacres are jailed on fake accusations, like this man accused of pedophilia.
        A french national expat who was living in Russia was accused of being a pedophile too, he had a difficult divorce with his gold-digger slut wife. He managed to get out eventually, but russian dissidents cannot.

        Yet some peoples still believe Putin will save the white race.
        I had exchanges with a russian apologist from Omsk, pretending Russia is da best, i poked fun at him since it’s on Khazakstan border and he’s likely of turco-mongol descent.
        Imagine if i was pretending France is the best country, with a competent, nationalist government, best healthcare, law-abiding muslims, freedom of speech etc.
        Everybody would think i’m seriously demented or a shill.
        Recently, french govt passed laws to jail critics of islam, teach arabic in school, and an amnesty for their purposeful disastrous management of the chink-flu epidemic.
        Nothing to brag about.
        France is a commie state ruled by jews, like Russia, only smaller.

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