Cultured Thug Unleashes Salty Rant in Defense of Keith Woods & Marxist Islamo-Duginism

I can’t say I’m surprised to see “Cultured Thug” go to bat for his ideological disciple Keith Woods on the issue of Islamo-Duginist Nazbol and attack white nationalists as “useful idiots” for Jews.

CT gave up on white nationalism a long time ago and has adopted some bizarre cocktail of “third position” ideologies from different countries divorced from racialism. If you divorce fascism from racialism, then all you have is stale bread social conservatism enforced by a military state, which is I guess what CT wants now. Not all bad, but not great either.

I believe that CT started out as a genuine national socialist and white nationalist, but somewhere along the road became disillusioned with WN and got so wrapped up in the search for a utopian third position system that he ended up reading and absorbing large swaths of communist ideology in the process. Maybe he just got bored with national socialism and began a novelty search for something more spicy to titillate his brain. That’s why he says white nationalism is “stagnation,” meaning that it isn’t a progressive ideology updating itself to the whims of the modern era, which apparently means multiracialism with a fascist mask.

Watch here as CT tries to appease a card-carrying communist to no avail.

The amount of pandering to communists that these so-called “third positionists” do is astounding and makes for good comedy. CT and his protege Keith Woods, among others, are willing to spend countless hours proselytizing national socialism to commies with abysmal results. At the same time though, they have nothing but scorn and contempt for actual white nationalists on the basis that those white nationalists don’t buy into the satanic death cult of Duginism which itself repudiates fascism, national socialism and white nationalism. So unless we embrace an anti-fascist white-hating ideology like Duginism, we are capitalist shills?

Their hatred of white nationalists who are anti-Bolshevik or who don’t absorb Dugin’s schizophrenic version of Russian neo-Bolshevism reveals that these people are not white nationalists or even true national socialists. What gives it away is their peculiar amenability and friendliness with literal communists. They honestly see themselves as having more in common with dyed-in-the-wool anti-white communists than they do with white nationalists.

That’s where Spencer’s whole “let’s team up with the Bernie Bros” gimmick comes from, a stupid pander to lefties that will fail fabulously. Sure we can try to red pill these people, but basing your whole philosophy on teaming up with leftists who hate you is cringe and illusory. At some point you have to recognize, “these people can’t be convinced and I’m wasting my time trying to convince them” and move on.

Hitler was the leading anti-Bolshevik of his time. He ruthlessly purged Nazbols out of his own party (the Strasser brothers among other secret Reds) and then launched a relentless Total War against the Soviet Union. But Hitler’s philosophy was hand-in-glove with marxism, these subversives tell us? The Nazis labeled all of this leftist cultural rot that you see today (and saw back then in Weimar Germany) Cultural Bolshevism:

Cultural Bolshevism (German: Kulturbolschewismus), sometimes referred to specifically as “art Bolshevism” or “music Bolshevism”,[1] was a term widely used by Nazi German-sponsored critics to denounce modernist movements in the arts, particularly when seeking to discredit more nihilistic forms of expression. This first became an issue during the 1920s in Weimar Germany. German artists such as Max Ernst and Max Beckmann were denounced by Adolf Hitler, the Nazi Party and other nationalists as “cultural Bolsheviks”.

No, they didn’t call it “cultural capitalism” or even “cultural liberalism,” but “cultural bolshevism”. I think you could call it cultural liberalism if you’d like, but cultural marxism/bolshevism works too. A standard marxist and a standard liberal today have pretty much the same opinions on social issues. They may differ on economics, with the marxist favoring radical redistribution schemes to empower negroes, mestizos and other racial aliens, whereas the liberal may favor just welfare programs and food stamps.

Today you can see self-described socialists and communists marching in lock-step with the LGBT perverts and open borders SJWs. Economic leftism often goes hand-in-hand with cultural leftism. That’s because economic egalitarians are more often than not racial, cultural and gender egalitarians too. It’s highly unusual to find an economic egalitarian not spouting all the other egalitarianisms. It’s all motivated by pathological levels of altruism and a feminine instinct to root for the “underdog”. Or in some cases just a selfish desire to get free gibs and special rights to be a perverted faggot spreading sexually-transmitted infections.

You can find all the leading corporations pandering to these deviants as well, which just goes to show that the ideological marxists, SJWs and big corporations are all on the same Jewish anti-white team and intend to erase us from the planet.

Keith Woods has never made any public statements of affinity for Hitler or National Socialism. He has, however, called himself a Nazbol and surreptitiously worked to rehabilitate the Jew Karl Marx, marxism, Lenin, Stalin and the Jew-dominated Soviet Union in our circles.

