Alt-Light Journalist Jack Posobiec Shows Weakness & Gets Chased Out of DC Protest By Antifa Dweebs

Firstly, not smart showing up to an Antifa/Groid rally alone.

Secondly, a very bad move to show any weakness to these drug-addled feral mobs. They smell weakness from a mile away.

The Antifa dweebs got right in Posobiec’s face and he cowered like a little bitch, effectively just telling them to “calm down” while they chased him away. Instead, he should have delivered the correct message, “White Power!”

Belligerent mobs of drug addicts only understand the rules of the jungle. White men must demonstrate our superior strength in order to earn the respect of these hate-filled anti-white creatures.

Antifa are savage terrorists who have absolutely no interest in a rational dialogue with nationalists. Their explicit goal is to eradicate nationalism and white people from the planet. So what is left but a violent confrontation between us and them?

A face full of fist is the only language that heroin addicted gremlins understand!

Posobiec demonstrates the impotence and cowardice of the alt-light movement. These guys want to play nice, to have a “dialogue” with our enemies, to wear a suit and tie and give speeches about the need for “all Americans to come together”. They’re pursuing a utopian fantasy where Americans can transcend their differences and be absorbed into a race blind melting pot. But look how they’re treated by the enemy? They’re called “Nazis” and violently attacked, despite all their PC appeals to not be racist and only concerned with “culture”.

People like Posobiec will get swept away by the rising tide of color and not even know what hit them.

One thought on “Alt-Light Journalist Jack Posobiec Shows Weakness & Gets Chased Out of DC Protest By Antifa Dweebs

  1. Didn’t Posobiec start something called Antira, short for anti-racist action, about a year or so ago?

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