Stand Your Ground

Italians in South Philly took the moral incentive to collectivize and fight back against the Jewish brainwashing of political correctness. Armed with baseball bats and guns they proudly proclaimed “Christopher Columbus did nothing wrong!” Roman Salutations to these men.

Deep in their masculine hearts they inherently knew something had to be done to protect their heritage and history. If not, the trend of destruction would have prevailed. Not on their watch! These men have the blood of Roman legionnaires pumping through their veins.

I was raised in the part of the city that had a slew of Italians. Most of my friends had vowels at the end of their surnames, and when I recollect the past, my strongest friendships were with Italians. My bloodline can be traced back to Calabria.

The neighborhood I grew up in was also a tough one. Back then, in the 80s, masculinity was key. I’m not joking around when I tell people I’ve been in 109 fist fights. We did not fuck around. We had something to prove, not only to other people, but to ourselves. We needed to know, empirically that we could stand our ground. We also learned at a young age the necessity of violence, and how problems were solved through implementing force. Sometimes it took a few fights or a few beatings. After that everyone fell in line. Pain is a universal language when words fail to suffice.

This is antithetical to the little shits growing up under the Jewish dominion of diversity. You don’t see many kids even playing outside today. Conversely, most people now are childless, especially those on our side. This can also be attributed to inaction.

When I mention the fact that it’s going to require action to make things happen, there’s always pushback by allies. They immediately denounce my judgement as risky, then they break out their 109 excuses. Look, I’m not telling you to engage in criminality or to harm others in this struggle for our mere existence. I’m solely advocating for us to stand our ground. Much like the brave Italians of South Philly are doing. And look at what they’ve achieved! The Jews are in an uproar, I can hear the kvetching from here. And the Christopher Columbus statue is still standing. Had they cried on the internet instead those retards would’ve toppled that statue. I can guarantee you that.

Let this be an example to all the cowards who tell us to sit this one out. Yeah, sit it out until they come to your neighborhood, and vandalize your statue. Or when they come to burn your house down. It’s only your house, bro. Just sit it out, and disobey nature. White people don’t have the right to collectivize and stand their ground, right?

10 thoughts on “Stand Your Ground

  1. Columbus, Italian badass, commander of a Spanish enterprise, beyond the epic.
    He is buried in Sevilla’s Cathedral.

  2. I believe Christopher Columbus was Sephardic Jewish, but I do appreciate that you say pain is a universal language when words fail to suffice. Also, the people who defacing statues of Columbus are completely anti-white. I am half-Italian myself.

    1. Columbus was born in Genova, Italy,
      But Genova, at that time, was part of the Crown of Aragon (like Naples, Sardinia and Sicily) which, together with Kingdom of Castilla, became Spain, in 1469, via royal marriage.
      So, technically, he was a Spaniard.
      Sephardic? Could be…

    2. NO evidence that Columbus was a Jew of any kind. Mainly Jewish megalomania keeps alive the rumor, just one of MANY unfounded notions that have placed the Genoese adventurer’s origin from Portugal to the Greek isle of Chios! Genoese city records clearly confirm a Genoese origin, and everything else points to his being an Italian Christian, not a Sephardic Jew.

      From Kirkpatrick Sale’s THE CONQUEST OF PARADISE (1992–for the 500th Anniversary of the First Voyage), page 358:

      “One historiographical molehill threatens to become truly mountainous: the question of whether Colon [Columbus: his name in Spain] was a Jew. There is, as I have indicated, no substance for such a notion…. The argument has so little foundation that it properly belongs in that same corner of Columbiana where Colon is held to be Polish…. Yet it surfaced once again in a book by the noted Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal [Jewish] in 1972….and since then has enjoyed a strangely resilient currency. Specific undermining of the theory is to be found in the works of Antonio Ballesteros y Beretta (1945) and Armando Alvarez Pedroso (1942).”

      1. You are right: a Catholic Italian from Genova, under the rule of Crown of Aragon. That is it.
        No need for more confussion.
        A genious, a wonderful sailor, and balls the size of the “carabelas”.

        1. Mi hermano Trajano, no creo que Genova was ruled by Aragon during la vida de Colon (1451-1506). You must be thinking of Napoles. Genoa didn’t come under the de facto rule of Spain until 1528, when Andrea Doria was Doge. I don’t say this to be adversarial, but only to remove any possibility that you’ll be caught in an inaccuracy while arguing with our enemies.

          But of course Colombo himself served under Spanish rulers–specifically the sponsors of his voyages, los reyes catolicos, Fernando de Aragon and Isabel of Castile; and he became a “virtual” Spaniard, like my townsman the Florentine Amerigo Vespucci, after whom the Americas are named.

          Speaking of las carabelas, have you been to Palos de la Frontera to see the life-size replicas of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria? Recently I had a birthday there, staying at the hotel La Pinta. Everyone in town knows much about the Discovery, Colon y los hermanos Pinzon. 1492: que ano (anyo) por Espana y toda Europa!!!

  3. Hey Nordicists! Yeah, y’all, who are against Mediterraneans: this was (probably southern) Italians standing their ground.

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