Is he afraid to praise Hitler so he can maintain a presence on Jewish social media networks? So he opts to praise Stalin instead because the Jews tolerate that? Is this a cowardly form of political correctness on his part? Or is he a classical crypto-marxist subversive trying to insert a Bolshevist dildo into the ass of the white nationalist movement?

A true nationalist is for a mixed economy, social conservatism and racial pride. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Third position does not mean Islamo-Marxist-Duginism and fixing an Arabian rag on your head. That’s for delusional Guatemalans and Chicanos who orbit Richard Spencer on the gay Jewish website Twitter.

24 thoughts on “Cultured Thug Unleashes Salty Rant in Defense of Keith Woods & Marxist Islamo-Duginism

    1. If you actually watched the video you would know better. He isn’t Turkish, he’s more white than Brandon Martinez who isn’t white. I suspect that one of Cultured Thug’s parents are white Hispanic (Nick Fuentes is white Hispanic) or from a Mediterranean country in Europe. CT also lives in Las Vegas and in the videos in uploaded in colder months you will notice his skin change back to pale white, he tans easier than whites originating from the north and north-east of southern Europe.

      Think of the worst kinds of white nationalists you can find (skinheads and people like Kyle or Sinead) and that is who Cultured Thug criticized, Cultured Thug was a skinhead in his early 20s and a former member of National Vanguard that broke off from National Alliance in 2002 after William Luther Pierce having passed away due to pneumonia or another health problem.

      This video may help to clear up this misunderstanding:

      Full Chat With Comrade Keith:

        1. Have you seen this video yet? Watching it between the 19:00 & 42:20 marks helps to clear up the confusion.

          Here it is (on both platforms):

          “Does anyone with a disagreement with me want to have a debate over telegram? Reply with your disagreement”

          I appreciate your work, Cultured Thug is however genetically closer to being authentic (white) Aryan racial stock. I do not consider that a bad thing, it’s just some what intellectually dishonest to accuse him of being a mongrel when you have more near-eastern DNA than CT. Many people in Latin America share genetic ancestry with Arabs and Berbers due to the Reconquesta of Hispania and the Spanish-Portuguese colonization of the New World.

          The residents of Greece, Iberia, Asia Minor/Anatolia (modern Turkey), the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Italian peninsula were more genetically White in ancient times than they are today. Racial miscegenation changed that throughout the course of time and contributed to the gradual decline of these once great civilizations.

          I think the Aryans in their purest form were (White) Indo-Europeans from the Pontic-Eurasian Steppe (all Indo-Europeans were White) that archaeologists call the Yamnaya, after devising horseback riding they proceeded to invade much of Europe and western-central Asia. They even made their presence known throughout western, central and even eastern China. There are also Buddha statues with blue eyes.

          “utopian third position system that he ended up reading and absorbing large swaths of communist ideology in the process.”

          No he isn’t a Communist, confusing Fascism and other 3P ideologies like National Socialism with Marxist ideologies is common among those who don’t know what they’re talking about.

          What he criticized in White Nationalists and other dissidents was those individuals with dysfunctional behaviour that does more harm than good and already self explanatory.

          German Socialism as an alternative to Marxism — The Political Thought of Werner Sombart and Oswald Spengler:ündel+%2356+-+Alexander+Jacob+-+German+Socialism+as+an+alternative+to+Marxism.mp4

          Core Components of 3P Philosophy
          — Philosophers featured in the thumbnail from left to right:
          Plato, Hagel, Nietzsche, Gentile.

          – (Book) The Origins & Doctrines of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

          The Fascist Conception of Liberty
          Fascism As Historical Process

          – (Book) The Economic Foundations of Fascism by Paul Enzig

          ‘Corporatism In Depth by Zoltaneous’
          ‘Fascist Labor Laws’

          – (Book) Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor:

          – (Book) The Programme of the NSDAP: The National Socialist German Workers’ Party and Its General Conceptions by Gottfried Feder

          – (Book) The Party Program: Essence, Principles, and Goals of the NSDAP by Alfred Rosenberg

          The Economic Plan of the NSDAP
          Adolf Hitler’s Economic Reform
          The National Socialist Economy

          — The last video listed was made by Cultured Thug (he called it ‘The Nazi Economy’), he also made the videos ‘What Was National Socialism?’ where he readout the 25 points of the NSDAP and ‘Berlin Changing (1937)’ that he read from a February 1937 issue of National Geographic that reported a positive impression of Berlin under National Socialism.

