MP Blocked On Telegram By Google

My main Telegram channel has been blocked by Google.

To view my channel, you’ll have to delete the version of the app from Google’s playstore and get the version directly from Telegram’s website.

Be sure to subscribe to my backup channel and my Gab.

Who’s the most censored man in the world again?

2 thoughts on “MP Blocked On Telegram By Google

  1. Blocked by Google.
    Not just by the google playstore.
    I used to preview your telegram channel in my ordinary browser, it was fine and looked rather like a twitter timeline.
    The Telegram preview button feature has now stopped working for your telegram.
    Funny how it is still working for russia loving Nick Griffin’s telegram channel.
    Telegram has a russian founder Pavel Durov (World Economic Forum involvement and globalist . . . so says wikipedia) . . . here we go again.
    He was a young globalist.
    Can we seriously trust him and his ilk? I don’t.
    Meteoric startups like this are funded by vast financial resources and those with the resources choose carefully who they fund.
    The globalists have tools that we can use, but always be mindful that these tools are discreetly controlled and monitored by our enemies.
    They share data (even though they say they don’t) and when enough has been integrated into their existing systems they will probably announce that Google (ministry of truth) now owns them.
    Remember that lying and deception is also one of their approved methods.
    Having looked at the snazzy Telegram home page, which is sheeple friendly (the artwork reminds me of the Monopoly Bankster cartoon character) and also some of the developer stuff.
    I decided to decline, delete, avoid and remain stuck in the past.

  2. Mainstream platforms say they guard our data and do not pass it on.
    They are lying (if not in the short term then they often betray the trust when they eventually sell out).
    1. When they are bought out or taken over by a bigger organization, customer data is usually part of the deal. The customers get an email after the buyout has taken place. Your data is now safe with xyz inc. Thanks for asking me first [. . . read the small print my a***].

    2. There is always a clause ‘we will co-operate with Law Enforcement and Local Rules in your Country/Jurisdiction’. Take that to read “We will bend over backwards when ZOG commands”

    We need to find platforms that will not co-operate with any governments or laws.
    In fact the platform should have no centralised control or possibility of hacking or tracking. We seek freedom TO SPEAK WHATEVER WE WANT TO AND TO OFFEND FREELY WHERE APPROPRIATE and nobody (especially garbage politicians) can tell us what is and isn’t appropriate.
    Privacy crypto coins are leading the way in out-smarting our EVIL governments. However the government employs some pretty smart people and technology so we will need to be nimble and creative and not lazy.
    Laziness usually means we never read the small print, never change passwords, never encrypt our files, never turn off tracking scripts and cookies. No wonder we are so manipulated and oppressed.

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