Study: 40% of GOP Voters Think US Civil War Likely

The Satanic Left and Afro-American population is driving the country towards civil war to accomplish their goal of Total Takeover and White Genocide.


With race-driven anti-police protests nationwide, one-in-three voters continue to believe America is on the brink of another civil war. Blacks are the least optimistic that the protests will lead to positive change but the most supportive of removing Confederate symbols from public display.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 34% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, but that includes only nine percent (9%) who say it’s Very Likely. This compares to 31% and 11% respectively two years ago. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

While Democrats were more worried about pending civil war in 2018, now Republicans (40%) are more likely than Democrats (28%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (38%) to see a second civil war on the horizon.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) of all voters believe the removal of Confederate symbols, names and monuments throughout the country honoring those who fought in the first civil war will help race relations. Twenty-seven percent (27%) disagree and think it will hurt race relations instead. These numbers are reversed from August 2017 when 28% said removal of the symbols would help race relations, while 39% thought it would hurt instead. Little changed is the 28% who think the removal of public traces of the Confederacy will have no impact.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) feel the current protests over the killing of an unarmed black man by police in Minneapolis will lead to long-term, meaningful racial change in America. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree, while just as many (32%) are not sure.

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The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted June 11 and 14, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

As recently as last November, 73% of American Adults said Americans should be proud of the history of the United States. But 32% of Democrats share New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s view that “we’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.” 

Women and those under 40 are more supportive of the current anti-police protests and the anti-Confederacy drive than men and older voters. Younger voters worry most about another civil war.

Just 29% of blacks believe the current protests will lead to long-term, meaningful racial change in America, compared to 35% of whites and 48% of other minority voters. Blacks (54%) are far more confident than whites (36%) and other minorities (40%), however, that the removal of Confederate symbols, names and monuments will help race relations.

Sixty-four percent (64%) of Democrats think getting rid of all traces of the Confederacy will help race relations, a view shared by only 19% of Republicans and 31% of unaffiliated voters.

Among voters who see the erasure of Confederate history as hurting race relations, 50% believe a civil war is likely in the next five year.

Notice how women and young people are more supportive of these Jiggaboo riots than older white men.

White women are our collective demise, folks. They will always back what is “trendy” and thrust in their faces by the Jew-owned news media. By and large, they’ll always go with the flow of the pack and will refuse to question the dogmatic narrative of the hook-beak media. They always cave under the societal pressures put on them by the satanic elite Jew oligarchy.

Women are followers and can’t be counted on to do anything for our cause.

Only white men can save the West.

7 thoughts on “Study: 40% of GOP Voters Think US Civil War Likely

  1. “Only white men can save the West” – Which ones?
    I have yet to meet a white millennial male who hadn’t voted for Obama at least once.

    1. Good to know an omnipotent cultural marxist is here to take command. Phew!

      (Sarcasm, we all know the ‘LeRoy’ cabal are compesated trolls following KM manisfesto
      actually–how mundane and predictable!)

      1. F…ck.the ‘isms’
        Fascism and communism two sides of same filthy coin.
        10 Commandments renders divine authority. No using one false flag/symbol to oppose another. The simple Red Star is Far.more powerful than India swastika. The Pemtacle can also be Inverted, as needed. Their is stronger Sacred Geometry than this too. F…ck the alien swastika!

  2. In the coming Civil War you will see instead of the Bars and Stars and the Stars and Stripes clashing against each other; you’ll see instead the rainbow flag and the Swastika! It won’t that be a sight to see; the sisi’s against the Chad male !

  3. Good to know an omnipotent cultural marxist is here to take command. Phew!

    (Sarcasm, we all know the ‘LeRoy’ cabal are compesated trolls following KM manisfesto
    actually–how mundane and predictable!)

    1. BM666
      Nice occult name.
      Are you musician?
      You are trained in conundrum exposotions, yes?
      Will another 150 million
      Ancient Israelite(White ethnic Euros) be sufficient to satisfy the
      Blood Diety of the Talmud?
      Same Diety Marx/Yeshua venetated? Torah/OT has some wisdom yes, but Talmudism is the inspiration for Bolshevism-200 million dead and counting. Why is Karaite not the brother he once was?
      This Mammomidism–not Anciemt Israel Diety
      Yeshua hated all Law-‘And.Hatred between/amomg family Required. that! 10 Commamdments!

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