          1. I appreciate your work, Cultured Thug is however genetically closer to being authentic (white) Aryan racial stock.

            You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m 50% Iberian and 50% Czech. On my Iberian side, the haplogroup identified with a genetic test came back as one linked to Scandinavia, so most likely my Spaniard line are descended from Germanic tribes (a small portion of modern Spaniards are descended from Germanics). So, no, this guy is not “more white” than I am. From what I understand, he’s part-Turkish. I don’t know to what extent.

            The fact is that CT is more friendly with literal communist SJWs like Caleb Maupin than he is with many WNs. That’s all you need to know about it, really. He cares more about the economy than race, from what I can see from his content and statements. He’s not a WN!

            “Does anyone with a disagreement with me want to have a debate over telegram? Reply with your disagreement”

            Woods already blocked me on Twitter and has publicly bashed me and my website. Highly doubtful this dweeb will debate me about anything. People of his ilk only debate people they know will go easy on them, not true adversaries.

            1. Not trying to be mean, but CT is a Turkic racial type with swarthy skin.
              He admits in his “Know a Man’s Library, and Know The Man” video that he is descended from Qaraqalpaqs, a Turkic tribe from Central Asia.

              Starts at 39 minutes in.

              Martinez is a Celto-Iberian racial type, from the videos I have seen.
              Having a Hispanic surname doesn’t equal being non-white.

              1. “Not trying to be mean, but CT is a Turkic racial type with swarthy skin.”

                I saw it and he admitted it was a dead relative on his mother’s side. His father is white and his mother is a mongrel whose non-white relative left Russia more than 100 years ago and mixed with a distant white relative on his mother’s side. This is likely the case since the Soviet Union was still around when he was born in the late 1970s, his someone on his mother’s side likely moved to the US after their immigration laws were changed.

                Mind you there was already a high level of miscegenation in Siberia, the Caucasus and the Russian far east for centuries. It worsened under the Soviet Union and especially after the collapse of Communism.

                “Martinez is a Celto-Iberian racial type, from the videos I have seen.
                Having a Hispanic surname doesn’t equal being non-white.”

                Martinez is a Spanish surname. CT is clearly mostly white with non-white admixture. Meanwhile I’m entirely white and a mixture of north-west European ancestry, mostly English with Scottish, Anglo-Saxon and some Scandinavian ancestry on my Grandmother’s side. Many English already have more Germanic ancestry than the Welsh and Scottish who are a lot more Celtic and Gaelic.

                Brandon Martinez descends from a sub-racial type (sub-race meaning ethnicity, a racial sub-category) that is the result of involuntary miscegenation between whites and non-whites after the Islamic invasion of Visigoth territory and the rest of the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th century AD, it later became known as Spain and Portugal close to or not long after the conclusion of the Reconquista in the 15th century AD. This is why Hispanics and Latinos share ethnic similarities with Arabs and other brown populations living in North Africa, the same is true for non-white Italians and dark whitish Italians. They have non-white admixture.

                1. So you come here to defend a part-Turkish guy who isn’t really a white nationalist and often quarrels with white nationalists, but then slander the entire Iberian race as mongrels and proclaim yourself to be the purest Aryan among us so we should all bow down and worship you.

                  Why don’t you step out from the comfort of your anonymous internet moniker and do something for our race under your real name? Or are you too afraid of the Jew to do that?

                  1. “So you come here to defend a part-Turkish guy”

                    You’re part near-eastern. He’s part Asiatic Caucasoid going back 4-5 generations from one side on his mother’s side of the family. As I said he’s more white by comparison, this is evident in his appearance. The only exception being the nose and the slight swarthy complexion, especially when tanned out in the sun.

                    “often quarrels with white nationalists”

                    No he doesn’t quarrel with them often and agrees with them on many things, he criticizes the behavioural problems of egotistical individuals involved in it.

                    Those include skinheads and people like Kyle and Sinead, the latter verbally insult people for saying the exact same things you’ve said about women. Ironically their behaviour is consistent with the types of people he already criticized for their poor character. Not all white nationalists, mind you he isn’t anti-white and wants to see a white majority in all white countries.

                    Judging by what he’s gone through in life, it’s admirable he learned from his mistakes and changed for the better. I’m speaking of honourable behaviour compared to certain low quality people that are in need an attitude adjustment.

                    And even though you will probably still think Keith and CT are closet Marxists in favour of Islam and race mixing, such a charge couldn’t be further from the truth. It is already self-evident, by “capitalism” they’re referring to the type of capitalism you criticized.

