Jordan Peterson vs. Faith Goldy Cuckfest

The Canadian right is so hopelessly cucked that even Zionist attention whore Faith Goldy is “too hot to handle” for Canadian supercucks like Jordan Peterson.

Peterson and other weak cuckservatives and classical liberals put on some hoaky “free speech” event recently, but disinvited Faith Goldy because of her association with the alt-right. Peterson’s individualist creed prevents him from recognizing group traits and differences, but he somehow manages to put that aside when praising the Jews as “more intelligent” than the average population and thus collectively deserving of disproportionate power.

As I’ve highlighted before, Goldy is a no good Zionist infiltrator who spent her entire media career shilling for Jewish causes. She gobbled up those shekels in exchange for slapping a fake tan and pair of shiksa tits on Zionist ideology. She’s operated as the sexed up, slutty sugar tits used by Canadian Zionists to hoodwink young white men into supporting Israel and Jewish supremacy.

That she is too controversial for these Canadian cucks is laughable.

Goldy should be quarantined in the no-man’s land between the alt-light and alt-right. Unfortunately, she’s being given a platform by the female “tradthots” in the alt-right (Lauren Southern, Tara McCarthy, Brittany Pettibone, etc.) who never pass up a chance to promote their own sex into more prominent positions.

This problem of fame-hungry women hijacking the alt-right persists. Notice how they all cling together and cross-promote each other on their clickbait YouTube channels? It’s not surprising to see this female empowerment phenomenon within the alt-right as these women try to take charge of it and steer it into gynocentrism. They pretend to care about men and men’s issues, yet ultimately seek to dominate over men in the movement and have weak, pussified beta orbiters compliment their highly superficial looks.

Faith Goldy seems to have more make-up on in each subsequent interview; her spray tan darker every time. Is this who we want representing “nationalism” in the West? An Israel-worshipping Christian Zionist who served as Ezra Levant’s bootlicking shiksa stooge? She’s never denounced her Zio-worshipping past, continues to defend and promote Israel as our friend, and says nothing that we don’t already know.

We need to dump these cucks like a sack of rotten potatoes!

21 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson vs. Faith Goldy Cuckfest

  1. This isn’t some sort of collusion to help give Faith Goldy ‘street creds’ as a seriously edgy reporter? I can’t believe anyone even cares. Misses the point by a mile, and maybe that is the point. These Canadians are such milktoasts, they consider this skeptical? Yawns.

    Well, maybe these Tradhots have done their homework : apparently there is a sizable market for their product. All very cynical, very rational. Get the enemy fapping into submission. Trivialize the hell out of it, repackage it as entertainment and sell it. Good thing there are no Jews in the movement, they would be the first ones to think of something like that and take the money for themselves.

  2. Mr. Martinez, I’m no fan of these women either, for various reasons, but from your latest posts, it sounds like you are going the way of the MGTOW cult. Is there any truth to this?

    1. So if you’re no fan of these women then why are you insinuating in a negative manner that I’m part of the “MGTOW cult”? What critiques of these women that I’ve made do you disagree with?

      1. Oye, Cabron, tranquilo, mi amigo. Relax, man, it’s possible to not be a fan of these girls, but think your language sounds MGTOWy. There’s no fallacy there. I don’t disagree with everything the MGTOW movement stands for, by the way.

        Hey, how much Spanish do you speak. You said you speak it pretty well. If you’d like, podemos hablar en espanol. Te gustaria?

        1. Well if my arguments sound MGTWOy that’s probably because MGTOW are correct about many things. Some in that fold may take it a bit too far, but they’re generally correct about the nature of women and the rotten feminist system in the West. I see too many guys being total slavish cucks in order to keep their girlfriends happy, literally willing to suffer constant emotional attacks and outbursts just to get in that hole once in awhile.

          Si, puedo hablar Espanol bastante bien. De donde eres? Si eres un fan de J Balvin supongo que eres de Colombia?

