Communist Shitskin Ash Sarkar Accused of Celebrating UK Moslem Terror Attack

Communist shitskin Ash Sarkar posted a cryptic tweet featuring three oranges and a picture of herself licking a popsicle in a park.

What could this mean? People have noted that three white people were killed in the Reading moslem terror attack – three oranges, three white lives. The attack also happened in a park.

This all looks like coy references to the attack and a happy, celebratory attitude towards it.

Given the cryptic and symbolic nature of the Tweet, the meaning behind it can’t be proved for certain, but don’t put it past this ugly wench to mock white victims of brown Islamic terror.

None of this should surprise anyone, as Sarkar is a full-time anti-white activist who has been celebrating the decline of whites in Britain for years.

She wants white Britons to disappear. She states this very clearly in her propaganda, which routinely gets published by the Jew-owned BBC. Three whites did disappear the other day by the hands of another moslem invader from Libya. She considers all of this to be a victory for her brown poo-skin race and international marxism.

If Britain had any sense this shitskin bigot would be given a one-way ticket back to the Sri Lankan jungle where her mother shat her out into a bush.

8 thoughts on “Communist Shitskin Ash Sarkar Accused of Celebrating UK Moslem Terror Attack

  1. That is one ugly curry nigger. It probably has large, furry dark nipples. But if Whitey won’t ship those turd world mongrels back to Asscrackistan in trash bags then he has forfeited his right to survive.

    1. The Pakistanis have pimped out 2 million white females from CBN reports in 20 years, a responsible for majority of the terror attacks in Britain and other parts of Europe, they even said they will take over America too soon, so tell me how is this and black lives matter not threats to white people?

  2. Its elementary really; selective sacred geometry.
    ‘Spirit of Material’ Pentagram for non whites.
    ‘Material over Spirit’ Inverted Pentegram for whites.
    Old game, new players.
    This is easily opposed if any Western Men Or Women
    would recover this appropriated symbolism.
    (Hint: Non whites only accept ‘Christ’ in West when
    its Financially advantageous…Never benefit for whites–other
    than rich hypicrites and deceptive tyrant tribal phallus cults
    (Talmudism and Islam)

  3. Spirit Over Material for non whites (solidarity/patriarchy)
    Material Over Spirit for whites (selfish interests/dissolution)
    Inverted Pentegram
    Yes occult majick…Weapons of Woe…And Profif…
    White Women Can Help Here.

  4. What makes that video more grotesque is that, save for her racial differences, her mannerisms and accent are British. Assimilation in form does not guarantee assimilation in content.

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