Demonic Jewish Anti-White Militant Tim Wise Says White Children “Don’t Deserve Innocence”

And now they’re coming for white children, folks.

The Jews have always had a perverse fetish for harming and devouring white children.

There have been countless historical accounts of Jews doing child sacrifices to their demon god Moloch – kidnapping innocent white children, murdering them and draining their blood. Beguiling Jews tell us that these stories are fabrications by “anti-Semites,” but these are the same Jews who follow a religion that endorses and encourages lying, cheating, deceit and enslavement of Gentiles.

Tim Wise has made a nice living spreading vile race hatred of whites. He tirelessly pushes forward towards the goal of white racial extinction and is given a platform by the Jewish Lügenpresse.

Wise is an astute disciple of another mendacious heeb, Noel Ignatiev, who explicitly stated his goal was to abolish the white race.

These demonic anti-white Jews are popping up all over the white world.

Barbara Spectre – Sweden.

Ronit Lentin – Ireland.

Alana Lentin – Australia.

These professional anti-white Jewish agitators are a dime a dozen. It would take a book to catalog them all. Thankfully, a Telegram channel called The Noticer is doing that right now.

These anti-white Jewish beasts need to be named and exposed for their evil designs to extinguish the European race. These are the same prideful bastards who by and large defend and support Israel, a Jewish imperialist ethnostate busy carving out lebensraum for their hook-nosed race. But they won’t even let us control immigration in our own homelands because their religion tells them to exterminate the goyim.

The Jewish race is driven exclusively by animus towards other races, especially superior whites. The Jew envies the white Gentile who is more creative and physically and aesthetically appealing than the worm-like Jew who thrives off of predation and menacing schemes.

2 thoughts on “Demonic Jewish Anti-White Militant Tim Wise Says White Children “Don’t Deserve Innocence”

  1. My only beef with The Noticer is that it focuses on English speaking jews. I’m sure there are anti white Hebrews in non English speaking countries like France, Spain or Portugal and they ought to be exposed.

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