The low-IQ framing of the Ukraine vs Russia war as “Jews vs Gentiles” or “Jews vs Christians” is asinine nonsense from the meme-brigade of conspiratards. That’s the clickbait Q-Anon tier commentators trying to frame all geopolitical conflict as one between “Jews and Gentiles,” which is extremely stupid in this case as this conflict has been going on long before Zelensky was in office (2019), nor is Zelensky motivated exclusively by “being Jewish” any more than Putin is motivated exclusively by “being Christian”.
Zelensky is not even an observant Jew:
a childhood friend and now MP in Zelenksy’s Servant of the People party, says Zelensky rarely mentioned his Jewish background and it was not something people talked about. “It never mattered … There were a lot of Jewish people around yet there was no particular interest in who was who.” … Zelensky said he grew up in an “ordinary Soviet Jewish family,” which was to say, not very religious, since “religion didn’t exist in the Soviet state as such.”
He does have a Jewish identity but it’s secular and cultural at best, so the idea he is motivated by a “hatred of Gentiles” is unsubstantiated by any evidence. There’s not much info about his wife’s religion, but this page is saying she was raised Christian. A Jewish source reported his children were baptized:
As the Wall Street Journal reported in 2019, Zelensky’s wife is not Jewish, and his children were reportedly baptized in the Greek Orthodox tradition
So if he hates Christians, why did he marry one? And why does he meet with Christian leaders and visit a church damaged by a Russian attack in Odessa?

Just another case of someone with a moderate connection to Judaism being spun as some kind of Jewish supremacist Gentile-hater. Jewish-supremacist Gentile-haters exist, but Zelensky ain’t one of them.
You don’t even have to like him politically to see the bullshit being spun about him to win support for the Kremlin’s homicidal agenda among dissidents in the West.
And if Putin loves Christians then why is he killing so many Ukrainian Christians (they are 85% of the population), destroying churches, kidnapping, torturing and killing priests, and shutting down Catholic, Protestant and Ukrainian Orthodox churches?
Moreover, two of the biggest Western academic apologists for Putin’s regime are both Jewish: Stephen Cohen and Jeffrey Sachs. On Cohen:
In an article for The Nation, published in the March 3, 2014 issue, Cohen wrote that “media malpractice” had resulted in the “relentless demonization of Putin” who was not an “autocrat”. He wrote that the American media’s coverage of Russia was “less objective, less balanced, more conformist and scarcely less ideological” than it had been during the Cold War.[15] In a follow-up interview with Newsweek magazine, Cohen said Putin was the “best potential partner we had anywhere in the world to pursue our national security”.[16] In a CNN interview around March 2014, he said Putin was not “anti-American”.
Henry Kissinger, also Jewish, is a friend of Putin who Putin praised as “wise” as is Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar. Putin’s two best friends who got rich off Kremlin state contracts, the Rotenberg brothers, are also Jewish as are various other oligarchs around Putin like Viktor Vexelberg. Russia’s prime minister Mikhail Mishustin is half-Jewish. Putin himself said he doesn’t consider Zelensky Jewish and is a ““disgrace” to his faith by other members of the religion,” and that his real beef is with “Neo-Nazis” in Ukraine.

The memers won’t mention these guys because it doesn’t fit in with their low-IQ takes. So once again, we see the meme logic of Jews vs Gentiles fall apart. Just another attempt by morons to shoehorn their JQ fetish into a geopolitical conflict that has nothing to do with the religion of the participants.
Moreover, the enmity between Ukrainians and Russians is real and goes back to historical oppression of Ukraine by Soviet and Czarist leaders. No amount of Jews on either side had to invent that, it was already there. Not much different from the enmity between Irish and English, Serbs and Croats, Basques and Spanish, Kurds and Turks, Sunnis and Shias, etc.
The meme of “Jews are controlling both sides of the war to make goyim kill each other” is easily refuted.
Times of Israel reports that a Jewish group has helped bury 47 Jews killed in the fighting and that they were providing help to 1200 Jewish soldiers still in the fight:
The Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine said in a statement that it has assisted in the burial of 47 Jewish soldiers fallen in combat since the start of the war. Speaking to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the federation’s chair, Rabbi Mayer Stambler, estimated the number of Ukrainian Jewish soldiers killed in action to be in the hundreds. Stambler said the federation is currently providing holiday meals and other support to 1,200 Jewish soldiers on the front and across Ukraine who have requested it.

