Groid Tards of Zimbabwe Agree to Pay White Farmers $3.5 Billion Compensation

Moronic groids in Zimbabwe fell into a deep economic depression as soon as the dictator tyrant Robert Mugabe drove all the productive and industrious whites off their land.

Now they’re desperate to get the whites back to save the blacks from starving to death.


 Zimbabwe agreed on Wednesday to pay $3.5 billion in compensation to white farmers whose land was expropriated by the government to resettle black families, moving a step closer to resolving one the most divisive policies of the Robert Mugabe era.

But the southern African nation does not have the money and will issue long term bonds and jointly approach international donors with the farmers to raise funding, according to the compensation agreement.

Two decades ago Mugabe’s government carried out at times violent evictions of 4,500 white farmers and redistributed the land to around 300,000 Black families, arguing it was redressing colonial land imbalances.

The agreement signed at President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State House offices in Harare showed white farmers would be compensated for infrastructure on the farms and not the land itself, as per the national constitution.

Details of how much money each farmer, or their descendants, given the time elapsed since the farms were seized, was likely to get were not yet clear, but the government has said it would prioritise the elderly when making the settlements.

Farmers would receive 50% of the compensation after a year and the balance within five years. 

Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube and acting Agriculture Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri signed on behalf of the government, while farmers unions and a foreign consortium that undertook valuations also penned the agreement.

Blacks can’t even feed themselves without the help of more intelligent whites. Grown blacks are akin to small children who can’t take care of themselves and need the constant intervention of grown ups to stop them from shitting themselves to death.

Tens of millions of African blacks rely almost exclusively on handouts from international organizations and charities to survive. Most African countries have poor infrastructure, if any at all, and not even basic water sanitation facilities, sewage treatment plants, or energy plants.

Lying leftists will tell you that this brutal and persistent poverty in Africa is the result of white colonial powers “stealing” all of their resources, yet Africa remains rich in oil and mineral wealth today. The truth is that the Africans still haven’t even reached a level of industrialization that Europe arrived at hundreds of years ago. Only a complete fool and dishonest ideologue would attribute this to “colonialism”. Africa still must rely on outside Europeans, American and Chinese companies to extract and process all of its natural resources.

It’s not a coincidence that the only two decent countries in Africa were ones that white people created: South Africa and Rhodesia. And it’s also no coincidence that both of those countries tumbled off a cliff socially and economically as soon as power was transferred to the impotent and lethargic blacks.

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