Racist Palestinian Rashida Tlaib Attacks ‘White People’ On Twitter

Racist Palestinian Rashida Tlaib has attacked white people on Twitter.

Since arriving in the public eye by getting elected to the US congress on a platform of having poo-coloured skin, Tlaib has demonstrated an ironclad hatred of the white race.

Not a day goes by that Tlaib doesn’t make some nasty comment about white people.

She has a very distinct contempt for white people who make up a majority of the country she portends to be representing in the Congress.

The truth is that the only people that Tlaib represents are Americans who have poo-coloured skin. Americans without poo-coloured skin are not even on her radar. She acts like they don’t exist. She only acknowledges the non-poo skin Americans when she wants to attack them for imagined “racism” against her privileged poo skin race.

What’s funny is that some kinky vagabonds in our movement believe that these racist Palestinians would make great allies against Jews. As you can see, the second a Palestinian obtains political office in a Western country, he/she nosedives right into racist legislating against white people in favour of Brown Poo Power.

I don’t understand why anyone who even remotely orbits our movement would think otherwise, unless that person were actually just a secret Palestinian pooskin themselves and were trying to hoodwink us behind an anonymous Twitter account.

One Struggle for Poo Skin Global Domination

One thought on “Racist Palestinian Rashida Tlaib Attacks ‘White People’ On Twitter

  1. Congresscoon Raghead Tlaib isn’t all bad. After all she drives the Israel First crowd nuts. Of course if whites ever regain control of this country she’s still going to get her stanky brown ass booted out of here.

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