An academic study looked at “Jewish identity within the Ukrainian army, providing a detailed exploration of the experiences of soldiers with Jewish backgrounds fighting at the front lines of the Russian-Ukrainian war” proving that Jews are in the fighting.
Times of Israel reported a few Israelis are in the fight:
Videos posted to social media Sunday appeared to show several Israelis who are fighting with Ukrainian forces giving thanks to Israel and the Jewish people for supporting their efforts to repel the Russian invasion.

Many Russians are trying to “discover” Jewish roots so they can emigrate to Israel and avoid conscription.
Tens of thousands of Russians have fled their home country since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, and even more are desperately seeking to flee after Vladimir Putin announced a nationwide military call-up in September. Many of those seeking to leave have scrambled to find any proof of Jewish roots in their family history to be able to flee to Israel
… which led to Putin trying to shut down the Jewish Agency which helps Russian Jews make Aliyah. Thus Putin is indeed forcing Jews to fight in his war too.

TOI reported that an Orthodox Jewish father and son were fighting on the frontlines in Donbass:
The 20-year-old Hasidic Jew and his father, Asher, are among a force of 400 Ukrainian troops poised to try to repel an attack on their eastern Ukraine city, one of several where Russian troops are expected to stage combat in the coming days. The father and son are part of the Territorial Defense Force, the civilian army that Ukrainian leaders hope will help the military push back against what is proving to be a full-scale air and land Russian attack — including, increasingly, on civilian targets. Cherkaskyi says there are at least two other Jews in his battalion — and his Jewish identity, he said, is a non-issue for his fellow fighters.

Here are several other points which undermine the conspiracy meme:
1) No clear Jewish motive; what do Jews as a group gain from the war? not much, if anything; there are Jews who live in both Ukraine and Russia and generally take their respective sides based on nationality; both Russian and Ukrainian Jewish men are liable for conscription. Jews are fighting and dying on the battlefield.
2) Putin is not Jewish and his stated motives for the war are principally geopolitical (stopping Ukraine from furthering its ties with NATO; preventing Ukrainian nationalists from gaining more power; expanding Russia’s power; none of that is Jewish or Israel related).
3) Zelensky is Jewish but he did not start the war; he did not come into power until 2019; the conflict started in 2014 and its president then was non-Jewish Poroshenko; Zelensky (who is a Russian speaker from the East of Ukraine) came to power on a more conciliatory stance towards Russia and it was the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists (not many Jews among them) who influenced him into a harder stance.
4) The main Jewish oligarch that is cited as some kind of proof of “Jewish conspiracy” is Igor Kolomoisky; yet in 2019 Kolomoisky said Ukraine should abandon the West and cut a deal with Russia. Kolomoisky was put under US sanctions by Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin, also Jewish.

5) Zelensky reportedly stripped the passports of Kolomoisky & two other wealthy Ukrainian Jews: Hennadiy Korban and Vadim Rabinovich; Rabinovich was pegged as a “traitor”. These people are clearly not all in cahoots with each other and have personal motives for what they do.

6) Not all Ukrainian Jews have supported the post-Maidan Ukrainian state; Gennadiy Kernes, Jewish former mayor of Kharkiv, opposed Maidan and supported Yanukovich and was sympathetic to Russia; Edward Stawicki, a former Yanukovich minister, fled Ukraine to Israel.

7) The wealth of many of Ukraine’s oligarchs including the Jewish ones has evaporated because of the war; they’ve lost billions as Russian missiles have ripped apart most of the large factories in the East of the country and destroyed critical infrastructure.

8) Most Russian Jews are against the war; a professor estimated that “around a third of Jews living in Russia are currently “actively” expressing their opposition to the war; most “aren’t happy” with the situation, but are too scared to speak out. He estimates that only 10 to 15 percent of Jewish people in Russia support the war”; Moscow’s chief rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt vocally opposed the war and then fled the country.

