Duration: 2h 22min 28sec Topics: I break down the lies and spin of Alex Jones and Syrian Girl about the Islamic terror attack in Russia; as usual both are trying…
Martinez Politix (March 25, 2024) | Putin doubles down on multicult after terror attack
Duration: 2h 47min 25sec Topics: Putin doubles down on multiculturalism after Islamic terror attack; Putin has coddled Islam inside Russia for years and this is the fruits of his globalist…
Martinez Politix (March 22, 2024) | Candace Fired; Attack in Moscow
Duration: 2h 4min 11sec Topics: I cover the Candace Owens firing from Daily Wire; I predicted this on the last stream after watching the rabbi interview; she pushed back too…
Martinez Politix (March 20, 2024) | Candace vs Schizo Rabbi
Duration: 3h 11min 25sec Topics: I comment over parts of the Candace vs Rabbi interview; Owens has some good and bad takes; she is becoming more J aware due to…
Martinez Politix (March 18, 2024) | Canada is lost
Duration: 2h 18min 14sec Topics: Canada has fallen; Trudeau is trying to make it illegal to criticize any minority group with a potential life sentence for “promoting genocide”; the tranny…
Career Con-Man Shylock Parasite (Ryan Weston) Impregnated a Jewish Tranny
One of the sleaziest cockgobblers to ever grace the low-brow “alternative” media internet scene is convicted money launderer Ryan Weston, a rat-faced, fork-tonged court jester who fashions himself a new…
Martinez Politix (March 15, 2024) | Bro Kapner is a Russian agent
Duration: 3h 19min 8sec Topics: I look at Bro Nathanael Kapner; he is a Russian agent working for Putin’s imperialist project; he supports mass murder of White Christians in Ukraine;…
Martinez Politix (March 13, 2024) | Tates arrested again; Belgian nationalist jailed & more
Duration: 1h 26min 57sec Topics: The Tate brothers have been arrested again, this time on a warrant from the UK police; women they roughed up in the past are out…
Martinez Politix (March 11, 2024) | White girl beaten nearly to death; more absurd Russia news & more
Duration: 2h 47min 16sec Topics: A white teen in Missouri beaten nearly to death by enraged black girl; sending White children to predominately black schools is a death sentence; Candace…
Martinez Politix (March 9, 2024) | Cuoma schools Owens on Putin; Green torches Fuentes & more
Duration: 1h 48min 38sec Topics: I look at a clip of Chris Cuomo schooling Candace Owens on Putin; Owens has nothing but whataboutisms & diversions; she can’t address critiques of…
Martinez Politix (March 6, 2024) | Ziggers gonna zig
Duration: 2h 19min 39sec Topics: Alt-media ziggers continue to zig. Shilling for Russian imperialism is the cause celeb of depressed internet retards so this phenomenon is bound to continue; Indian…
Ukrainians Protest Russia in Spain
Duration: 17min 15sec Topics: I spoke with some Ukrainians who were protesting Russia in Spain. Hablé con algunos ucranianos que protestaban contra Rusia en España. TIPS Share this… Twitter Facebook…
Martinez Politix (March 2, 2024) | Piers vs Mearsheimer on Ukraine & Russia
Duration: 2h 2min 50sec Topics: I analyze the Piers vs Mearsheimer debate on Russia/Ukraine. Mearsheimer stuck to his dishonest reading of Putin’s intentions and made it out that only NATO…
Asking Spaniards About Sanchez, Feminism & Immigration: Street Interviews
Duration: 39min 29sec Topic: I went around and interviewed a few Spaniards about Pedro Sanchez’s policies, radical feminism, and immigration. I got the usual feminist and leftist answers with a…
Martinez Politix (Feb. 27, 2024) | Cucker Tarlson is a clown
Duration: 1h 54min 52sec Topics: I break down Tucker Carlson’s latest pro-Russia spin and defense of his atrocious interview with Putin. You need to be logged in to view the…
¡Agricultores y pescadores se rebelan en España!
Duration: 24min 19sec I entered the latest farmers protest in Madrid and spoke with a few attendees. Their primary complaint seems to be regulations related to the climate change Agenda…
Aventuras en España (Parte 1)
Duration: 13min 50sec I take a stroll through Madrid. The city is not packed with foreigners like London or Paris, but there is a noticeable amount of foreign faces, especially…
Martinez Politix (Feb. 23, 2024) | On the Road
Duration: 1h 38min 15sec Topics: Kissin refutes Tucker Carlson’s cringe Russia videos; turns out even his “cheaper groceries” bit is wrong; due to Russians’low salaries they spend way more of…
Support for IRL Content Creation
For 2024, I plan to make more IRL type content but I need your help. To do that sort of thing, expenses would drastically increase and it would be impossible…
España en revuelta: miles de agricultores de toda España protestan contra las restricciones globalistas
NUEVO REPORTE Los agricultores españoles se rebelan en España. Miles de personas están apareciendo en todo el país para protestar contra las regulaciones globalistas sobre el sector agrícola. Sin agricultores…