Jadon Hayden, Black Animal Who Attacked Old Whites in Care Home, Said in Video ‘Blacks Are the Chosen Race Supposed to Rule the Earth’

Just listen to this babbling ape.


Here’s another one of his scatterbrained ghetto rants on social media about “beefing with the white man”.

It’s incredibly amusing that this 65-IQ tree ape believes that he and his race are ‘chosen’ to rule the world. This baboon can barely wipe his own ass on the toilet.

The Jewish media has had a keen lack on interest in this story, beyond a few local papers that mentioned the arrest of Hayden.

We have all the ingredients of a racial hate crime – a young black kid beating up on old whites and says blacks are a superior chosen race.

Imagine if a white man had assaulted old black seniors and a video of him saying ‘whites are the chosen race who are supposed to rule the earth’ existed?

We know this fat bantoid buffoon would be all over our TV screens preaching nonsense about the extremely violent black race being the eternal victims of relatively passive whites.

Imagine the headlines in the Jewish media, imagine the non-stop wall-to-wall coverage like we’ve seen with the Ahmaud Arbery race hoax.

Since the Arbery race hoax in which two white men killed a black thief in self-defense, numerous blacks have murdered whites in unprovoked attacks and not a single national media channel has touched the stories. They won’t touch this story either because the exclusive agenda of the media is to besmirch white people and infantalize black people with fake victimhood stories.

The mainstream media is waging a relentless race war against white people.

Afro-American savage Jadon Hayden and the lack of coverage of this story is absolute proof of it.

6 thoughts on “Jadon Hayden, Black Animal Who Attacked Old Whites in Care Home, Said in Video ‘Blacks Are the Chosen Race Supposed to Rule the Earth’

  1. If somehow we could seperate the bulk of know nothing idiot sheeple jews from their elites who hide behind the veil of Jewish victimhood. It would also be great to educated joggers about the leo frank case where schiff and the other connected jews tried to frame a jogger in the south for the murder frank did. Maybe the joggers wouldnt care…after all what is a jogger THEN worth compared to a sheckle NOW? Keep up the good work Martinez.

  2. The Negro sub-species with its 80 IQ or so range can not compete with the rest of humanity. The Negro populace belongs in sub-Saharan Africa and should remain there with no interaction with the other more advanced human sub-species. Nature culls the inferior. Over time the Negroes will become extinct thus freeing up room for the more advanced humans to enter sub-Saharan Africa and populate the area with the newer, more advanced humans.

    Currently, Negroes are a drag upon the countries, societies and cultures they have infested. The majority of that herd are predatory and consume more than they produce. Within the USA the Negro is America’s Bane that costs immense amounts of wealth constantly and acting as an anchor upon human achievement and advancement. Envision a USA with nary a Negro within and you see a country that is far more peaceful with the populace more wealthy with much more civility among the populace. Truly the Negro has been and remains AMERICA’S BANE.

    1. Excellent bit of truth. As other tribes advanced into the future with a degree of style and panache the negroid still remains closely allied to the uncultured savage from the distant past. As a consequence they have become global baggage – dark rubbish that only the Yid has an interest in for nefarious reasons.

  3. ‘Blacks Are the Chosen Race Supposed to Rule the Earth’?
    I can go with that…………so when do we get to gaz them ……..EEEEWAAA(Evil White Man Laugh)AAHHH.

  4. You just have to look at Nigeria the most ‘advanced’ and ‘prosperous’ of the African nations.Go fifty miles outside Lagos in either directions and the folks are living in stone age conditions and utter squalor, but our politicians are intent on flooding the west with such low IQ garbage!!

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