9) Many Russian oligarchs, some Jews, also opposed the war, such as Mihail Fridman and Petr Aven (both of whom left Russia); Roman Abramovich’s daughter opposed the war on social media, blaming Putin; Abramovich was put under sanctions and was forced to sell the Chelsea football club and donate the proceeds to Ukrainian war victims; exiled oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky opposes Putin & the war as does former chess champion Gary Kasparov; Russian oligarchs are also losing money due to sanctions & having all their assets seized in Western countries; the Rotenberg brothers, Jewish businessmen close to Putin, are still supporting Putin & helping finance private militas participating in the war. All of this shows that Jews are not on any one side here and have different personal loyalties and motives for the positions they take.
10) The US has asked Israel to provide lethal aid to Ukraine but Netanyahu has kept Israel neutral and refused to participate in sanctions against Russia; a report states:
Israel did not impose any financial sanctions on Russia, declined to send weapons to Kyiv despite repeated requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and failed to name Russia when addressing attacks against Ukraine. Israel was unwilling to sever ties with Russia, and even started to adopt a cooperative approach in the second half of 2023 by signing new bilateral agreements in nonsensitive sectors, such as the cultural field

11a) Conspiratards took a Zelensky statement wildly out of its context to suggest he wants to turn Ukraine into Israel. What he actually said was nothing more than him comparing the security situation of Israel and Ukraine:
In comments to local media posted on the president’s official website on Tuesday, Zelenskyy stressed that his vision for Ukraine’s post-conflict future included having armed forces in “all institutions, supermarkets, cinemas, there will be people with weapons”. In Israel, images of armed civilians, settlers and soldiers are commonplace, and the government invokes security frequently.

Much of the meme nonsense about Jews establishing a “second homeland” in Ukraine comes from a satirical article on the Times of Israel website that kooks took literally.

