Pathetic Cuck PA Police Chief Gets Down on Stomach to Show Deference to Feral Black Race

I’m surprised he didn’t drop his pants so a gay groid could sodomize him right in front of the crowd.

The police chiefs doing this must be getting a nice fat paycheck from ZOG.

This is so absurd, so outrageous that it must be staged on some level to demoralize whites and get us to give up the fight.

Submission of this kind is what you’d expect from System stooges like police chiefs. These are bought and paid for mercenaries for the Jewish regime in Washington. They do what they’re told and if they’re told to take a stiff black penis up the ass, that’s what they’ll do.

Shouldn’t bother us, though, as videos like this will only strengthen support for our cause. Videos like this will radicalize normie whites and drive them into our ranks.

4 thoughts on “Pathetic Cuck PA Police Chief Gets Down on Stomach to Show Deference to Feral Black Race

  1. The police are preventing us whites from reasserting control of our communities and dealing with the niggers the way they need to dealt with.

  2. The jewish psychological warfare is doing a excellent job unmasking the weak and unfit in our gene pool. We are finally starting to understand how many need to be dealt with.
    It takes a hell of a lot more than white skin to have bestowed the blessed honor of being white.
    Now you know why the Spartans did their best to sort out the unfit at birth.

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