Switzerland: Raging Shebeasts Fill the Streets & Screech About Stuff

Weren’t these same shebeasts the loudest cheerleaders for the Coronavirus lockdown? Weren’t these same shebeasts religiously following the Globalist Government’s orders to wear masks, socially distance, and stay in their homes for months? Apparently, they’ve completely forgotten that whole thing and have been told to go screech in the streets again.

These are not real humans, folks, these are manufactured robots churned out of a factory in Israel. What we’re witnessing here is the phenomenon of mobs-on-demand. The elites literally pay these people to go protest random nonsense that they’re told to protest. This is all a staged hoax by the neo-marxist elites.

None of this is organic. How do they mobilize such massive crowds of people to enter the streets during this Covid-19 lockdown? The governments tells us we can’t even get six feet from another person, but then permit this? This is all a running joke.

These women could even be under mind control. I wouldn’t doubt that the social engineers have the ability to mind control people and direct their actions. MKUltra was a real CIA program investigating just that ability. And that was over 40 years ago.

Women are the most compliant tools of all because their brains are already hard wired to be obedient and docile lemmings who follow commands from authority figures. Problem is that they’ve been programmed to follow the orders of scheming hook-nosed Marxist Jews who tell them to rebel against anything and everything white and Western; to attack their own race, country, culture and even family; to abandon all feminine instincts to bear children; to pursue self-destructive vices like drugs, sex and alcohol so that they achieve Total Infertility.

White women ultimately need to be forcibly controlled by a strident Nazi dictatorship to keep them from destroying everything that our ancestors built.

0 thoughts on “Switzerland: Raging Shebeasts Fill the Streets & Screech About Stuff

  1. hmmmm………..be smellin lota white pussy ova dare………launch da inner tube boyz. Weez be needin to bring a little swazi to dat dare Swizzer land.

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