          1. Estoy de acuerdo sobre hombres y sus mujeres hoy. Estos dias, matrimonio, por lo menos en Los Estados Unidos Y Canada es muy peligroso por los hombres para muchas razones. Pero, yo sinceramente todavia creo que hay algunas buenas mujeres. Por eso no puedo juntar la comunidad de MGTOW. Sin Embargo, en mi opinion, matrimonio a cualquiera mujer es peligroso estos dias en el oeste.

            Si, soy un aficionado de J Balvin y reggaeton….pero no soy de Colombia. Soy un gringo de Los Estados Unidos, pero me encanta el idioma de Espanol y hablar Espanol.

            1. The MGTOW philosophy doesn’t deny that there are honorable and cool women out there, man. There is indeed a faction of MGTOW who will say all women are the same and all women are cunts, sluts, etc., but they are definitely the minority. Every group in existence has extremists. I mean there are people who are on to the gay agenda and aren’t a fan of gays and/but they’re also very extreme and they’ll say all gays are pedophiles, trash, sub-humans, etc. It’s true that gays are pedophiles at significantly higher rates than heterosexuals, but all gays pedophiles? Let’s just say that would be impossible to prove because it isn’t true. Of course there are also people on the other side of the spectrum who think ‘homophobes’ are the scum of the earth.

              What people with cognitive dissonance often love to do is put words in other people’s mouths. So when I was adminning the Boycott American Women page, there’d be American women who heard next to nothing in their lives other than the typical spiel about how ‘special’, ‘precious’, and ‘benefical’ women are and about the so-called “war on women”, and they absolutely couldn’t fathom that I was targeting AMERICAN WOMEN. Even some Westernized foreign women would attack me for it. They’d say things like, you just hate all women. I would say, no dumb cunts, I don’t like American women and I also don’t like Westernized/feminized/Judaized women because the problem isn’t merely with American women but America does happen to be one of the places where their syndrome is most pronounced. If you could combine all the traits and characteristics of American women into one woman, the product would be inferior to the average combined non-Westernized woman. This is obviously a generalization and there are exceptions to every rule, but this doesn’t mean the average American woman leaves a whole, whole lot to be desired. I also noticed the foreign Westernized women who’d attack me did so because they harbored many of the same views as the typical Ameriskank and they’d tell me the same dumb shit and they’d try to use the same shaming tactics.

              No, MGTOW doesn’t mean a dude doesn’t date or have kids. What it *does* mean though is that the dude avoids marriage in the West and he’s well aware of the pervasive misandry and gynocentrism in society while also being in tune to female nature (female nature is much different than the idea that women are “sugar and spice and everything nice”). This means a myriad of things like these men are very cautious when it comes to cohabiting with women because the laws are such that a female can make any claim against you and you’re guilty until proven innocent; they don’t want female bosses and female coworkers as a general rule; they like having their own male spaces even though according to the Marxist narrative, men forming their own group/s is “oppressive” and “dangerous”; they know men and women are different mentally and physically, etc.

              The detractors of the movement who have no idea WTF they’re talking about (a problem that is massively ubiquitous in society today), especially a lot of tradcons love jumping to false conclusions they made up in their own silly imaginations about MGTOW like those I’ve mentioned, and some even call it a “Jewish movement”, or a “cult”. A cult implies the people belonging to any particular movement/ideology can’t think for themselves and fact-check for themselves, like any hardcore Marxist lemming, or for this occasion, the white knight and mangina CULTS. This is not the case with MGTOW.

            2. Entonces, no estamos en desacuerdo sobre nada. Como decía, hay algunas personas en MGTOW que creen todas mujeres son malas, pero no es su creencia oficial, que yo sepa.

              Un hombre necesita una mujer en su vida para ser contento, pero en estos días hay que aguantar con tantas tonterías con estas mujeres para mantenerlas felices, y por supuesto matrimonio es un peligro solamente para los hombres.

    2. “MGTOW cult”

      I was MGTOW before it had a name.

