Brazil: Brown Females Lay Savage Beating on White Girl, Force Her to Kiss Feet

The racial humiliation of whites by non-white animals continues unabated across the world, even in Brazil.

It’s not certain where in Brazil this happened or when, but it illustrates the point well enough that brown-on-white violence has grown into a global epidemic.

The non-whites have been emboldened by the Jewish hook-nosed press to carry out these bestial assaults on whites.

The racial humiliation angle of kissing the feet is also part and parcel of the left-wing media message. These apes probably saw the George Floyd protests where whites were told to kneel and beg for forgiveness in front of jubilant blacks gloating in their racial power.

Non-whites have primitive brains. This is why they’re so fond of demonstrating physical strength over white victims, knowing that mentally they are outmatched every time.

This is why whites needs to toughen up, and do it fast. Whites need to hit the gym and learn how to fight.

Defend yourself against these dark-skinned villains!

4 thoughts on “Brazil: Brown Females Lay Savage Beating on White Girl, Force Her to Kiss Feet

  1. Brazil is a good example of the fact that large scale racial mixing doesn’t reduce racial hatred.

    If anything it intensifies it, with the last few remaining Whites being universally despised, the almost-whites being hated by the browns, and the browns being hated by the blacks, etc.

    And the last area that is majority White (southern Brazil) is the subject of massive envy and hate.

  2. I hear the evil doers all proclaiming how “great” they were in defeating Germany. Maybe most people don’t think about this, but Germany is only about the size of the American state of Texas. So, we were and are not a very big nation. And, the evil doers joined together with other evil nations to swamp us and keep us from bringing in a wonderful age for mankind. Now look at your cities. They are full of non-Whites who are attacking Whites. Miscegenation is happening all over the place. Instead of purifying the White kind, they are being soiled. Instead of mankind evolving higher, it is devolving lower.
    I saw America, and most other White nations, being overrun with non-Whites and I heard weak-minded Whites apologizing for being born White. I saw the White birthrate drop. I saw the widespread acceptance of things that hold down the White birthrate such as “birth control,” easy abortions, homosexuality, “gender changing,” and so on. What I saw was a horror and a dystopian future.

    1. Purify yourself with the 10
      Commandments. Sabbath rest
      sunset Fri to Sunset Sat
      Beef/chicken cod/salmon for meat.
      The phallus/death/slave cults have Power
      from this. There is more than just us humans
      at play here…Become the living, breathing intercessor
      for the world, for your people!

    2. Pre-war Germany was about 30 percent bigger than it is today. Prussia and Danzig were given to Poland and the Sudatenland was given to the Czech Republic. Alsaice and Loraine was given to France.

      Also, in the 1940s, except for Seattle and California, the only habitation was the North East and Great Lakes Region, so basically, the USA was only three times bigger than Germany, a completely developed country. Also, Germany is way more cucked with USA without any of ((them)) living there.

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