4 thoughts on “The Martinez Perspective (Jan. 28, 2022): Blacks Project Their Frailty Onto Whites

  1. Blacks are simply a primitive type, of low intelligence and low impulse control; and the reason why they cause the vastly more capable Whites such trouble is that they have cohesion and, even more importantly, they are used as weapons by Talmudic haters of European Civilization.

    There’s another factor, though, and it’s Christianity, which makes Whites aid their enemies irrespectively of the consequences to themselves. So while according to DoJ stats American Whites suffer 1480 to 1800 violent black attacks per day–PER DAY–White Conservatives clamor for an end to abortion, which blacks use as birth control and much more than other groups. Abortion has filtered out of the pipeline about 20 million low-IQ savages and spared White Americans literally millions of attacks; and abolishing abortion can lead to a pretty prompt DOUBLING of the black numbers, which will not only result in probably twice as much anti-White violence but will increase black political leverage.

    Similarly, black numbers in Africa have been burgeoning, despite the famines and blacks’ inability to feed such numbers, because Europeans influenced by Christian altruism feed them–with the further result that there’s a demographic overflow toward Europe and the pressure of alien throngs on Europe’s confines…. But the pope says you’re not a good Christian if you don’t help the poor, and it’s sin to let children starve; and of course he’s doctrinally correct!

    No accident. The toxic cult which Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (Paul the Apostle) imported into Europe has been the most damaging of all the Jewish assaults on Europe; and it would be hilarious–if it weren’t so tragic–to witness so-called White advocates bash Jews 24 hours a day and then talk about worshiping a Jewish carpenter and the Hebrew god.

    1. Lucius
      You would probably like Rae West’s big-lies.org.
      His views on christianity (and islam) is they were created by jews to help control everyone (a template for ‘do as we say not as we do’).

      Also Thomas Sheridan who declares himself to be a pagan. Quote “In my own personal case, I am a Pagan, and not a Christian. So I do not do the whole ‘Forgive them father for they know not what they do…’ thing.”

      Religion is one more tool they use to divide and silence us – actually it is all mind trickery so it should be easy enough to break out of.

      I am 40 minutes into this videostream . . . the whole CRT critical race theory is top down imposed (vanguard, blackrock etc).
      Schools and not just Firms.
      So far Lucius I cannot see why you bailed (your comment to Brandon below). I might have missed something. I will watch the second half now.

  2. Ah, I see. A site which poses as being wise to the Jews is mind-fucked by the most damaging Jewish assault on European Civilization.

    You’re absurd, Martinez, and being that our “movement” is loaded with clowns like you, the fate of the Whites looks pretty certain.

    No use receiving your stuff anymore–shall unsubscribe prontissimo!

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Martinez Perspective