      I can’t help it if so many others decided I was right and organized it in to a cult and began to pass around a collection plate and hold conferences.

      For me MGTOW was not about thinking all women are bad, it’s about recognizing that thanks to communist feminazism all women have too much power. I’ve seen enough Star Trek episodes to know what happens to people that get too much power.

      “Where No Man Has Gone Before”
      “Charlie X”
      “Dagger of the Mind”
      “The Conscience of the King”
      “The Squire of Gothos”
      And don’t forget computers and androids are not immune to megalomania:
      “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”
      “The Ultimate Computer”
      “The Return of the Archons.”

      So, I just happen to believe that women are exactly like people and machines, when they get too much power they lose their marbles and go off the deep end and become dangerous and destructive.

  3. As long as she’s friendly towards the alt-right, who cares? She doesn’t need to devote herself to denouncing the Jewish supremacist agenda as long as she’s no longer promoting it. Attacking her for not being hostile enough towards Ezra Levant or other Jewish supremacists is no better than übercuck Peterson attacking her for “not sufficiently denouncing” the alt-right.

    1. The alt-right doesn’t need her and her fake tan. Shady pro-Jewish individuals, especially women, should not be promoted as leading voices for nationalism, unless we want it to fail and get coopted by the Jews. Don’t be a cuck for the fake tan.

      1. There’s been an influx of shady characters into this revamped “New Right”, many from lefty-radical backgrounds, Alex Jones kooks, random pretty girls, etc. They had to draw new blood as the old Boomer appeal isn’t that effective anymore. But they’re all *National Review for Kids* – classical liberals of the internet age, AKA part of the problem. Classical liberalism won’t complain when production is heavily automatized, and governments resort to UBI schemes to keep the peasants calm (the plan all along). After all, technology is progress, scientific advancement is sacred, etc. – those who can’t adapt should, well, make way (eugenics lives on).

      2. You seem to have the proper focus. That is right Brandon Martinez. However, women do have their uses.

  4. Just two things. People who call those they disagree with cucks sound like unintelligent 12 year old internet trolls, and I think we all know why, its because they are. Which means their words deserve no consideration and have no real value. Not to mention that your ability to use logic and reason is atrocious. But I’ll just put that aside for a moment so I can mention this.

    Ashkenazi Jews, as in ethnic Jews, the original Jewish genetic line, not the religious group – the Ashkenazi Jews have consistently scored 15-18 points higher on average over an 80ish year long sample size on IQ tests. Its not an opinion of Peterson’s or anyone else’s, its a simple fact that has been validated and verified at this point MILLIONS of times now – on average, Ethnic Jews score considerably higher on IQ tests, and on MODERN IQ tests which have all been corrected for culture and race and socioeconomic bias (and no, the Jews aren’t making the tests so they’ll do better on them).

    IQ is the best way we have discovered to measure functional intelligence as well as potential for success in the professional world – and Ashkenazi Jews simply score higher than any other ethnic group on them. And since IQ is a VERY reliable indicator of long term professional success, yes, it would make sense that Jews are more successful in business in a general sense than other ethnic group. They are capable of more competence, thus rise higher and control more of the economic hierarchies they exist in.

    This is NOT complicated and its not fabricated. Its simple science and reason. If I’m smarter than you, I likely do better in life, not always, but usually. If a Jew is smarter than you, why would the same not stand to reason? Because you’re threatened by them or jealous or because you’re antisemitic? Guess what, that doesn’t change the facts, the universe doesn’t care about you or your beliefs. The fact is – Jews have a higher IQ, as a whole, than any other ethnic group. I’m not a Jew, I’m not insulted or threatened by it, good for them. Why would an objective fact bother you anyway? Do you have a problem with the truth?

