Perverted New German Film Depicts Father in Incentuous Relationship With 10-Year-Old Robot Daughter

Looks like the Weimar Republic is back in full swing.

Evie Magazine:

In the film, The Trouble with Being Born, a grown man, played by Dominik Warta, gets a child-like android to replace his 10-year old daughter who went missing 10 years ago. The robot looks exactly like a 10-year old little girl because she is in fact played by 10-year old actress Lena Watson. The man calls the robot “Elli” and she calls him “Daddy.” Although the sexual relationship the man has with Elli in the film is implied, there is no doubt that the father is indeed having a sexual relationship with her. In one particularly disturbing scene, Elli is laying naked on the counter as her father removes her vagina and tongue for cleaning.

The role of Elli was originally supposed to be played by a 20-year-old actress, but after filmmaker Sandra Wollner decided to remove some of the more explicit sex scenes, she decided to change the age of Elli to 10-years old. It seems there were steps taken to protect the young actress Lena because, although there are many nude scenes of Elli in the film, Lena was never actually naked. All nudity was done with CGI. Additionally, the young actress wore a silicone mask and wig to not only hide her identity, but also to help her better understand that this was just a role she was playing for the film. 

It’s ok goyim, the daughter was only a robot. This was not an attempt to promote incest and child rape to goyim minds…. no, no… only anti-Semites would say that.

Depicting incest on screen and not in a specific way to demonstrate that it is a barbaric practice by sick individuals is designed to normalize it in the mind of the viewer.

This is how the Jewish cultural revolution takes place. It’s a slow-drip. It starts with movies, tv shows, fiction books. And then come the “academics” giving pseudo-intellectual justifications for perverse behaviour.

That’s how it happened in Weimar Germany and the same process has occurred throughout the West to the modern day.

And the constant in all of this is a particular humanoid type with a very peculiar phenotype.

The truth is that these depraved sexual behaviors are something that Jews themselves engage in and then endeavor to foist on their goyim hosts so that they can see their own evil in others. Child rape is notorious in the Orthodox Jew community. It’s like a rite of passage in Judaism. The rabbi sticks his circumcised schmekel in an adolescent boy’s ass, it’s simply accepted. Some of the raped boys complain, a few rabbis go to jail, but the rabbis keep raping nonetheless. Rabbis love boy ass.

7 thoughts on “Perverted New German Film Depicts Father in Incentuous Relationship With 10-Year-Old Robot Daughter

    1. omg!!! Every. Single. Time!!!
      Epstein accuser aid that Jews call these young girls newbiles or something…

  1. I’m somewhat secretly dismayed; I’d thought they would have a transgendered non-binary whatever something, something that would be a cross dressing dyke as the dad and undoubtedly he be of a mixed race parentage. How disappointing! It appears that the Jews running Germany are starting to lose their edge!

  2. “Elli is laying naked on the counter as her father removes her vagina and tongue for cleaning. ”

    Cleaned how – with his mouth ?

  3. Remember years ago people scoffed at any talk of the slippery slope. Well, we are now at the pit. We are there right now. Any sexual perversion is now being promoted and attempted to be normalized. Use the same tactics the fags did in 1973 by bullying and intimidation, sooking and winging and eventually the authorities cave in. Children are thrusted into the arms of deviants and perverts and the progressives call it progress. This was always going to happen when you legalised poo marriage

    1. Kind of amazing isn’t it, Philippe ? And all they have to do is call you a name and you give them their entire wish list, cave into them, and give up your entire country and your people. It seems to me that we have lost and I hate to say that, but it does seem to be true…

  4. Pretty sure this is one of those white fetishes you see on the news. You know, like that white guy in London who imprisoned his daughter in a basement and had children with her.

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