                  2. Your assessment is intellectually dishonest and easy to disprove, anyone who’s looked into his content in depth know betters. He isn’t pro-Muslim, he does oppose the Israeli treatment of Palestinians and Zionist aggression in the Middle East. Then again don’t you oppose the same?

                    How does that make any of them in favour of Islam, cultural Marxism and open borders when CT and Keith oppose all three? That makes no sense. I can count innumerable examples and you’re too dull to admit it.

                    So here’s the thing, if this were in person your approach would be very different. How are you helping anyone by saying things in a particular way that would lead to you getting punched in the face if it were not over the internet? Obviously you really wouldn’t like that, far too many people really need to clear up their childish attitudes and stop putting on airs. Anyone who’s like that is a legend in their own minds.

                    1. The fact that you’re so agitated by this critique means that you take it personally. Probably because you’re CT and are writing this under a fake name to defend yourself against valid accusations that you’re no longer a WN and are pushing a race-blind version of Fascism that is more in line with Duginism, hence your defense of that Islam-loving, Antifa , neo-Bolshevik POS.

                      CT and Woods are promoting the same types of things, “solidarity” with non-whites, Islam fetishism, focusing all attacks on ill-defined “capitalism”, rehabilitating marxism, “Based Stalin”, “Based Marx”, etc… all very subversive attempts to derail WNs and get their eye off the ball. These arm chair Youtube “intellectuals” are full of shit and full of themselves.

                      CT in particular believes he’s some paragon of virtue and then tells us to read a bunch of propaganda and worship his wisdom. He’s been doing that for over a decade, actually. He’s still got the same “I know best” attitude and anyone not touting his latest spergy hybrid version of fascism is denounced.

                      Fuck that guy.

                      That will be your last comment on my website.

                  3. If you actually looked into it you would realize that he was spot on about your character flaws, then you spin it out of context rather than look into it any further. This reaction of yours exposes your ignorance of the ideological subject matter and misleads those who aren’t willing to dig any further, this is not all too different from ordinary people who believe the MSM.

              2. He tans easier but is overall has lighter skin and hazel eyes (brownish-green). He could easily pass as a white Hispanic or a white ethnicity in Mediterranean countries throughout Europe with more non-white admixture.

            2. If you looked more into it you would know he doesn’t associate with SJWs, even that wimp Caleb Maupin opposes SJWs. Despite his lack of testosterone, Keith isn’t a Marxist and admitted to trolling people who accused him of being a Nazbol by momentarily pretending to be one.

              They also addressed this between the 19:00-42:20 timestamps:

              Cultured Thug on the Alt-Right and Innate White Populism w/ Richard Spencer:

              CT isn’t against the white race, he just thinks most whites are too brainwashed to take racial arguments seriously. Through experience, he finds the economic arguments more persuasive than the racial realities. He and Keith do not deny race, they’re both admitted to being race realists. CT thinks a racialist state isn’t possible in America because of the demographic situation, he did however admittedly support policies under a future hypothetical Fascist government of the United States to implement policies and incentives designed to increase white birth rates only whilst non-whites are to maintain low birth rates.

              There’s a quote from Joseph Goebbels attacking capitalism in this NSDAP party pamphlet: “Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler, Etwas zum Nachdenken”:


              “That is how things are with us. We are the world’s Pariah not because we do not have the courage to resist, but rather because our entire national energy is wasted in eternal and unproductive squabbling between the right and the left.”

              “The sin of bourgeois patriotism was to confound a certain economic form with the national. It connected two things that are entirely different. Forms of the economy, however firm they may seem, are changeable. The national is eternal. If I mix the eternal and the temporal, the eternal will necessarily collapse when the temporal collapses. This was the real cause for the collapse of liberal society. It was rooted not in the eternal, but in the temporal, and when the temporal declined it took the eternal down with it.”

              “I can love Germany and hate capitalism. Not only can I, I must. Only the annihilation of a system of exploitation carries with it the core of the rebirth of our people.”

              “Work is not mankind’s curse, but his blessing. A man becomes a man through labor. It elevates him, makes him great and aware, raises him above all other creatures. It is in the deepest sense creative, productive, and culture-producing. Without labor, no food. Without food, no life.

              The idea that the dirtier one’s hands get, the more degrading the work, is a Jewish, not a German idea. As in every other area, the German first asks how, then what. It is less a question of the position I fill, and more a question of how well I do the duty that God has given me.”

