How to Waste 35 Billion Per Year on Abos

Australia has a colossal industry called reconciliation, bridge the gap and all the other slogans you could ever think up to try to ‘fix’ the Aboriginal problem. Australians are drowning in Abo fatigue. If you are not drowning in Abo fatigue I have news for you-there will be a lot more. Abo extremists chant pay the rent on Australia Day. Apparently 35 billion or so is not enough and a lot of Australia is off limits to whiteys as Abos roaming around the bush blowing through a dunny roll holder called a didgeridoo is more productive.

Whiteys can’t do anything productive there-hellholes of filth and inbreds is the better way to go. Or maybe doing dot paintings called art which a four year old can do. These things we are told are the equivalent of the Dutch Masters. Kids at schools are told that Australia was invaded and that the Aboriginals lived the most idealic existence akin to heaven on earth before whitey came. They invented things and were a civilization akin to ancient Greece. They have their own flag-a whitey invention. The only thing Abos invented in tens of thousands of years was a straight stick and a bent stick. 

How do you destroy a people and make a permanent industry out of them? Simple. Give them welfare until their backs are totally bent over with the weight. Give them special days to celebrate, reconciliation weeks and promote whitey self-hatred and flagellation. Then give them more welfare to be sure. Give them a lot of land to do useful things on and make it off limits to whiteys so industry workers can fly in and fly out servicing them. Aboriginals are simply for self-hating whites to make a living out of. And indeed they make handsome livings with a great many perks and benefits. Create a big victimhood industry. After all it is the default public religion in Australia and justifies a huge welfare and administrative state to stroke people’s feelings and to keep feeling sorry for the Abos who never offered a thing to the rest of Australia. Create envy and destroy people who build wealth. Create a cult of envy and make Abos ground zero for it. 

Nothing in Australia has been built by the Abo-nothing. No Abo activist or self-hating white would ever want to live in the bush. It is about extortion and racketeering pure and simple. Reconciliation will never happen. It would mean the Abos ceased whining and bitching and to keep their hands in their own pockets for once. I have never seen an Abo with their hands in their own pockets-always someone else’s. Hey Mista, ya got a dollar?

Australia yearly says sorry to the Abos. Sorry for building roads, first class health clinics, airports, free healthcare, free education, and so on. The sorry industry started in 2008 and we have been saying sorry ever since. A big industry has been made from sorry. 

Agriculturalists and miners often have to import workers or get them from distant parts of Australia because the Abos collect welfare instead. They refuse to work but the welfare continues of course. 
The Japanese thought the Chinese were inferior in World War 2 even though the Chinese had temples, big cities, ports and highways and sailed junks in the 15th C before the Spaniards or Portuguese did. Imagine what the Japanese would have thought of the savage Abos with no wheel, no structures, no wealth, no clothes, no agriculture, no trade and so on? If the Japanese had invaded Australia the only Aboriginal would be a stuffed one in a museum. 

One thought on “How to Waste 35 Billion Per Year on Abos

  1. Chinks are inferior though, they didnt have highways and everything they made from temples to cities were shitty inferior quality compared to other civilizations. Indo-European whites conquered and took over pre-ancient China and had to introduce chariots, the wheel, roads, wagons, farming, multi story buildings, centralized authority, clothing to the primitive Mongoloid Austro-Asiatic peoples there, just like later Europeans ended up modernizing their shitty backwards Africa-tier region ruled under brutal warlords.

    Its in the archeological evidence and remembered in their mythology of foreign Indo-European gods introducing things to them and getting them to live out of caves. Chinks are in massive denial of this and have been trying to cover this up.

    Chinks are subhuman dog eating scum.

    1. Actually, orientals are quite amiable.
      As long as they have separation/solidarity/and supremacy. Total sovereignty in their patriarchal countries of origin.
      And white women..
      Take all and give nothing,
      whats wrong with that?

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