Undercover Video Shows Terrorist Group Antifa Teaching Militants “Eye Gouging” & Other Violent Criminal Tactics

Gouging out people’s eyes is precisely the kind of activity you’d expect from these vile savages.


Antifa are the enforcement arm of the Jewish establishment. They exist to bully and intimidate the white population into silence about their ethnic displacement.

These people are pawns of the elites, tools in their hands. They claim to be anti-statist, anti-police anarchist rebels and yet regularly collaborate with the police and are protected by them. They get away with criminal violent attacks against white nationalists all the time.

The police, the state and the media protects Antifa beacause they support Antifa. The group even has its own legal arm called the National Lawyers Guild:

Antifa violence will feature prominently in the lead-up to this year’s election. The left-wing movement’s numbers skyrocketed following President Trump’s 2016 victory and campaign staffers for Bernie Sanders have already predicted serious street violence should Trump win again.

Same goes for a Sanders primary loss. As another staffer recently predicted, this year’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee will be rife with attacks on police; enough, apparently, to make the infamous 1968 convention in Chicago “look like a f—ing Girl Scout f—ing cookout.”

With the weight of the Democrat machine now transparently behind former Vice President Joe Biden (who was the only 2020 candidate, outside of Andrew Yang, to condemn Antifa’s vicious beating of Andy Ngo last year), a “rigged” Sanders primary defeat and resulting far-left violence should be even more likely.

Busy alongside Antifa this year will be the movement’s unofficial legal arm: the National Lawyers Guild.

Although much lower profile than their enablers within the establishment media and among the more extreme elements of the Democratic Party, the National Lawyers Guild is actually far more important when it comes to keeping Antifa’s program of extreme political violence going.

Made up of thousands of hard-left lawyers spread out in over 150 chapters across the country (not including over 100 student chapters), and funded by giant philanthropists like the Ford Foundation and George Soros, the NLG explicitly and openly coordinates legal action and public relations in support of the Antifa movement. As one chapter states online, the guild’s member-lawyers “understand that legal support is critical in the planning and aftermath of any action,” and “can usually mobilize NLG volunteer lawyers to handle initial court appearances, and . . . often continue to defend activists pro bono.”

All members of Antifa are mentally defective, criminally violent heroin addicts with nothing to lose.

When will Trump round these people up and prosecute them as terrorists? Probably never because his rat-faced Hebrew son-in-law is himself a supporter of Antifa and the anti-white BLM movement.

Kushner will ensure that Antifa continue their reign of terror in America on behalf of the Jewish race.

4 thoughts on “Undercover Video Shows Terrorist Group Antifa Teaching Militants “Eye Gouging” & Other Violent Criminal Tactics

  1. Hopefully the breakdown of police power (aka, “law and order”) across the country will result in more militant pro-white activity.

  2. Let’s play a game, shall we? The rules of this game are very simple. The non-black countries that didn’t have even one protest staged in support of George Floyd/BLM as result of his murder are the most based countries out there.

    Other rules include that the countries with more protests or protesters showing up to support the BLM cause are less based than the ones which had fewer protests and fewer protesters.

    Also, there is a catch. Countries where protests happened but the protesters were not native population, but majority of the protester contingent were invaders to that country (like in Japan where most protesters were Kurds, Koreans and so on in their BLM protest) are automatically going to be considered more based on the based scale.

    So far, since you regularly keep basing your news about things on that Twatter user “@BasedPoland”, I can say that Poo-land is not based. They’ve already had 2 protests in favor of BLM.

    So let’s see who wins this game. There are still plenty of European countries where there haven’t been held any protests, so by the rules of this game, so far they are based. Let’s see if they keep being based. But Poo-land sure ain’t one of those countries.

    1. Poland is just a civ-nat cuckservative country that is still mostly homogeneous.
      PiS is quietly taking in immigrants from Asia in order to make up for the population decline that has resulted from millions of Poles moving to Western Europe for work.

      Poland is in a pretty precarious position, tbh.
      Poles seem to have this chauvinist, petty nationalist streak where they think that Western Europe turning Islamic isn’t going to affect them.
      Many of them get a big kick out of what is happening to Germany and France, for instance, and think “Can’t happen Here!!”.
      While not realizing (or caring) that they are in the same federal union with Western Europe. (and occupied by US Army Troops!)

      1. Do you know why I call Poland Poo-land and why I have quite a lot of contempt for Polish people? As I have explained in other articles of this blog, it was Poland, aka Poo-land, who ignited the flames of conflict that would become WW2. Between March/April of 1939 and 1st of September 1939, about 57 or so thousand ethnic Germans living in Poo-land at that time were brutally murdered by both Polacks and Jews living in Poo-land at that time. It was things like this that prompted Hitler to invade Poo-land. Poo-land was feeling safe thinking that France and UK had their back and they could treat Germans like total shit without consequences.

        Not only that, but even Piłsudski was a total piece of shit himself. First and foremost, Piłsudski was never democratically elected in Poo-land. He came to power in Poo-land in the 1920s via a coup d’etat, and he was a textbook lefty. He banned right-wing nationalist organizations of his time in Poo-land and worst of all, because of the pact of friendship that Poo-land and France had with each other starting with 1921, in 1933 and early 1934, Piłsudski tried a few times to force France into launching, together with Poo-land, a two-pronged attack against recently elected Hitler’s Germany. France refused and Poo-land couldn’t take Germany on its own, because even with Germany having a shit situation at that time due to the Versailles Treaty, the Germans were still disciplined and strong enough to immediately crush the Polacks if they attacked Germany. Because of that, Piłsudski was forced into signing a non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1934.