              “Marxist nonsense claimed to free labor, yet it degraded the work of its members and saw it as a curse and disgrace. It can hardly be our goal to abolish labor, but rather to give new meaning and content. The worker in a capitalist state — and that is his deepest misfortune — is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker.

              He has become a machine. A number, a cog in the machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces. Labor is for him only a way to survive, not a path to higher blessings, not a joy, not something in which to take pride, or satisfaction, or encouragement, or a way to build character.

              We are a workers’ party because we see in the coming battle between finance and labor the beginning and the end of the structure of the twentieth century. We are on the side of labor and against finance. Money is the measuring rod of liberalism, work and accomplishment that of the socialist state.”

              Hitler also attacked capitalism in some of his speeches. By capitalism they are referring to the laissez-faire brand of capitalism and the type more prevalent in the modern world.

              “People of his ilk only debate people they know will go easy on them, not true adversaries.”

              Your rudeness probably deterred him, maybe he thought it wasn’t worth his time addressing points he has already addressed many times before?

              1. Hitler critiqued predatory Jewish finance capitalism, which is not the same as productive labour-based capitalism, the honest exchange of goods and services. Jews have established a system where they can make immense profits by fiddling around with stocks and bonds on a stock exchange to earn their parasitic living. But telling a baker that selling his bread at a profit is “exploitation” is the degenerate kind of stagnant dysgenic socialism that leftists push. They don’t want men to bear the fruit of their labour, they want everything to be a handout and charity. Competition drives development. We don’t need egalitarian nanny state socialism. For example, why should the state bail out some drug addict who can’t keep a job because of his bad habits? That’s dead weight. Struggle is what makes boys into men. People need to struggle a bit in order to overcome hurdles, persevere and improve themselves. We’ll make a hybrid system that suits the best interests of our race.

                1. “why should the state bail out some drug addict who can’t keep a job because of his bad habits?”

                  Whilst it’s true that only productive members of society are to be tolerated in such a system, those people were still given the opportunity to fully actualize their potential.

                  That means subsidized healthcare, rehabilitating alcoholics and drug addicts, making sure everyone is employed, and building on the human potential of the nation’s people. It’s a system of truth and meritocracy instead of one built entirely on wealth, deceit and the laziness and gullibility of the average person.

                  If the parents of a high achieving student can’t attend one of the best schools in the country, the state subsidizes the costs of attending that school. People were given marriage loans to afford a mortgage if they couldn’t afford one; the more children a married couple had, more interest was deducted from their government issued marriage loan.

        2. I don’t expect you to agree with everyone, no one does.

          Your aim of discrediting them serves to increase knowledge of their presence online and works in their favor. Maybe that was your intent all along? The content of their online activities actually shows they oppose whites becoming minorities in our own countries, their criticism of capitalism does not mean they want communism and multiculturalism. I do agree that Keith can come across like a bit of a communist, whoever got that impression hasn’t done enough reading on the subject. Economic matters are equally important as other things discussed in the dissident right. The framework of communism and modern capitalism is inherently materialistic completely lacking in spiritual subsistence, adding more punch to the growth of moral leprosy in the world of today.

          Please give what I said at least some consideration, none of us can always be right. Maybe being a little more open minded is beneficial for all of us, including you?

    1. If you named your username after Augustus Sol Invictus, did he not say “white trash nationalism”? No he isn’t pompous, not by a long shot. There are plenty of others who most certainly are pompous, that includes White Nationalists. Have you seen Muh Fashy Bookshelf’s video “Skin Color Will Not Suffice”? He has a point when it comes to disunity among whites, at least Keith and a couple of those he spoke to in “Cultural Marxism or Cultural Capitalism?” about political parties and militias are actually organized and more capable of taking action. Why not quality over quantity? That’s how every revolution has always worked, they often didn’t hold the majority opinion until they took over the government and the press after making connections with turn coats in the government establishment before the attempted coup.

  1. I have watched Cultural Thug for some time and I don’t get the same impression of him as the writer of the above article does. I believe he had explained things quite clearly, that is that in some western nations (e.g. the USA) it is now beyond reach to have a White National government so should start thinking of the next best thing. Now it may well be that many disagree with his view in regards to this but I don’t think he has become some nutty “anti-White” or anything even near that. Remember, he does stated that a nationalist system base more on race is a system that would be good for the European nations who have a large majority white nations.

    The increased internet censorship seems to be having the effect of turning people who have a lot in common against each other because we have been to some extent placed in echo chambers and thus start fights with each other.

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