One thought on “MartinezPerspective March 15: Follow Up On Kokesh Appearance

  1. Hi Brandon… A couple things…

    1 . Do you know about paleolibertarianism? Paleolibertarians don’t believe in open borders, and they’re much more realistic than the hippy ancap types. Hans Hoppe and Lew Rockwell are the best examples of Paleolibertarians.
    2. You know chaz was an anarcho-communist creation, not an anarcho-capitalist one.
    3. The root of anarcho-capitalist philosophy is the concept of self ownership and property rights because those are the principles you have to have IF your goal is to maximize peaceful cooperation and prosperity. This desire is the root motivator of the ideology.
    4. Anarcho-capitalism is not utopian. We don’t expect everyone to automatically be moral. We do believe in giving people consequences for their actions if they violate libertarian law…
    5. I admit there are plenty of naive ancaps who say they don’t believe in having any laws. They’re retarded. The actual ancap legal scholars do believe in laws. They want a system where law is decided on by a court system, similar to the English common law or the french civil law. What they don’t believe in is law made by legislation or state created law. Here’s where some ancaps will make a distinction between a state and a government and say they oppose the state (defined as a law monopolist with the power to tax), but not necessary government (defined as organizations that arbitrate disputes and enforce rules, but doesn’t necessarily have a monopoly on it or the piwer to tax.)
    6. Anarcho-capitalism is compatible with ethno-nationalism because it recognizes the right to own property collectively and to discriminate and excluse people based on whatever criteria the property owners want. (I.E. covenant communities)
    7. There are also some ancaps who argue that libertarianism is only possible because of western culture.

    If you haven’t seen it already. Check out Hans Hoppe’s lectures on youtube “libertarianism and the alt-right” and “Realistic libertarianism as right libertarianism”

    I hope this comment helps. Thanks.

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Martinez Perspective