8 thoughts on “Brandon Martinez Appearance on Adam Kokesh Show

  1. Hi Brandon,
    I’ve just come across Martinez Perpective,I love your posts,your debates,its excellent.
    I’m from Montreal,45 years old,married to a Spaniard but I myself of Italian origin.If ever you are in the area let me know,you will always have a place to stay with us.
    I will also try to support you any way I could but I dont have any bank info connected to the internet at this point.I will look into Pay Pal or something,I gotta get with the times.
    Anyways,thanks for all that you do,with so many of them and so little of us,its just great to see someone with thoughts that counter the mainstream narrative.

  2. From the standpoint of idealism I respect communists more than libertarians. Individualism is probably the best tool to bring down a nation.

  3. Brandon! I just finished watching this interview. You were excellent! I really enjoyed seeing it since I’m both a white nationalist, and an anarcho-capitalist, and I’m a fan of both you and Adam, (but for different reasons of course). Adam’s co-host Steven was retarded in this interview, and i got a kick out of Adam shutting him up at the end. Lol.

    I firmly believe that the ideals of libertarianism and the ideals of white nationalism are compatible and complimentary. And I hope to see more cooperation, interactions, and understanding between the two groups in the future! Thanks for doing the interview with him!

  4. Why can’t he have a White community? Because you think it is dumb? Besides that, there are plenty of internal pressures for meritocratic social structure within a gene pool. There’s no need to make it an either/or. Kokesh is weak on this point.

  5. He is clearly jewish. Of course he didn’t know. How convenient. Attempting to insult your intelligence. Typical jew.

    Kiryas joel. Monroe NY. They took over land from neighbors for their jew neighborhood. There is a short movie. Some jew even states something about something not being free speech. Of course not allowed when it is against them.

  6. I truly don’t understand people sometimes. Can someone explain to me why the tiny homosexual decided to hop on camera and brandish his rifle a while yelling about how the facts are lies. All without even doing 5 seconds of research.

  7. How annoying was the little weird self hating homosexual having his issy fit, along with the jew being unsurprisingly obtuse, brandon has the patience of Saint dealing with such abnormality

    1. The ADL has been A LONG TIME CANCER For THE WESTERN WORLD OWN PEOPLE WHO ARE white race. Funny thing how much Jews say that they are white to. World War One World War Two. The Iraq war The Syrians wars. The Iran nuclear issue. The afghan wars. ( BLACK LIFES MATTER Jews ARE Just HAS BLACK AND ITS WHITE OLD MAN WARS. yet ALL Of AMERICA MEDIA Is OWNED BY Jews. All Of THE WESTERN WORLD GOYMIS GOVERNMENTS Are FULLY RUN BYE JEWS JEWISH PRIVILEGE BILLIONAIR JEWS. ) they make me feel sick. Fuck Israel. ( Africa Muslims and white nations HAVE To STAND HAS ONE PEOPLE. AND KICKED THE JEW OUT AGAIN For THE 2000 times in history. )

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Martinez Perspective