UK: Jewish Day School Teaches Children that Non-Jews Are “Evil”

Big surprise, British Jews are indoctrinating Jewish children as young as three to hate and fear the goyim.

This is how the Jews maintain themselves apart from the non-Jews.

The Independent:

British three-year-olds have been told “the non-Jews” are “evil” in a Kindergarten worksheet handed out at ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in north London, it can be revealed. Documents seen by The Independent show children are taught about the horrors of the Holocaust when they are still in kindergarten at the Beis Rochel boys’ school in north London.

A whistle-blower, who wished to remain anonymous, has shown The Independent a worksheet given to boys aged three and four at the school. In it, children were asked to complete questions related to the holiday of 21 Kislev, observed by Satmer Jews as the day its founder and holy Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, escaped the Nazis.

The document refers to Nazis only as “goyim” – a term for non-Jews some people argue is offensive.

Emily Green, who used to teach at the same Beis Rochel girls’ secondary school, now chairs the Gesher EU organisation which supports ultra-Orthodox Jews who want to leave the community.

“It’s not uncommon to be taught non-Jewish people are evil in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools. It is part of the prayers, teaching, their whole ethos,” she said.

Describing it as a form of “indoctrination”, Ms Green added: “Psychologically, you become so afraid of the world out there after being taught how dangerous and bad and evil non-Jews are, that it makes it harder to leave.”

Independently translated from Yiddish for The Independent, the worksheet’s first question reads: “What have the evil goyim (non-Jews) done with the synagogues and cheders [Jewish primary schools]?” The answer in the completed worksheet reads: “Burned them.”

Another question asks: “What did the goyim want to do with all the Jews?” – to which the answer, according to the worksheet, is: “Kill them.”.

“It doesn’t explicitly refer to the Holocaust,” the source said. “It’s a document that teaches very young children to be very afraid and treat non-Jews very suspiciously because of what they did to us in the past.

Judaism preaches hatred and derision towards non-Jews. It is embedded in their religion. And yet these Jewish day schools often get government funding. The goyim taxpayers are forced to pay for Jews to learn about the “evil goyim”. This is an outrageous scandal.

These same Jewish day schools teach students to be loyal to Israel and not the country they’re living in.

There’ll be no government commissions to investigate Jewish hate against goyim. There’ll be no big media reports, interest, or anything of the sort. This will die with one article in the Independent and the Jews will continue teaching their Christ-killer children that non-Jews are evil beasts that must be exterminated in order for the Jews to survive.

All Jewish day schools must be defunded and abolished throughout Europe and North America.

There is no place for Jewish supremacist hate in white society!

5 thoughts on “UK: Jewish Day School Teaches Children that Non-Jews Are “Evil”

  1. If you go to places where there are a lot of jews and interact with them it’s so easy to see the racism and demented greed/crime based mindset they have. In LA on the west side when the orthodox leave their synagogue/schools they have hired armed guards with them, many black, you would think the need for that, or feeling you need that, would get through to them. What other churches/schools have guards escorting worshipers/students? Never seen it anywhere else. The young ones look at you like deer in the headlights as well if you’re passing by. Synagogues are just places where these satanic gangsters plan their crimes. For instance the so called Arizona rep Gabby Giffords, not her real name she’s a crypto-jew, who was supposedly shot by jared loughner, jewish, both went to the same synagogue imagine that. Giffords was not shot at all, this was a complete tv/news jew-media fantasy, like the 9-11 live coverage(see september clues documentary). Gun control is the major goal, as long as a lot of goyim have guns/ammo they would be an obstacle to world communist government of by and for the jewish demon shells. If you have the means get your own weapon and plenty of ammo, encourage everyone you know to do the same. They’ll most likely use chinese/UN/ german/russian/mercenary troops because most US troops(not all by any means) wouldn’t slaughter Americans. Another would be opening prisons, which have many mind controlled robots. BLM is a known marxist organization, NAACP was/is jewish owned and operated like so many other similar things, wouldn’t be surprised if Planned Parenthood(murder) was another one. Marxists killed 200+ million people in the 20th century.

  2. Talmudism is disallowed in Asian/African ethnostates. Yet, Asian/African ethnostates are staunch Talmudist allies in” Western’ nations(-formerly majority-white decendents of Ancient Israel.)
    10 Commandments is Enough!

  3. Presently added to the virtual instinct to assail European/Euro-American goyim is real Jewish anxiety over the danger of “assimilation.” And it appears that Talmudic bigots are going the extra nine yards to create distance between their young and us.

    In the bastion of Jewish power, the USA, Jewishness itself is being eroded. As recently as the 1970s, 83% of American Jews married other Jews. At present, 6 of 10 marry non-Jews–almost always white ones (gotta hand it to them: they have enough sense not to mingle with feral apes like too many of our decadent female slobs). Meanwhile, Jews have the lowest birthrate of any American group. Contributing no doubt are high Jewish rates of feminism, homosexuality and so-called transgenderism (“sex-reassignment” surgery results in neuters, not sex reassignment).

    Just a look at some of the things anxious Jews are saying, like Dershowitz in THE VANISHING AMERICAN JEW, gives a sense of what many Jews are feeling. Unquestionably, American Jews–European ones too, I venture–are gradually identifying less with Jewry. That’s a reason why I suspect that Jewish power may not always remain at its presently catastrophic level, and that it’s so important to buy time by mitigating the threats it poses, even if it appears sometimes that we’re spinning our wheels, because the future may bring better prospects. Mind you, Jewish muscle is in the USA: without it, where is the great Jewish power?

    Of course, most Jews today aren’t in need of the said fear in order to view the Euro as the perennial foe–no matter that history has moved on!. It seems like it’s become instinct alright, in their marrow! You know, Kevin MacDonald imputes this chronic enmity to a deep-seated survival strategy which evolved over millennia. And in his website, THE OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER, there’s a quite astute commentator who recently came up with an apt analogy–“the pampered cat.” A pampered house cat has a comfortable place to sleep, all the food he can eat, medical care and indulgent masters. But he HAS to fight the pampered cat next door–because combativeness is so deeply in the feline nature.

    Similarly, Jews are the most privileged and well-heeled group on the planet. Their power, parasitic, consists in harnessing goyischeh societies. And the USA is their Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs. AND YET they seem to HAVE TO do things which will kill the goose! They have NO assurance that a black-and-“Latino” America can be the kind of powerhouse that Euro-Americans made it. ON THE CONTRARY. And what happens to parasites when the host creature dies? Further, the peoples whom Jews weaponize against us are ALREADY abusing them. Most of the anti-Jewish violence is inflicted by THEM–blacks in the USA and Muslims in Europe…. And if we are marginalized, it’s a certainty that the weaponized will turn more and more on the weaponizers; and our elimination will almost surely mean irremediable trouble for the Jews….

    BUT Jews continue flying on automatic pilot. If they had this great intelligence they believe they have, they’d quit while they’re so far ahead.

    1. Thoughful tesponse, L.
      Perhaps 10 Commandment
      private schools for the Seed of
      Ancient Israel is the answer.
      And simplify/separate Not unlike
      the Amish–Without the edomite false messiah ‘JC meme
      Where is the courage to establish an alternative to often imcorrect Torah interptetation? Cowards, all. Particularly the wealthiest



    “BLS” . . . I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time the people on this planet have not yet learned how to be truly Isolated. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Planet Earth is not going to have societies where human interaction is considered normal, or even legal. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for the planet to make. We are now going into an accelerated Isolation mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, the planet will not survive.

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