Trump is Dog Whistling to Us Again – Praises Henry Ford’s ‘Bloodline’ in Speech

Trump always does this before an election to get right-wing white votes.

Very clever.

Neurotic Jews and liberals are freaking out.

If Trump is so impressed by Henry Ford’s bloodline, then why did he give his daughter to a rancid supremacist Jew named Jared Kushner? Why did he allow his own Aryan bloodline to be tainted with Shylock genes?

Trump does this every once in awhile to get us back on his side.

The truth is that Trump’s loyalties are with the tribe, not white people. He has ingratiated his family with beguiling Jews and can thus never break free from their grip.

Henry Ford, on the other hand, was a great white man of honor and impeccable character. He printed ‘The International Jew‘ and distributed it far and wide to wake up Americans to the Jewish peril at the time.

Ford understood the rootless internationalist character of the Jew and took steps to thwart their power in America, particularly as it concerned pushing the USA into war with Germany in World War II. Jews wanted war with Hitler for obvious reasons and they wanted to spill white American blood to remove him from power so that Jews could dominate Europe once again.

Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, admitted this central Jewish role in thrusting America into the world wars in a letter to Winston Churchill:

But are the Jews so utterly unimportant as the treatment meted out to them suggests? I have spent months in America, traveling up and down the country, and clearly searching the American scene. Forces over there are finely balanced; the position is uncertain. There is only one big ethnic group which is willing to stand, to a man, for Great Britain, and a policy of “all-out-aid” for her: the five million American Jews. From Secretary Morgenthau, Governor Lehman, Justice Frankfurter, down to the simplest Jewish workman or trader, they are conscious of all that this struggle against Hitler implies.

It has been repeatedly acknowledged by British Statesmen that it was the Jews who, in the last war, effectively helped to tip the scales in America in favour of Great Britain. They are keen to do it — and may do it — again . But you are dealing with human beings, with flesh and blood, and the most elementary feeling of self respect sets limits to service, however willing, if the response is nothing but rebuffs and humiliations. American Jewry waits for a word — a call — from His Majesty’s Government. The formation of a Jewish fighting force would be that signal. Equipment cannot be the determining factor; there will always be some alternative use for whatever equipment is available; and fresh recruits are all the time being called up in the British Commonwealth by their hundreds of thousands, while we are being told to wait for one single division because of lack of equipment. If the spirit of American Jewry is roused, the influence which this will exercise on America’s rather sluggish production will return to you that equipment with manifold gains.

The only utility in Trump at this point is using memes of him to troll and enrage leftists in the hopes of driving them over the edge. We must exacerbate the political and racial divisions in society in order to corral more fence-sitting whites to our side. In that respect Trump may come in handy. At the same time, we can highlight Trump’s obscene fealty to the Jews and Israel to show people their distinct satanic power.

11 thoughts on “Trump is Dog Whistling to Us Again – Praises Henry Ford’s ‘Bloodline’ in Speech

  1. Mia Farrow
    “Henry Ford was an antisemite and a Nazi sympathizer …”

    Yeah, so ?? What’s your point ???

  2. All I know is Trump isn’t getting my vote again. He answers only to his billionaire jew creditors, not to the tens of millions of working and middle class Whites who enthusiastically supported him. I doubt I’ll even bother to vote at all, since it doesn’t change anything. Death to jew-mockracy!

  3. The interested can download and read for free The International Jew. Use a search engine and the book title to find a site. I used the Gutenberg Project site that has a large number of downloadable books available.

  4. Why not go all the way and praise Hitler who in fact deserves great praise. We are all on lockdown cus of the international Jew. Protocols of Zion is spot on.

  5. Strange how so many people from different races, nationalities, social backgrounds and historical eras all came to the exact same conclusions about the jews. Could it be that “anti semitism” is based on jewish behavior? 😕

    1. “Could it be that “anti semitism” is based on jewish behavior? 😕”

      How could it NOT BE “anti semitism” is based on jewish behavior?

  6. Henry Ford toned down his outspoken views later in his life (probably due to pressure from certain quarters, eg jews and christian zionists boycotting ford?).

    Ford’s 1927 apology was well received. “Four-Fifths of the hundreds of letters addressed to Ford in July 1927 were from Jews, and almost without exception they praised the industrialist.”[78] In January 1937, a Ford statement to the Detroit Jewish Chronicle disavowed “any connection whatsoever with the publication in Germany of a book known as the International Jew.”[78]

    Trivia regarding the Michigan Plant visit.
    Trump was trying to avoid being seen wearing a coronavirus face mask in public.
    He was persuaded to wear one at the ford factory although he tried to not let the press film it.
    At an earlier time in his political life Trump switched affiliations several times and was once a Democrat.
    It has been said that in general Democrats wear face masks and Republicans don’t. 🙂

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