Thuletide Absolutely Eviscerates Crypto-Marxists & Duginists Trying to Subvert Our Movement

Thuletide has been churning out some golden articles driving the final nail in the coffin of these Duginist/crypto-Marxist subversives who have been actively subverting the white nationalist movement in Europe and America for years.

I have been calling out these tricksters for years, even back in 2016 when it was unpopular to do so. As a result of questioning the Duginist tendencies of some prominent voices in the former Alt-Right, I have been blacklisted from all the top Alt-Right radio shows and podcasts for years. My name was kryptonite in these circles because I was one of only a handful of voices shining a spotlight on the insanity of the Dugin cult within our circles.

I’m glad to see many other voices in our movement doing the same thing now. The subversion just became so glaring and obvious, especially from these Twitter Nazbols, that large numbers of nationalists have come out against them in recent weeks.

Thuletide’s latest article is a TKO of these dregs:

My overall argument is that over the past few years, the Alt-Right has devolved into a bizarre cult of hot-takes and mindless e-celeb worship, filled with disingenuous and obtuse pseudo-intellectuals who seem to care more about feeling big-brained on the internet than they do about White people. This “culture” appears to have been propagated by a few leading e-tellectuals with very shady personal connections.
Many people are tired of this vapid “intellectualism” and pompous fart-sniffing. Not because intellectualism as a whole is evil or unnecessary, but because the hot takes drummed up by these e-tellectuals are consistently atrocious, and becoming progressively more terrible as time drags on. They frequently go beyond the point of mere stupidity and into the realm of being actively harmful to our cause. Nobody seems to be questioning this consistent idiocy and ineptitude. Why? Are they scared of “big names”? Scared of losing “clout”? Scared of losing a few followers? Scared of “dividing da moobment”? Who knows.

Many people on the Alt-Right (but by no means all) appear to be driven by an egotistical desire to superficially LARP as the most “radical dissident” possible, attempting to “out-radical” all other “dissidents” on the internet. This quest for novelty and obscurity is not exclusive to nationalism, but a widespread and widely studied sickness of our “extremely-online” era. The porn addict’s endless quest for increasingly depraved and perverse fetishes is perhaps the most renowned example of this phenomenon.

William Luther Pierce has talked about this type of character at length: “They are defective people, either they are people who simply can’t function successfully in society, that they are losers or anti-social misfits looking for company, or they are escapists or adventurers, who don’t really want to serve our cause but are looking for some politically incorrect diversions; some politically incorrect self-gratification.” 
[You can find the full clip on YouTube: “William Pierce Speech, Jul 20, 2007”].

Please go read the full article, which is full of screenshots and images illustrating what these screwballs have been up to. Also check out his other article on Dugin As Anti-White Globalist which sent the Islamo-Marxists at TRS and Radix into a fury of rage and convulsions.

Now let’s get back to white nationalism instead of Khomenite-Islamo-Marxian-Juche-Bernie Sanders-[Insert scatterbrain dindu ideology]ism.

One thought on “Thuletide Absolutely Eviscerates Crypto-Marxists & Duginists Trying to Subvert Our Movement

  1. I don’t like it when alt-right “intellectuals” engage in esoteric online discussions and debates that will be of little if any interest to most of the audience. Maybe they are trying to impress the critics with their erudition? We need charismatic speakers and leaders who can connect with millions of disaffected white people ready for a change, god dammit.

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