Shebeasts Call for Sex Strike After Roe v Wade Repeal

As expected, the demonically-possessed shebeasts, also known as abortionists, have come out of the woodwork after the US Supreme Court repealed Roe v Wade, allowing states to ban or regulate abortion.


Pro-abortion women are calling for a nationwide sex strike in retaliation against men for the overturning of Roe v. Wade following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision Friday.

Outraged women took to social media and the streets over the weekend to protest Friday’s Supreme Court decision. Some activists have declared women should begin practicing abstinence, including one Twitter user who seemingly believes that women should even withhold sex from their husbands.

A 24-year-old woman protesting in New York City on Saturday told the New York Post she would not have sex with men if they were not willing to get a vasectomy.

“If you’re a man who won’t get a vasectomy, even though it’s reversible, and you’re not out in the streets fighting for my rights, you do not deserve to have sex with me,” she stated.

Other seemingly progressive Twitter users joined in on the call to abstain from sex with men.

“Perhaps a #sexstrike (also known as #abstinence ) would help the men folk to be all in on this #womensrights issue. #RoeVWade,” wrote Monique Pressley, a legal analyst, and political commentator, according to her bio. 

“If you’re celebrating the overturn of RoeVWade, disrespectfully, go fuck yourself. No literally. #SEXSTRIKE Don’t fuck your husbands, don’t fuck your boyfriends, don’t fuck that random from that one app. NO SEX WITH SPERM DONORS UNTIL WE HAVE OUR RIGHTS,” another user wrote

One Twitter user — implied through an image — called for “abstinence” from Republicans. 

This is a glaring example of women:

  1. being retarded
  2. using their sexual power for political ends

We saw a similar thing after Trump was elected in 2016 and after Trump appointed conservative judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

When Kavanaugh got on the court, satanic celebs and sluts everywhere were screeching about how they’ll never have sex with any man whose politics was to the right of Karl Marx. This is all hot air windbagging from the satanic Left. Since the Left is comprised mostly of women and homosexual men with AIDS, they have no physical strength to make anyone change their mind about politics, so they’re left with sexual blackmail.

Leftist dysgenic women generally look like this so even the sexual blackmail thing is a dud.

Trust me, fattie, you’re doing whichever sad sack of shit is dating you a favour.

Pro-abortionist women are generally women who men wouldn’t even have sex with if they weren’t piss-drunk.

In related news, jews believe killing babies is their religious right:

While some have celebrated justices’ decision striking down Roe v. Wade as a win for religious freedom, some religious Jews say prohibitions on abortion violate their religious beliefs.

Interpretations vary across Judaism, but some religious Jews believe that a fetus is part of the parent’s body and that a baby is only considered a person once it takes its first breath.

According to the Women’s Rabbinic Network, some of the religion’s most sacred texts view a fetus as a soul only once it’s born.

Who knew that Judaism endorsed child ritual sacrifice. I guess that Moloch thing is legit.

The black lesbian demon misruling Chicago, also known as Chimpcago, isn’t too happy about all this.

Racist nigger lesbians like Lightfoot, who refuses to give interviews to White journalists because they have the braincells to question her about the extraordinary levels of homicide committed by feral black males in her city, can’t even have children so it’s puzzling as to why she is so triggered.

That doesn’t stop other media pooskins from showing their solidarity with the alien-face mayor, united in a passionate hatred of White people.

United in hate of superior things, aka White people.

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