Repulsive Fat Pigs Sing Anti-White ‘Song’ in Desperate Attempt to Secure Black Penis

Two repulsively overweight and unattractive white women performed a disgusting anti-American and anti-white song in order to secure a short order of black ape dick.

Yes, I know, very difficult to watch without the onset of intense nausea.

This makes sense, actually. These two white women are repugnant fat whores who can’t find white men willing to marry them and put up with their odious nihilism, self-hatred, saggy tits and pot bellies.

These are the types of chicks that burp out loud without saying excuse me.

These are shameless, mentally unstable tubs of lard… walking sacks of human dogshit that no honorable white man would touch with a 75 foot pole.

Hence why they’re petitioning online for black cock with a self-hating anti-white video of this nature. They think that black men associated with BLM will catch wind of this video and send them a dick pic through Tinder.

They’re searching for a Black Kang to impregnate them and then bolt quicker than a Jamaican sprinter.

Let’s hope they find their Black Kang and their secret fantasy to be rape-fucked and left for dead in a ditch comes true.

3 thoughts on “Repulsive Fat Pigs Sing Anti-White ‘Song’ in Desperate Attempt to Secure Black Penis

  1. They look like hillybillies. The kinda girls that used to be teaparties 10 years ago
    It is funny how propaganda works.
    Give them a little of indoctrination in the other way around, and they will become good church girls again.
    In fact, I guess that if they do not get preggo by groid and have muttant babies becoming single momas, in one year they will be marrying a nice white beta provider, going to church and slut shaming bad girls in village and accusing them of witchcraft.

  2. There’s plenty of white beta cucks who would have sex with them. This was probably done for a school project. “Write and perform an anti-racist song, then report on the reactions it provokes”, etc. Women are silly, and they have no strong opinions on anything. You’ve seen pictures of rallies in Deútschland in the 1930s, with women smiling and waving swastika flags. A decade later, those women were hard-core communists who “deeply regretted” their allegiance to Hitler.

    These two will have a similar “epiphany”, when the Badwhites win, as they inevitably will.

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