Self-Hating White E-Skank Obsesses About Groypers on Cancerous App TikTok

A Nazi is merely a white heterosexual male who doesn’t want his genitals cut off by a raging blue-haired shebeast.

Here’s another woke e-slut on the gay, radioactive app TikTok.


I am afraid of the comment section on this one already I’ll be honest. ##race ##racism ##oppression ##discrimination ##slavery ##colonialism

♬ original sound – ieatplutocrats


❄️❄️❄️ ##fyp

♬ original sound – ieatplutocrats


High school went super well for me, as you can imagine. ##fyp ##feminism ##feminist ##women ##highschool ##politics ##leftist ##leftism

♬ original sound – ieatplutocrats


I know she’s out there boys keep searching✨🧚💕 ##fyp ##groyper ##groyperarmy ##groyperwar ##feminism ##feminist ##politics

♬ Romantic Piano – Relaxing Piano Background Music Masters featuring Classical Piano Dream


♬ Classical Music – Classical Music


♬ Classical Music – Classical Music


♬ Classical Music – Classical Music

Does this chick think she is being edgy by adopting all of the woke left’s cringe talking points? The only thing she lacks is pink hair and a ‘slut’ tattoo on her stomach.

She whines about racism, sexism, homophobia, even Islamophobia.

She even made a video signaling that she wants to get raped by a Haji (Arabic writing was a nice touch).


أتدرب العربية و اتمنى ان تتفهم! ##ramadanmubarak

♬ original sound – ieatplutocrats

What is wrong with these manic leftist white women? They are braindead. They do everything in their power to signal to brute non-white males that they are up for the taking, ready to be subdued and carted off to the Afghan countryside to make a nice jihadi bride.

This is what these liberal white women want, folks. They want to be enslaved by Islamic ape-men who live in caves.

This whorish TikTok femoid “ieatplutocrats” could have lived a comfortable life. She could have followed a traditional path, married a nice white man, had a nice white family and lived happily ever after. Instead, she chose to rebel against nature and is now fetishizing on bearded rodent-face Islamic terrorists who want to make her into a sex slave for ISIS soldiers.

Ieatplutocrats’ future husband.

There is some deep-rooted psychological shit going on with these white women. They are mentally unwell and need to be saved from themselves by being locked away in a nuthouse for self-loathing leftist white women with emotional issues.

29 thoughts on “Self-Hating White E-Skank Obsesses About Groypers on Cancerous App TikTok

  1. Well, if that what she wants let her have it. Personally I couldn’t care less about mentally deranged leftist white women. They can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned.

  2. Don’t you love the irony when she criticizes western society for Islamophobia and Homophobia, yet 99 percent of the time it’s Muslims who commit crimes against Gay people.

    If she was consistent in her beliefs she would mention this fact just to make sure to rule out double standards. Unfortunately for most women it’s about virtue signaling because they can’t grasp the moral reality of their beliefs.

    1. I mean I’m not a leftist but the crimes committed against homosexuals are done in extremist countries, not by Muslim-American citizens. These countries are where the problem is, and they go against their own religion by committing these crimes. You should pick up a copy of the Koran, brother, from an unbiased source. Education is our best weapon against these libtards.

    2. She just knows Arabic it’s not that deep. You know other languages besides English exist, right?

  3. you are all such fucking horrible people, and when we revolt i will personally slice off your heads with my guillotine

  4. i think you’re all just intimidated because a young girl knows more about world issues that you all do put together, and the fact that she’s fluent in arabic. she’s made much more of an impact in society than the author of this ever has, and to top it off, she’s incredibly funny and smart. y’all are obsessed xo

  5. How’s your home life? Do you have any female friends? I guess what I’m trying to say is: how did you end up this way so I can do the exact opposite when raising my children?

  6. the fact that you see a woman criticizing how you treat others and immediately think shes just doing it for the attention of isis should tell you something about yourself. consider that some people actually have compassion and want others to be happy. i hope whatever in your life thats causing you to be this hateful and awful to other people passes soon.

    1. She only cares that the white race dies so she can declare herself the most virtuous self-hating white cunt on the planet. Problem is that when negroes, hispanics and moslems become the majority, leftist white chicks like her will be gang-raped regularly.

  7. There is so much wrong with this post. You are all so so nasty. The fact that you’re so focused on race is problematic, and the fact you keep referring to Muslim as a race and not a religion is also very wrong. I can assure you that the white race wont be the first race to ‘die off’ by a long shot and you should at least try and be kind to others, especially if they haven’t done anything directly to hurt you. But i guess this will be hard for someone as small minded as yourself.

  8. for all of the kissless incels and nazis – instilling hatred of minority groups and women because your life sucks is peak ugly. most of the people on this site dont realize this but for people like you life only gets worse you don’t grow up and become idubbz tv you grow up and get a temp job you’re still gonna be as ugly as you are now your school bullies get replaced by your boss and coworkers the only time you ever get a glimps of joy or happiness is when your mom leaves behind a cake after coming to your studio apartment that cost $400 a month thanks to the leaky pipes. You spend your time off masturbating of to gross loli hentai and get on Twitter to troll sometimes you go to check on your classmates hoping they’re doing worse than you but they aren’t they’re thriving or slightly in a better situation that you. You notice the girl that called you weird for wearing your aheago hoodie now runs her own business you make a fake ig to comment “I bet you’re bald under that wig 😂” under her business page. Someone replies back “get a life” she never acknowledges your troll comment. You’ve reached peak incel. You no longer matter you’ve been nothing but a hinderance to society but now you’re just nothing and that is the reality for most of you that never grow out of this 😻

    1. Wow, how original with the ‘incel’ framing. It’s not like the go-to retort for every leftist and SJW on the planet.

      you don’t grow up and become idubbz tv

      That’s the guy who lets his GF show off her genitalia on OnlyFans, right? LOL

      I love how the best example you can come up with for some modern ‘success’ is a total faggot cuck like idubbz. But that’s the thing, you loser lefties see degeneracy as ‘success’. You going to maximum conformity to the modern Jewish system of nihilism and hedonism. ‘Whatever makes you feel good.’
      Yeah, go drive that rainbow dildo even further up your ass, fag.

