LivestreamThe Martinez Perspective (March 4, 2022): Alt-Media’s Garbage Talking Points on Ukraine War Martinez PerspectiveMarch 8, 2022March 8, 20221 MP3 DOWNLOAD SUPPORT MP / GAB Share this… Twitter Facebook Whatsapp Telegram Skype Vk Messenger Gmail Email Outlook WechatStumbleupon Tumblr Reddit Viber Flipboard Yahoo Mail WordPress Pinterest Linkedin
Lightning Patriot & myself have recently done a two pieces on this. People like have brought me away from Duginism, Nazbolism, & Strasserism-Yockeyism. Love to have you on my show again. Keep up the good work brother! Cheers! 🙂 Reply
Lightning Patriot & myself have recently done a two pieces on this.
People like have brought me away from Duginism, Nazbolism, & Strasserism-Yockeyism.
Love to have you on my show again.
Keep up the good work brother! Cheers! 🙂