    How about this – people who are predominately African in their ethnicity score on average 10 – 15 points LOWER than European lineage test takers, which means they score near 30 points lower on average than Jews do on IQ tests. Are you bothered by that fact? Do you want to discredit it or are you emotionally affected by it? I bet ya aren’t. . .are ya? If anything, I bet it makes you feel superior, and that’s exactly why people like you are antisemitic. You feel inferior to Jews, solely based on a difference in financial proclivity, so you convince yourself that THEY are in fact inferior to you as a defense mechanism. You feel like you are the Jews negro as you see how the negro relates to you (and I use the term negro not as my preference, but to illustrate how judgmental cowards view blacks).

    Its a consistent bias observed in psychological testing of individuals with antisemitic beliefs – they hate all groups with whom they are not associated with – women, minorities, gays, etc, etc, – but they hate Jews far more than any other ethnicity or ANY group different than themselves – and its because no other group is more threatening and intimidating to them. You can use societal methods and all kinds of reasonable as well as underhanded tools to get an advantage on others in virtually any way. But you can never make your IQ go up, and aside from causing physical trauma to the brain, you can never really make it go down, it will decline with age but the decline is consistent across all people. So there’s NOTHING you can do about Jews being more intelligent, other than malign the entire ethnicity or try to exterminate them.

    So maybe, you should just stop being a frightened, cowardly, easily intimidated pussy by someone who’s smarter than you are. I can tell you from 1st hand experience, embracing the things you fear only makes you stronger, it makes you fear less, and it makes you more willing to face fear when you do experience it. Its what makes a man a man. Cowards who run from fear or try to destroy the things that cause it are never men, they’re children, always scared of the monster in the dark and the boogeyman and goddamn near everything in the world external to themselves. Grow up, quit being a little faggot bitch. If a little short guy with a big nose and some funny sideburns and bad sinuses really scares you enough to deny objective reality then maybe you need to fuckin change. Or maybe you should just die. I dunno, its not for me to decide. But its something you should really think about. Because you sound fucking pathetic.

    Master race huh? Superior nationality eh? Lol. You’re all just another meaningless, valueless speck of nothing in the annuls of time, just like the rest of us, stop thinking you’re so fuckin special, because you aren’t, if anything, you are the nigger of the universe, the fetid excrement of humanity, and until you grow up and learn to act differently, the rest of us will continue to treat you as such. You deserve nothing that you aren’t willing to offer others, and that is exactly what you will find in this life. Nothing but pain, suffering, and negativity – because its all you bring to the table.

    So have fun at your cute little tiki torch parties, crying about how the evil Jew and the lowly negro are destroying “your” country while you sit and do nothing about it but bitch and moan. . .like a whiny Jew. Oh goddamn the irony of you people is just too much. Lol. You are the worst fuckin bad joke nature has ever created. I’ve never really been much of a sadist but man I love watching you people suffer. Watching Karma in action is a beautiful thing. And when you reincarnate as a starving African child or a public louse clung to the unwashed and never once groomed bush of a 70 year old Hasidim – well – you’ll know why. Lol.

    1. Jewish success and overrepresentation in power circles is owed to a combination of high IQ and intense tribal nepotism.

      As for the Ashkenazi IQ 15 points ahead of whites claim, I believe that has been refuted:

      Ashekanzi Jews are no smarter than white Gentiles, so that alone does not explain their vast overrepresentation in powerful institutions. Nepotism explains it better, especially considering that East Asians have very high average IQs, higher than whites on average, but do not have a similar overrepresentation in power in Anglo or European countries.

      It’s well known the Jewish religion teaches that it’s okay to engage in unethical business practices to acquire wealth from non-Jews. They live by a very different morality than white Christians have lived by historically. Jews live by a tribal particularist moral code where “what’s good for the Jews is good, what’s bad for the Jews is bad.”

    2. Out of all the races in the world the Jews are by far the most jealous. So jealous that they are currently trying to exterminate white people through mass migration which was planned out by Richard Kalergi and financed by Baron Rothschild. They use the media and schools to divide and conquer by instilling a Marxist/Leninist mentality. I suggest you read The Culture of Critique, look at videos by Barbara Lerner Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, Nick Griffin blasts EU and lastly watch videos by Ernst Zundel and William L. Pierce.

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