11b) If Jews were all on Ukraine’s side, as the wignats claim, then you’d expect to see Israel leap to their defense but that hasn’t happened.
12) Despite Israel not supporting Ukraine, Russia has bolstered its ties with Israel’s Arab/Muslim enemies because Iran is giving Russia drones to attack Ukraine; during the Israel-Hamas conflict Russia more or less took the side of Hamas as well as hosted a Hamas delegation in Moscow; Putin also moved to shut down a Israel-linked Jewish group in Russia; Putin is being forced to pander to both his Islamic allies like Iran and his increasingly large domestic Muslim population who support Palestine.
13) So if “the Jews” are behind the Ukraine war; then why is the chief protagonist of the war, Vladimir Putin, not Jewish and moving further away from Israel towards Israel’s Muslim foes?
14) The truth is that many of these insane wignats actually support Putin’s war precisely because they see Putin as a non-Jewish independent strong-man; so they push the “Jewish angle” tactically to injure Ukraine and justify Putin’s violence against it. Any inconvenient Jews on the Russian side, like the prime minister Mikhail Mishustin, former Wagner chief Prigozhin or Putin-loyal oligarchs like the Rotenbergs and Viktor Vekselberg, will be ignored. They’re not against wars, they’re only against wars they believe are in the interests of Jews. So in this case, they believe this war is increasing Putin’s power, who they believe to be “their guy”.
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If a tree falls in a forest and no one’s around to hear, does it make a sound? If trolls, bots, Russian wumao, and people whose politics extends no further than fantasizing on the internet without any real-world follow through, if such company whispers obscure theories that gain no traction and which are amplified by no one in credible channels taken seriously by general audiences, does the theory matter? The Jewish monomania can taint one’s readings to be sure. Curiously, in this case, though, I would disagree with the extent to which you minimize their significance.
I would dismiss most of these internet conspiracies as irrelevant, but that doesn’t mean Jews don’t play a role. Personally, I am of the opinion that Jewish finance is playing a role in the Ukrainian conflict, but without doing the research, I can neither confirm nor deny this hunch, and without sufficient comparison to financial figures from other countries, the hunch doesn’t mean much. The hunch is there because Ukraine hosted the Pale of Settlement and was home to some well-known Jewish religious groups for a time; because Ukraine was under Soviet control which had notorious over representation of Jews in government and Party connected positions; because in the post-Soviet era, once privatization was introduced, much of the oligarchic presence was notably Jewish, though less so than in Russia; and because Israel offered itself as a diplomatic intermediary between the two at various points in the current conflict due to Jewish historical ties to both countries positioning it to be a bridge between the two countries, which could be read as its attempt to angle itself to leverage both to its own advantage – I would assume that positioning has since changed as Russia doubled down in its support of Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran in their collective campaign against Israel, which would give Israel every reason to prefer Ukraine, though the EU communists in Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and elsewhere are working over time to make their distaste known. Fascinatingly, the Free Palestine campaign in the EU is never rooted in rhetoric about nationalism, favoring Palestinians’ ethnic self-determination. Instead the narrative is always Communist rhetoric asserting the existence of ethnic nationalism as fascism and thereby calling Israel fascist. This wreaks of Communism, Internationalism, and International Jewry (defined classically as the marriage of the International Capitalist with the International Socialist, acknowledging the Jewish lynchpin combining the two in the Western world – I would argue that spiritually the concept is still extant but has expanded beyond strictly Jewish membership considering the explosion of globalization in the past century).
In any case, a particular point that raised my brows and that, in combination with my previously mentioned hunch and its underpinning reasoning, led me to believe some Jewish influence played a role in the conflict is a development over the past few years regarding capital ownership in the country. Western leaders have influenced or required (I haven’t read enough to know which) Zelensky to make a dramatic shift in land policy. With wheat as a number one export, land was deemed by the State as its primary asset, and accordingly, land sales were tightly regulated and I assume as a legacy of the Soviet era had significant State ownership with foreign ownership strictly forbidden. It is unclear to me if Zelensky’s policy shift to privatize land and to permit foreign sales was a requirement to receive aid or was done under Western advisement or at his administration’s own behest, but it appears in the process that the administration truly is compromising the state’s power over its number one asset and is trading national sovereignty for foreign direct investment by international conglomerates in Western Europe and America. Among those buying out land include internet conspiracists’ favorite luminaries Black Rock and Vanguard, which do have Jewish financial connections in terms of board members but ultimately are mutual funds owned by vast numbers of investors. However, I also read of land buy- outs by some Ukrainian banks, whose ownership fell under Ukrainian Jews. I have read casually, and therefore can’t confirm for sure, that both Ukrainian and Russian Jewish bankers tend to use Cyprus as their version of Cayman Islands to lower taxes and are known to then divert funds to Israel. I haven’t the remotest idea if that’s true but if so, it makes Israel or at the least, the traditional concept of the International Jew financier a common lynchpin between Russia and Ukraine. If this is to be seen as a recurring pattern in merely land sales, I truly wonder what one would see in terms of other essential areas of the economy. Hence my suspicion of the usual suspects.
It is a shame to see the war resulting in this loss of sovereignty by Ukraine in search of development, investment, and financing to last out the war, a war which simply will not end any time soon. Not to say that Ukraine ever had much sovereignty to begin with, but it looks like they’re trading one yolk for another here, and in both instances the result is less than desirable. The Russians are going all in on the Eurasianist rejection of European identity and preference for the multipolar world order, which directly challenges European flesh and blood, but at the end of the day, the EU is doing its own version of this through a policy of dysgenics, via mass migration, feminism, sexual irregularity, secularism, and globalism. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
I’d like to see Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe break off from both sides and create its own union (some have called similarly for a Visegard Group Union), but they lack the resources unfortunately. In my travels, Eastern Europe appears to be the best preserved in terms of demographic continuity, so I am still holding out hope it can become a surprise leader for the future torchbearers of the traditional West. For now, though, that appears unlikely, alas.
In any case, I would like to see you continue your rise in sophistication of assessments. You are wasting your talents on some low grade internet theorists. There is no need to wage rhetorical war on their concepts when no one cares what they think to begin with. I’d far rather see you continue your analysis and be an active networker for quality aspiring activists and aspiring media figures for a parallel media ecosystem that speaks to those with a greater ethnic consciousness and absolute prioritization of Western interests, advancement, and uninterrupted legacy. There is a desperate need for someone to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to connect the quality together. Otherwise any aspirations for a political movement launching from this internet pontificating is non-existent.