        Where does the “Based Poland” meme originate? It originates with Jews and Jewish-controlled alt-lite and also the more Jewy-controlled parts of the alt-right. When they say “Based Poland”, what they mean is that they considered Poland based for igniting the shit against, the latest so far, political entity to stand up for the Western Civilization, namely “Nazi” Germany. You see, in 1933 Judea declared war against Germany, but there was a catch. They could not directly attack Germany, because that meant that they (the Jews) would expose themselves and more people would come to believe that the Jews are the villains, more people than those who already knew this. So they needed a goyim nation to ignite the shit up against the “Nazis”, and it was Poo-land.

        Also Polacks had no problem taking that role and you know why? Because Polacks as a nation are a very jealous nation. If they were to hate other nations because of historical wrong-doings against Poo-land, the #1 nation they would hate would probably be Russia. I mean Russia did a lot of damage throughout history to Poo-land. All sorts of political regimes in Russia were against Poo-land, from the Czar, to petty rulers like Bohdan Khmelnytsky and his Cossacks, to the Communists. But the #1 in Polack hate list is not Russia, but Germany. You know why? Because Polacks, as a naturally extremely jealous nation, are very jealous of German achievement through the centuries. I mean think a bit about it. German individuals gave us stuff like printing (Johannes Gutenberg), better social lives (like Martin Luther, who through his protestant reformation, he significantly bettered Europe. I mean you can’t deny that, even if you are Catholic, because if there was no Protestant reformation, Europe would be even today a continent of illiterate peasants who would be burned at stake only for owning a bible, therefore having THE source to debunk the power hungry and extremely corrupt Papacy. During those times, Christianity was not what the bible preached, but what the Pope told you to believe that the bible preached, otherwise you would be burned at stake and tortured if God-forbid you dared debating Christianity with the Pope. And then came people like Martin Luther and said stuff like: “Show me where in the bible does it say that indulgences are okay.” Of course Luther had a tough life, but his reformation uplifted the Europeans from illiterate peasants to better people. Around the early 1600s, about 70% of London’s population was literate which was a huge achievement for the time. If there had been no Protestant reformation, today there would not be even a small friction of 70% of London’s population being literate. And the Catholic church copied Protestant achievement and appropriated this achievement for its jurisdiction (Catholic countries)). And I could go on and on with such examples about German excellence.

        And the the point with my previous paragraph is this. You see, human beings owe Germans their very living today. Germans have put more effort than any other populations in the world at bettering humanity. And unlike Germans, Polacks never had anywhere near that many great minds. The only great mind in terms of science and bettering human life that came out of Poo-land was Marie Curie, and even she arguably so, because she didn’t invent shit, she just discovered a chemical element and did a few things in the field of physics as well. So of course Polacks are jealous of Germans because of such things.

        But people might say stuff like “But what about muh Sobieski? Didn’t he save Europe from the Ottomans?”. Well, Sobieski was fighting only for Catholic interests, not for broader European interests. You see, the Ottomans were at the very doorstep of Austria and Poo-land in the early 1680s, so the battle of Vienna of 1683 happened to make sure the Ottomans would never go deep into Catholic territories. The logical thing to say now is this. If Polacks had indeed been interested in saving European civilization as a whole, they would have launched some sort of conflict to drive the Ottomans out of the Balkans for good, right? The thing is that they never did that. There were times in which the Polack crown was supposed to come to the help of Orthodox brothers in faith from Eastern Europe when the Ottomans were chewing part of their lands. But the point is that in some of these scenarios, the Polacks just launched wars against these Eastern Orthodox nations, which helped in weakening them even further against the looming Ottoman threat.

        One such example was the kingdom of Moldova. The Kingdom of Moldova at that time (we are talking about the 1400s here) encompassed not only present day Republic of Moldova, but Eastern Romania and a tiny bit of present day Ukraine also (the territory around modern day Chernivtsi). The then ruler of the principality of Moldova was Stephen the Great, whom I read is considered a national hero in Moldovan historiography, because of his many victories against hostile forces, these hostile forces being really big empires or empire-like political actors of those times, furthermore these hostile forces meaning mainly the Ottomans, but also the Polacks. I recently learned that Stephen the Great, called for help from Hungarian empire, the Polish kingdom, and the Duchy of Brandenburg (modern day Germany), against the rapidly-advancing Ottomans. Polacks were supposed to help Stephen battle the Ottomans, only that they did not do that. They instead attacked him and they were badly defeated by the Moldovans in a battle near present day Chrnivtsi. The Polacks were hell-bent into conquering the Moldovan kingdom for themselves it appears, far from intending to help fellow Europeans against the common threat of the Ottomans.

        So you see. If you put your mind to great critical thinking, and read and critically study and analyze history, you would see that Poo-land has historically not been some guarding angel of European civilization, but the very bane of this very European civilization. Also, they have been the bane of European civilization in the sense that they were tremendously philo-Semitic in the past. They provided a safe-house for the Jews to live there. And that’s how the Jews can rule over us Europeans towards our very extinction as a distinct culture, civilization, and people.

        As a last thing I have to say is that I have been studying history, particularly the history of Europe and its many “what ifs” for a decade now. So you can’t debate shit with me in terms of history. I am so knowledgeable of the true history of Europe that no one stands a chance in debating history, again particularly European history, with me. So when I open my mouth about history, you better believe that what say is not 100% but 1000% true and accurate. My level of understanding of history, to put it the same way that Vegeta once famously put it, is well over 9000.

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