Child porn enthusiast and pedophile simp Vaush tries to argue that Whites becoming an oppressed minority is great because he “doesn’t care” about it. It does make sense that a “man” who fucks other men, shebeasts and horses doesn’t care about White people.
Martinez vs Pedo Advocate Vaush On Demographic Replacement

I’m a Canadian who left Vancouver, BC, Canada, three years ago because I could clearly see the writing on the wall. I just want to say; “thank you” for the tireless work you do in exposing the truth. I create content as well and think we gotta start supporting and sharing each other’s good content to form a united front. This is part one of my newest doc. It would mean the world to me if you would check it out and share, download, cut it up and use for your own etc .. All that matters is that the truth be revealed.
Again, thank you for all you do.
In Minecraft they sing:
Ich habe Hunger, mir ist kalt, ich will zurück nach Buchenwald!
Ohh wie war es da so schön an der nackten Wand zu steh’n und wie haben wir uns gefreut, als man uns den Arsch verbläut’. wideralala…. wideralala….wideralalalala
I FUCKING hate the way jews argue.
They use every logical fallacy and LIE in the book
Listen to that fat lying kike say that he hasn’t promoted child exploitation.
What a lying stupid piece of shit
Im couldn’t watch past 45 min. This was not a debate, it was Vaush curting off, name calling and making attacks on the Matador’s intellect and or understanding of a topic while straw manning the conversation. Im a tad bit disappointed because the Matador out of frustration fell for Vaush’s strawman’s and allowed the conversation to go off into the direction he wanted so he could then turn it around and point blame at the direction.
Vaush is literally a dysgenic weirdo. Guy thinks hes neitzche or something, but in reality hes a fat weirdo who offers nothing & cares about nothing except making sure he is the center of attention. Complete faggert.
This Anti White piece of shit says he will call the Dali lama a racist and fight him, but I know this jackass won’t call blacks racist for openly advocating for their group’s benefit. Nor his Jew supremacist brethren.
Martinez, keep the focus on who pays the price for diversity hires and whatnot and why it is immoral to fuck White men our of positions because the implication is some non white groups have sub par outcomes cause Whites are racist. The entire line of thinking is nutty and evil, and should be ridiculed out of polite discourse.
The priority is not to help non whites, it’s to inflict harm on Whites and the West.
You get socially lynched for saying White people have interests. No wonder more don’t speak out? They’re scared to death and with reason, which is the anti White morality informing how day to day life is conducted.
So many Whites are themselves antiwhite because there’s benefit to having that stance, whereas nothing but penalties for viewing Whites positively.
Whites aren’t allowed NGOs for our interests, in our own lands, because of the antiwhite morality.
Affirmative Action always harms Whites because the point of it is to harm Whites, not favor whatever non white groups.
This antiwhite POS does not want Whites having self determination, as a group.
What’s this antiwhite mean by “we”? If you are a White antiwhite, you don’t get to decree Whites get biologically erased. GFY antiwhite.
Antiwhite says it’s ok to persecute Whites by law as long as statistically speaking Whites have more resources than X nonwhite group, as in South Africa.
Wow Martinez you really made a fool of yourself. The funny thing is the Nazis would have murdered you, Martinez. Kys
If that’s true why did Hitler ally with Franco (Spanish) and Mussolini (Italian)? You’re operating off of dumb Hollywood propaganda.
horse cock vaush
Go to 1:55:45. Crusade on brother.