      1. ok? not even gonna bother pointing out the hypocrisy here because it’s so blatant, but people repeat talking points because you fucking losers don’t learn or half the time even bother to properly address said points when firing back? like yes, their insult (while fucking hilarious) was unoriginal (i’ve actually seen it on twitter before, they literally copied it word-for-word :/). but we re-use them and re-cover topics because you DON’T SHUT THOSE POINTS DOWN you just say “ugh those same talking points over and over again” like? no fucking shit? when you keep having the same argument with the same people you’re gonna get similar results. it is in no way complicated. and frankly, the fact that you think saying you’ve heard an insult or argument before (not to fucking mention the fact that this entire article has no real meaning, it’s just a smear on someone who makes you uncomfortable) just goes to show that you’re a moron with no grasp of or skill for debate. can’t wait for you to call me a f*ggot or femcel after this. don’t say i’m doing this for “attention from brown people” either, because i’m literally dating a white guy. who has no original points now, degenerate? 🙂

        1. also, the fact that you say the most absolutely VILE things on this site and somehow also have a MODERATOR for approving comments? says a LOT.

        2. What points do you have other than screaming ‘incel’? I accurately analyzed the twisted psychology of the Islam-loving lesbian from TikTok and all you degenerate dykes can come up with in response is ‘incel!’ and ‘who hurt you?’ You are the definition of an NPC.

          1. I thought you said she was doing “everything in her power to signal to brute non-white males that she is up for the taking, ready to be subdued and carted off to the Afghan countryside to make a nice jihadi bride.” But now she’s a lesbian? Which one is it?

          2. “I accurately analyzed the twisted psychology of the Islam-loving lesbian from TikTok”

            Bro, all you did was spew insults. You can’t make an argument to save your life, other than repeat baseless talking points. Blatant sexism and islamophobia is not a good look.

            1. Blatant homosexualism and Islamophilia is not a good look. Especially at the same time. Do you get wet dreams of ISIS tossing you off a building? It’s like some perverse gay fantasy to get ass raped by Islamic terrorists.

          3. notice i never called you an incel. what i’d said was you can’t attack talking points without shutting them down and disproving them. more importantly “incel” is not a talking point. no one with sense would ever claim that. it’s a title, which is intended to be insulting, like the countless slurs you use on this site. the fact that you consider insults talking points is yet another example of the fact that you have no goddamn clue what you’re talking about and are beyond inept at debating your point.

            1. This article was not intended to refute a specific talking point of her but was a general analysis of her twisted liberal psychology. Leftist talking points are generally so stupid and can be defeated merely by citing basic common sense.

              What specific point do you want to debate? You haven’t brought up any specific points to debate which is why this isn’t going anywhere.

    2. Yikes, sweaty😬😬
      What’s that, bigot👂👂? You disagree with me on a socio-political topic? Don’t you know that makes you a 卍Nazi卍? Yep, since you disagreed with my retarded views that have been beaten into my brain with circlejerking, you’re a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Just to be sure, I spent the last 13 minutes of my life going through your profile, and guess what I found? YOU POSTED A COMMENT ON 🍊r/the_donald🍊 😱😱😱😱😱!!!! Yikes, sweaty🥶🥶! Ignore the fact that Donald Trump is a literal 🇮🇱Zionist🇮🇱, making him the exact opposite of a Nazi. u/nwordcountbot. Woah, bigot, it looks like you’ve said the nigger word! Who hurt you, sweet summer child😨😨? You’re just mad I have more sex than you, incel😂😂. That’s right, virgin, since your political views don’t align with mine, you’re an involuntary celibate. It doesn’t matter if you literally have a wife and a baby on the way, you’re an incel. You’re just jealous I finally got a 3/10 girlfriend after 27 years of being a virgin. Have sex, bigot. Since I’m so offended by your political beliefs, I’m going to brigade a right-wing subreddit with literal child pornography in order to get it banned. That’ll show you Nazis😎😎.

      They’re’s no point in continuing this discussion. I’ve declared you a Nazi, so any argument you make is void. Sieg Heil, incel.

  9. Hey Brandon, who hurt you? Maybe you have a bad relationship with your mother or maybe you’ve been so desperate for your father’s approval that you’ve adopted his sad insecure ideals. Perhaps you had a head injury that damaged the part of your brain that shows empathy. Her TikToks are about spreading awareness because people like you treat other people horribly. I’d also brush up on my history if I were you because a nazi is defined as “a person with extreme racist or authoritarian views”. No one is looking to take your balls. Personally I wouldn’t touch them with a 10ft pole. All she is asking is some empathy. You know like a human being. Trust me there is a wonderful middle ground between taking your balls and being a bigot and a racist.

  10. you’re joking, this article cannot be a real thing😭 Men REALLY believe this shit 😭 as a ‘leftist woman’ i would be 100 times happier to rot in hell than to even CONSIDER a life with any of y’all 🤢 you disgust even the nicest of people

  11. These compensated Talmudic Fanatacist male trolls only have baseless ad hominems poison to spew forth B. The Diety is with you, and those True Justice Warriors who cherish noble purity-beginning.with their kith and kin

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